1. Organization of logistics in trade Jagros d.o.o
- Author
Kamenšek, Monika and Gajšek, Brigita
- Subjects
trgovsko podjetje ,učinkovitost dela ,notranja logistika ,zadovoljstvo strank ,intralogistics ,informacijska podpora ,IT support ,work efficiency ,trading company ,customer safisfaction - Abstract
V diplomskem delu je predstavljen problem pomanjkanja časa zaposlene v trgovskem podjetju Jagros d. o. o, poslovna enota Majšperk. Prikazan je čas zaposlene, ki ga porabi za določeno aktivnost. V omenjeni trgovini se ukvarjajo z ogromno težavami, ki so podrobneje opisane v diplomskem delu. Težave nastanejo že pri naročanju blaga, dostavi, pomanjkanju prostora v skladišču. Največja težava je ravno nalaganje blaga na police, saj zaposlena dnevno za to aktivnost porabi več kot polovico delovnega časa in ji za delo s strankami ostane dokaj malo časa oz. manj, kot si želimo. S pomočjo analize delovnih dni nam je uspelo najti rešitve in jih podrobneje opisati. Ob izpostavitvi težav smo prišli do rešitev, ki bi zaposleni omogočili več časa in lažje poslovanje. Prikazali smo rešitve, kot so povečanje skladiščnega prostora, manjša popravila po trgovini, uvedba novega programa in večji pregled nad skladiščem. S tem bi omogočili dvig zadovoljstva strank, ki prihajajo v trgovino. The diploma thesis discusses the issue involving a female employee at the Jagros d.o.o. commercial enterprise, the Majšperk business unit, who is faced with constant lack of time. The thesis presents how much time the employee spends carrying out specific activities. The above-referenced shop deals with numerous problems, which are also described in detail. In addition to problems emerging already at the stage of ordering and delivering goods, the storage facility is unable to accommodate the ordered quantities. The greatest problem lies in the arranging of the goods on the shelves as the employee spends over half of her working time performing this activity. As a result, she has relatively little time to handle customers, i.e. she has less time for them than one would like. We therefore analysed working days and came up with certain solutions, which we described in detail. By highlighting the problems, we arrived at solutions that would provide the employee with more time and facilitate her work. We presented solutions which involve extending the storage space, doing minor repairs throughout the shop, introducing a new software and ensuring a better overview of the storage. These measures would also raise the level of customer satisfaction.
- Published
- 2017