9 results on '"treniranje"'
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2. Vrednote smučarjev skakalcev.
- Author
Umer, Romina, Ulaga, Maja, and Jošt, Bojan
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Jošt, Bojan
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
4. Analiza protinapada v rokometu in metodika treniranja
- Author
Rupert, Sebastjan and Šibila, Marko
- Subjects
treniranje ,analiza ,training ,taktika ,tactics ,rokomet ,methodology ,analyisis ,technique ,protinapad ,metodika ,tehnika ,counterattack ,handball - Abstract
Protinapad je pomemben del rokometne igre, pri katerem se uporabljajo vsi elementi, tako tehnični kot taktični. S protinapadi se igra sodobna hitra igra rokometa in zato število zadetkov na tekmah narašča. Učinkovitost je v protinapadu večja kot v igri na postavljeno obrambo. Protinapad se lahko izvede takoj, ko ekipa pridobi žogo v svojo posest in prenese žogo na nasprotnikovo polovico. Poznamo več učinkovitih oblik izvedbe protinapada, zato je potrebna dobra analiza lastnih igralcev in temu primerna izbira protinapada. Protinapad treniramo postopoma z osnovnimi elementi igre v individulani obliki in šele nato v paru in skupini. Za dobro nadaljne delo je potrebno obvladovanje igre na takem nivoju, da lahko izvajamo gibanja v visoki hitrosti. Taktično lahko protinapad izvedemo na več načinov, predvsem pa tako, da otežimo delo nasprotni ekipi, ki se še ni postavila v obrambo. Za dobro izpeljavo pa morajo biti vsi igralci seznanjeni z njihovo nalogo v napadu in s postavljanjem v prehodu v napad ter s kombinatoriko na nasprotnikovi polovici. V nalogi bom predstavil posamezen protinapad in metodiko postopnega treniranja protinapada. Tako se lahko starejši in mlajši igralci postopoma in lažje naučijo ta del. A counterattack is an important part of handball game, where both, the technical and the tactical elements are used. By counterattack modern and quick handball is played and therefore the number of goals at matches is increasing. The effectiveness in the counterattack is better than in the game played against the set defensive formation. The counter attack is executed right after the team gets the ball in its possession and passes it to the opponent´s half of the court. We know many effective ways of executing the counterattack, thus a thorough analysis of the players is needed to choose the appropriate counterattack. We train the counterattack gradually through the basics elements of the game, first individually and then in a pai or in a group. To achieve quality future work, it is necessary to master the game at the level where the movements are done at high speed. The counterattack can be tactically executed in many ways, mainly to make the work of the opponent team, who has not form the defence yet, more difficult. To execute it well, all the players need to know their tasks in the attack, their positions in switching to attack and the combinations at the opponent´s half. In the thesis I will present the individual counterattack and the methodology of gradually training it. The young and the more mature players learn its accurate execution step by step.
- Published
- 2017
5. Analysis of the impact of training martial arts in relation to violent behavior
- Author
Rovšnik, Mitja and Lobnikar, Branko
- Subjects
treniranje ,violence ,diplomske naloge ,agresivnost ,aggression ,borilne veščine ,nasilno vedenje ,judo ,MMA ,udc:796.8+316.613.434(043.2) ,Martial Arts - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je analizirati vprašanje, ali sta nasilje in agresivnost povezana s treniranjem borilnih veščin, in sicer z judom in mešanimi borilnimi veščinami (MMA). V delu smo predstavili tradicionalno borilno veščino JUDO in mešane borilne veščine (MMA) vse od nastanka, začetkov v Sloveniji, športnih pravil, do tehnike in tekmovanj. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela smo skušali povezati koncept agresivnosti in nasilja z omenjenima borilnima veščinama. Sprva smo definirali nasilje, iskali vzroke zanj in navedli nekaj vrst nasilja. Preverjali smo, ali je agresivnost v borilnih športih dobra in kako jo obvladati. Namen treniranja teh dveh borilnih veščin vsekakor ni spodbujanje agresivnosti in nasilja, temveč krepiti telo in duha ter ne nazadnje nadzor čustev in gradnja samozavesti. Nekaj besed smo namenili poškodbam v borilnih športih in nasprotnikom borilnih veščin ter predstavili različne poglede avtorjev o prednostih borilnih veščin in pozitivnih vplivih borilnih veščin na agresivno vedenje. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo vprašalnikov, razdeljenih med udeležence vadbe juda, MMA in študentov Fakultete za varnostne vede, preverjali tri hipoteze. Ugotovili smo, da so udeleženci vadbe borilnih veščin večinoma neagresivne osebe, ki niso naklonjene nasilju v družbi. Za omenjena športa je potrebna popolna zbranost, volja in poslušnost, kar pa vsekakor ni vrlina agresivnežev in nasilnežev. Vedno bodo obstajali posamezniki, pri katerih bosta izstopala agresija in nasilje. Borilne veščine tega ne spodbujajo, temveč pomagajo posamezniku, da agresivnost premaga tako, da se jo nauči kontrolirati in nadzorovati. The whole purpose of this thesis is to confirm or disprove the thesis that violence and aggression are associated with martial arts. In our case, judo and mixed martial arts (MMA). In this thesis will be closely presented the traditional martial art Judo and mixed martial arts (MMA) since its creation, beginnings in Slovenia, sporting rules, techniques and competitions. In the continuation of the thesis we have tried to connect the concept of aggression and violence with this two martial arts. Initially, we define violence, searching for causes and indicated some types of violence. We examined whether the aggression in martial arts is good and how to tackle it. The purpose of the training of these two martial arts is definitely not encourage aggressiveness and violence, but to strengthen the mind and body, and, finally, control of emotions and building self-confidence. A few words are devoted to injuries in martial arts and martial arts opponents, presented some different views of some authors of the advantages and positive effects of martial arts to aggressive behavior. In the empirical part, we are using questionnaires, distributed to participants in sports of Judo, MMA and students of Faculty of Criminal Justice and security, to shed light on all three hypotheses which we have set ourselves. We found that the participants of martial arts are mostly non-aggressive people who are not inclined to violence in society. These two sports require full concentration, will and obedience, which is obviously not a virtue of aggressive people and bullies. Always there will be individuals for which will stand out aggression and violence. Martial arts do not encourage, but help individuals to overcome aggression, so that they can learn to control and monitor it.
- Published
- 2017
6. Osnove metodike za razvoj ravnotežja smučarjev skakalcev
- Author
Deterding, Kristjan and Jošt, Bojan
- Subjects
metode ,treniranje ,udc:796.922/.925 ,gibalne sposobnosti ,skoki ,nordijsko smučanje ,ravnotežje - Published
- 2014
7. Tek z največjo hitrostjo po različnih nakloninah
- Author
Horvat, Urška and Čoh, Milan
- Subjects
šprint ,treniranje ,tek ,atletika ,naklonine ,udc:796.421/.422 ,Opto jump - Published
- 2014
8. Psihološka priprava v surfanju
- Author
Škerlj, Vogelnik Javor and Tušak, Matej
- Subjects
treniranje ,surfanje ,poškodbe ,tekmovanje ,vizualizacija ,dihalne tehnike ,psihologija ,udc:797.176 ,kondicija - Published
- 2014
- Author
Perčič, Polona and Novak, Vesna
- Subjects
komunikacija ,treniranje ,annual interview between the head and employee ,Human resource ,coaching ,motivation ,communication ,letni razgovori med vodjo in podrejenim ,motivacija ,Človeški viri - Abstract
Upravljanje s človeškimi viri zajema širok in učinkovit sistem ravnanja z ljudmi pri delu, nove stile vodenja in razumevanja psihologije človeka. Zaposleni so pri delu uspešni le, če vedo, katere so zahteve organizacije, oz. kaj se od njih pričakuje. V organizacijah, kjer managerji poskušajo doseči lastne cilje na račun zaposlenih, se v ljudeh razvija zgolj sposobnost, da ustrežejo drugim. Zaposlenim je potrebno omogočiti več, da razvijajo željo po proizvajanju, doseganju in odlikovanju. Le v tem primeru je mogoče ustvariti dobičke, doseči produktivnost, rast in pozitivno spremembo. Zaradi navedenega sem v nalogi namenila poudarek novim stilov vodenja kjer je pomembno znanje motivacije, komunikacije, letnih razgovorov, coachinga, kariernega razvoja, nagrajevanja, ugotavljanja veščin in kompetenc zaposlenih. Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih pri delu se odraža ravno preko naštetih znanj, ki jih uporabljajo managerji pri dobrem upravljanju s človeškimi viri. V organizacijah je zato priporočljivo letno merjenje zadovoljstva oz. klime kjer se lahko preko anket in analiz odkrijejo morebitne pomanjkljivosti, ki lahko služijo nenehnim izboljšavam. Z diplomskim delom smo želeli bolje spoznati odnose med vodji in zaposlenimi v podjetju CM Celje, d.d. in ugotoviti določene probleme, ki jim v podjetju posvečajo premalo pozornosti. Podali smo predloge za učinkovitejše upravljanje s človeškimi viri, kot je vpeljava letnih razgovorov na vseh ravneh (oddelkih, enotah) družbe. Human Resource Management is consisted from wide and effective handeling with people, new of ways leadership styles and understanding psichology of a human. Employees are succesfull and happy only if they now which are requirements of a organization, and what is expected from them. In those organizations where managers are trying to achieve their own goals, employees are developing only ability to please others. We have to be able to give more to our employees . They need to develop a desire to produce, reach and take a credit for successfull things. Only in those cases it is possible to make profits, reach productivity, growth and positive changes. Because of all those things we dedicated special attention to new styles of leadership, where it is important to have knowledge from motivation, communication, regular annual talks, coaching, career developement, rewarding, finding skills and competencies of employees. Satisfaction with work shows through many skills and knowledge which are used by managers in human resource management. In organizations it is highly recommended to make annual measurements of satisfaction or organizational climate, where through polls and analysis drawbacks can be discovered, which are useful in continuous improvements. We asked ourself two basic questions, to know better relations between leaders and employees in choosen company, and to warn at problems, which company doesn't pay enough attention. We have given a few proposals for more efficient human resource management, like annual interviews on every level (departments, units) of a company.
- Published
- 2009
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