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187 results

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1. The visibility of the financial scandal of ‘Panama Papers’ on Twitter: the case of Sebastián Piñera in Chile

2. A construção discursiva do futuro do trabalho: análise crítica de white papers e relatórios prospectivos

3. La disputa por la radio. Gobierno, gremios y espectáculo en los inicios del peronismo (1943-1946)

4. Photography, record without document

5. Under Siege: The Rise of Right-Wing Populism or has the Demos Become Crazy?

6. Analysis of the editing, the post-production and the graphic design in the opening of the television serie ‘Narcos’ (Netflix): proposal for film microanalysis for an opening sequence for television

7. The media and their relationship between social movements for peace in Mexico (2011-2013)

8. Digital Ocean: marine imaginary, technology and identity in Vilém Flusser

9. Discursos polémicos sobre el derecho a la identidad de género en menores de edad: análisis de los debates parlamentarios de la Ley de Identidad de Género (Argentina, 2011)

10. Migración y TIC: identidades andinas en Facebook

11. Feminismo, maternidade e mídia – relações historicamente estreitas em revisão

12. (O que) pode a curadoria inventar?

13. Agenciamentos semióticos em ambientes de streaming de músicas online: mente, aprendizado e continuidade

14. The balcony is the world: Vilém Flusser and the comprehensive thought

15. Subjective experience and historical experience in the diaries of David Perlov

16. The cycling subject on the bicicle: considerations on the bike-ativism discourse in the São Paulo of cars

17. The photography’s mise-en-film in three Brazilian documentaries

18. La decisión está: la seguridad vuelve. El rol de las fuerzas de seguridad en la comunicación del Programa Barrios Seguros

19. (What can) curatorial work create?

20. Sacar selfies: una práctica semiótica central del ´show del yo´

21. Producción y reconocimiento de Sentidos sobre Consumo Problemático de Sustancias : análisis de Propagandas post Ley Nacional de Salud Mental

22. Solidão e cultura digital: Estrutura do sentimento e tecnologias em comunicação

23. Entre la memoria y el olvido 1964-2014 : el golpe de Estado ayer y hoy en Brasil

24. Enunciación y humor en las redes (o cómo estudiar memes sin perder el chiste)

25. O design contemporâneo: as premissas epistemológicas acerca do agora

26. Vítimas do bisturi. Mídia, gênero e a ponta afiada da biopolítica

27. Notas sobre la comunicación táctil y el estudio de los medios hápticos

28. Aplicaciones móviles y reconfiguración de campo en noticias de televisión

29. Lo visual en la investigación sobre medios y migraciones

30. Cosas que anudan a las parejas : análisis de historias de amor gay en producción cultural argentina contemporánea

31. Los deportistas de élite como embajadores de marca en Chile : análisis de la estrategia de comunicación en redes sociales de las nuevas generaciones en deportes minoritarios

32. 'Nightmare is over': Trauma and Agency in the Remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street

33. Radio Theatre in Italy. Storytelling between Public Service Broadcasting and New Digital Spaces

34. Voices snd Dramatization of Claiming: an Experience in a Rural Community in Ecuador

35. Juego, arte : tensiones en los pasajes del videojuego al museo

36. Primeros discursos sobre los obreros de Zanon : el caso del diario Río Negro

37. Trends in the international news coverage on Latin America in Germany in the 21st century

38. Geophysical media affordances: art and deep time

39. Retrieving the object: found footage volumetric extrapolations

40. Following the steps of Verón... an approach to the new conditions of circulation of meaning in the contemporary era

41. Twitter as a tool of unofficial negative campaign: an analysis of the 2016 mayoral election campaign in Rio de Janeiro

42. From signal to signification: lessons from Gilbert Simondon’s course on communication

43. Discursive classification of comments on Facebook from the political attitude: a review of responses to outsider politicians

44. Digital Traces in the Circulation of Meanings: denaturalization and contextualization of data in communication research

45. Convergent Televisual Analysis: a methodological procedure for the critical reading of the communicative processes of TV News and television programs.

46. The ICT resemantization of the humanist culture

47. Press photography. From simulation to post-truth in the digital era

48. Youtubers, ethical possible worlds

49. Inclusive contexts: the recognition of sign language as a right of people with functional diversity

50. Bipartidism and pluridemocracy in spain: the construction of the Spanish socio-political context according to de CIS (2011-2016)