1. Comparison between simultaneously performed measurements of electrochemical noise and mechanical parameters during stress-corrosion processes
- Author
Bajt Leban, Mirjam, Doleček, Valter, Legat, Andraž, and Kuhar, Viljem
- Subjects
vodikova krhkost ,hydrogen enbrittlement ,udc:620.193:669.14.018.8:541.13 ,napetostno-korozijsko pokanje ,stress corrosion cracking ,metallography ,interkristalna korozija ,hitrost pokanja ,intergranular corrosion ,metalografska analiza ,electrochemical noise ,elektrokemijski šum ,SSC ,cracking velocity - Abstract
Namen našega dela je bil določiti značilnosti elektrokemijskega šuma, povzročenega z napetostno-korozijskim pokanjem. Želeli smo predvsem ugotoviti poveznanost značilnih elektrokemijskih fluktuacij z mehanskimi spremembami zaradi procesov pokanja ter tako posredno tudi oceniti primernost te metode za detekcijo in študij različnih oblik pokanja. Elektrokemijski šum smo merili med počasnim enakomernim nateznim obremenjevanjem delovne elektrode (modificiran Slow Strain Rate Test), izdelane iz nerjavnega avstenitnega jekla tipa AISI 304 v žarjenem ter toplotno neobdelanem stanju. Izrazite nenadne fluktuacije napetostnega in tokovnega šuma smo opazili po preseženi napetosti tečenja. Vse se časovno popolnoma ujemajo z nenadnimi spremembami raztezka natezno obremenjene elektrode, kar dokazuje zanesljivo možnost detekcije pokanja. Iz izmerjenih sprememb raztezka smo določili hitrost rasti razpok ter jih primerjali z amplitudami fluktuacij elektrokemijskega šuma. Dokazali smo, da obstaja med vrednostmi teh dveh količin linearna odvisnost. Poudariti je treba, da samo poznanje elektrokemijskih razmer ter spremljanje mehanskih sprememb, povzročenih s pokanjem, še ni dovolj za ovrednotenje mehanizmov napetostno-korozijskega pokanja, pač pa bo za to v prihodnosti treba vključiti še fraktografsko analizo prelomnih površin. The main aim of the research work was to asses basic characteristics of electrochemical noise generated by stress-corrosion cracking, and especially to find a correlation between the electrochemical and mehanical quantities. Electrochemical noise was measured during slow constant increasing of stress (modified Slow Strain Rate Test) on tensile tube made from austenitic stainless steel of the type AISI 304, in sensitized and nonsensitized condition. One of the objectives of this research was to investigate the possibility of electrochemical noise method for studying stress-corrosion processes. After the reaching yielding point, voltage and current spikes, as well as elongation transients, all appearing at the same time, were detected. Afterwards, the cracking velocities were determined from the time series of elongation, and compared to characteristic parameters of the measured electrochemical noise. The results of the comparision indicated that the amplitudes of the electrochemical noise spikes are lineary dependent upon cracking velocity. It has to be pointed out, that the knowledge of elecrochemical conditions and mechanical changes generated by cracking processes by themselves, cannot form revalant information concering the cracking mechanisms. In order to get better overview to this problem additional fractographic inspections of cracking surfaces has to be performed.
- Published
- 2015