Summarium Post promulgationem Motus Proorii PP. Pauli VI. -Causas matrimoniales-, casus excepti in c. 1990 amplificati sunt ad novos casus speciales normarum X et XI Motus proprii. Manet tamen in substantia modus procedendi et requisita activltatis. Ut processale praesuppositum, documentum certum et authenticum nullae cantradictioni nec exceptioni subiectum adhuc requiritur. In prima parte studii, processalis eminet natura huius activitatis partium ante Ordlnarium ut iudicem actuantemet seiungitur a qualibet activitate quae aliquo modo sit administrativa. In secunda yero parte conspicitur specialis et sumaria natura hulus processus, intra categorias generales ordlnantes diversos processus quos doctrina processalis distinguit. In tertia ampliori parte studii, examinatur paulatim probatio de documentis; primo ut ab aliis viis probationis distinguatur quae, etsi proponantur ut probatio documenta lis, proprie non sunt tales, etenim hic processus discedendus est necessario ex probatione praeconstituta naturae documentalis et repraesentativae apitis nullitatls alegati; secundo ut attingatur notio lata et communis documenti certi authenticique, quod et documentum publicum et privatum amplectetur, et seiungatur a documentis hulus clasificationis codicialis, quod simul exigit accuratum analysim notionum genuinitatis et authenticitatis; tertio, concluditur tudio atque amplitudlne exigentiae defectos contradictionis vel exceptionis relatae ad documentum certum authenticumque, et designatur ei diversam amplitudinem in processus initio et in decisiane assumenda ah Ordinario; in hac secunda suppositione semper exhibebitur ut exceptio delatoria et processalis, quomodocumque sit causa contradictionis vel exceptionis alegatae.-------------------------------- Abstract Since the promulgation of Pope Paul Vl's Motu proprio .Causas matrimoniales- , the exceptual cases of can. 1990 have been enlarged to the new, special cases of norms 10 and 11 of the M. P. Nevertheless, themockls procedendi and the requisites of the activity have • remained esentially unchanged. It is stlll required. as procedural presupposition, one certain authentic instrument which is not subject to any contradiction or exception. In the first part of this article special attention is given to the procedural nature of the activity realizad by the interested parties befo re the Ordinary acting as judge; distinguishing it from all types of administrative actlons. In the second part the special summary cha'racter of this process is underlined; situating it within the gamut of procedural categories. The third and most extensive part of the paper carefully studies documental proof: in the first place, in order to distinguish it from all other types af Prof. which, even though they be presented as documental proof, are not actually such, since this process must be initiated with a preconstituted documental Prof. (and this proof must be representative of the allegad caput nullitatis;) secondly, 'in order to establish a common and broad concept of the «certalnand authenticinstrument (a concept broad enough to inelude both public and private instruments). The author distinguishes this notion from the codicial classiflcation (public and privateinstruments) by means of a detailed analysis of the concepts genuinenessand authenticity. Finally, the author studies the need for consistency in the «certain and authentic- instrument, pointing out the difference of this necessity at the Initiation of the proceedlngs from its importance at the moment when the Ordinary must make a declsion. In the second case, the exception will always be presented as a procedural, dilatory exception whatever the allegad motive contradiction or exception should be.