- Author
Lašič, Špela and Nedelko, Zlatko
- Subjects
proces nabave ,izboljšanje procesa ,storitveno podjetje ,process improvement ,service company ,udc:658.7 ,renewal processes ,prenova procesov ,business processes ,procurement process ,poslovni procesi - Abstract
Diplomski projekt je sestavljen iz dveh delov. V prvem, teoretičnem delu, je obravnavana opredelitev poslovnih procesov. Opisali smo vrste poslovnih procesov ter najpomembnejše lastnosti njihove prenove. V okviru procesne obravnave smo podrobneje opredelili proces nabave, ki predstavlja osrednje področje obravnavane naloge. Ravno tako smo opredelili temeljne naloge nabave, potek tipičnega procesa nabave, načrtovanje in vrste nabave. V empiričnem delu najprej podajamo opis izbranega storitvenega podjetja, v katerem smo izboljševali proces nabave. Na podlagi pridobljenih informacij smo zarisali trenutni potek procesa nabave in podali njegovo kritično analizo. Nato smo podali dve rešitvi, ki bi po našem mnenju pripomogli k izboljšanju in optimiranju procesa nabave v izbranem podjejtu. Prva, ki smo jo predlagali je uvedba računalniškega programa za enostavnejše izvajanje procesa nabave, druga pa je zaposlitev dodatnega delavca, ki bi naročal dnevno prodano blago. Predlagane rešitve smo predstavili in tudi prikazali na zarisu prenovljenega procesa nabave. Ob koncu smo opisali še možne učinke predlaganih rešitev po prenovi na zaposlene, podjetje, ostale poslovne procese in stranke. Opredelili smo tudi pogoje in omejitve za uvedbo predlaganih rešitev. The thesis consist of two parts. In the first theoretical part it deals with the definition of business processes. We described the types of business processes and what is most important in the renewal thereof. As part of the deals process we defined the procurement process, which represents the main area of the present task. Likewise, we have defined the basic tasks of the procurement, the course of a typical procurement process, procurement planning and all kinds of procurement. In empirical part first provides a description of the selected services company in which we have improved the procurement process. Based on the information obtained, we drew the current course of the procurement process and gave a critical analysis thereof. Then we give two solutions, which in our opinion contribute to the improvement and optimization of the procurement process in the chosen company. First we have proposed is the introductions of new computer program for easier application of the purchasing process, the second solution is the employment of an additional worker who will be ordering goods which were sold during the day. The proposed solutions are presented and also appear on the scribe mark renewed procurement process. Finally, we have described the potential effects of the proposed solutions for the renovation which would be after the renovation on employees, company, other business processes and customers. We defined the conditions and restraints for the introduction of the proposed solutions.
- Published
- 2016