V navezavi na filozofijo edukacije (Egan) in oponente filozofije za otroke (Biesta, Vansieleghem, Kennedy) je razdelan kritični pogled na tradicionalne programe filozofije za otroke. V filozofiji za otroke je prepoznana instrumentalizacija filozofije za namene produkcije določene vrste človeške subjektivnosti. V programu smo prepoznali redukcijo filozofije na znanstveno metodo in na uporabno vednost, kot tudi neoliberalne in evrocentrične tendence ter podali obsežno kritiko. Problematizirana je pretirana socializacijska vloga, ki jo filozofiji za otroke pripisujejo njeni zagovorniki, in prepoznane sorodnosti programa s sociotehničnim početjem tistega tipa, ki ga Popper označi kot utopični socialni inženiring in okarakterizira kot moralno spornega. Pokažemo na nezanemarljiv manko kritičnosti in na dogmatičnost nepreverjenih ali celo napačnih predpostavk, na katerih program temelji. Opravljena je analiza delovnih zvezkov, predpisanih v učnem načrtu za predmet Filozofija za otroke. V predmetu ter v tradicionalnih programih je kljub njihovi domnevni vrednotni nevtralnosti prepoznano delovanje v funkciji opresije. Kritičnemu premisleku sledi premislek o namenu vzgoje, izobraževanja in filozofije, pri čemer se navezujemo na starogrško filozofijo, kritično teorijo in kritično pedagogiko, obenem pa podamo idejno zasnovo o možnih oziroma potrebnih spremembah programa. Posebna pozornost je namenjena alternativni obliki kritično-pedagoške filozofije za otroke. In relation to the philosophy of education (Egan) and to opponents to the philosophy for children (Biesta, Vansieleghem, Kennedy), a critical view of the traditional programs of philosophy for children has been elaborated. In philosophy for children the instrumentalisation of philosophy for purposes of the production of certain types of human subjectivity is recognized. In the program, we have identified the reduction of philosophy to scientific method and useful information, as well as neo-liberal and Eurocentric tendencies, and introduced an extensive criticism. The excessive socialisation role, which is attributed to the philosophy for children by its supporters, is problematized, and similarities of the program with sociotechnical practices of that type, which Popper marks as utopian social engineering and morally controversial, are recognized. We point to a non negligible shortage of criticality and to dogmatic character of unverified or even false assumptions, on which the program is based. We carried out the analysis of workbooks, prescribed in the syllabus for the subject Philosophy for children. In the subject and in traditional programs, despite their alleged value neutrality, the activity in the function of oppression is recognized. Critical reflection is followed by reflection on the purpose of education and philosophy, in which we refer to ancient Greece philosophy, critical theory and critical pedagogy and, at the same time, give a conceptual idea about possible or necessary program modifications. Special attention is given to alternative form of critical-pedagogical philosophy for children.