1. Vpliv kairomona in tipa pasti na ulov vrst iz rodu Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae)
- Author
Križaj, Martin and Hauptman, Tine
- Subjects
udc:630*4(043.2)=163.6 ,lure ,lepljive prizmatične pasti ,multifunnel traps ,Agrilus ,kairomone ,kairomon ,večlijakaste pasti ,vaba ,sticky prism traps - Abstract
Avtohtone in invazivne vrste iz rodu Agrilus pridobivajo v zadnjih desetletjih vse večji pomen z vidika varstva gozdov. Potreba po učinkovitih metodah spremljanja in zgodnjega zaznavanja teh vrst postaja čedalje nujnejša za ohranjanje zdravja gozdov in zmanjševanja ekonomske škode. Cilj naloge je bil ugotoviti, kako tip pasti in kairomonska substanca (3Z)-hexenol vplivata na ulov rodu Agrilus. Uporabili smo zelene lepljive prizmatične pasti in zelene večlijakaste pasti, ki smo jih namestili na hrastove veje v sončni ali polsenčni legi. Spremljanje je potekalo od 19. 5. do 20. 7. 2022. Kontrola pasti in zbiranje ulova je bilo izvedeno 2 krat z enomesečnim razmikom. Determinacija ulova do nivoja rodu je potekala v Laboratoriju za zdravje gozda na Oddelku za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire. Ugotovili smo, da vaba sama po sebi nima vpliva na privabljanje vrst iz rodu Agrilus in da je ulov večji v juniju in v prizmatičnih pasteh. Pač pa smo ugotovili medsebojno vplivanje med obdobjem spremljanja, tipom pasti in prisotnostjo vabe. Večlijakaste pasti z vabo so imele večji povprečni ulov od pasti brez vabe, prizmatične pasti brez vabe pa večji ulov kot z vabo. Ta razlika je izrazitejša v prvem obdobju spremljanja (maj–junij). Predvidevamo, da je relativno dober ulov v pasti brez vabe lahko posledica velikega deleža vrst Agrilus, ki se na substanco ne odzivajo pozitivno. Over the last several decades autochthonous and invasive Agrilus species have been increasingly gaining importance in the field of forest protection. There is an immense need for effective methods of surveillance and early detection of Agrilus species in order to decrease damage to forest health and minimize economic damage by new pests such as Agrilus species. Our objective was to determine how the trap type and the kairomone substance (3Z)-hexenol will affect the catch of the genus Agrilus. We used green sticky prismatic traps and green multifunnel traps and placed them on oak branches in sunny or semishaded spots. The study took place between 19.5. and 20.7.2022. Traps were emptied twice in this period with a month in between. Determination of caught beetles took place in the Laboratory of forest health at the Department of forestry and renewable forest resources. We found that there is no effect of lure on the attractiveness of Agrilus species and that there is a higher catch in June and in prism traps. However, we found an interaction between month, trap type and lure presence. The multifunnel trap with lure had a higher catch than without and the prism trap without lure had a higher catch than prism traps with lure. In May/June this difference was stronger than in June/July. We assume that the relatively good catch in traps without lure could be the result of a large proportion of Agrilus species in the research area, which do not react positively to the substance.
- Published
- 2022