Turizem je pomembna gospodarska panoga, ki ima v Sloveniji in s tem v posameznih regijah ter občinah vedno večji pomen. Turizem je tudi v občini Luče pomemben dejavnik gospodarskega razvoja. Z razvojem in razširitvijo turistične ponudbe postaja občina Luče v zadnjih letih turističen kraj, zanimiv tako za domače kot tuje goste, katerih število se iz leta v leto povečuje. Turistična dejavnost ima v občini dolgoletno tradicijo, vendar pa ima to območje še številne, neizrabljene možnosti pri nadaljnjem razvoju. V diplomskem delu so s pomočjo literature predstavljene osnovne značilnosti turizma na podeželju in glavne naravno- in družbenogeografske značilnosti občine. Podrobneje je predstavljena turistična ponudba – področje naravnih in kulturnih znamenitosti, pomen prireditev, področje aktivnosti in rekreacije ter etnološke in kulinarične ponudbe, ki so zanimive in privlačne za turista. Analizirani so statistični podatki turističnega obiska in grafično prikazane naravne in družbene znamenitosti ter nastanitvene zmogljivosti v občini Luče. Za popestritev in dopolnitev ponudbe sem oblikovala štiri predloge, in sicer vodno pot, jamski treking v Snežni jami in adrenalinski vikend paket ter podala predlog za ekološko turistično kmetijo, ki je v občini Luče, kljub vsem možnostim, še ni. S pomočjo analize SWOT sem predstavila prednosti in slabosti ter priložnosti in nevarnosti razvoja turizma v Lučah. Tourism is an important economic branch, which has a growing importance in Slovenia and thus in all individual regions and municipalities. Tourism is an important factor of economic development also in the Luče municipality. With the development and extension of the tourist offer, the Luče municipality is in the recent years becoming a tourist destination, attractive for both domestic and foreign visitors, whose number is growing from year to year. Tourism has a long tradition in the municipality, but the area has many unused opportunities for further development. In this thesis, I presented with the help of literature the basic characteristics of tourism in rural areas and the main natural and socio-geographic characteristics of the municipality. Besides, there is a detailed description of the tourist offer – the field of natural and cultural heritage, the importance of different events, the field of activities and recreation, the field of ethnological and culinary offer, which is interesting and attractive for tourists. Following is an analysis about the statistics data of tourist visits and a graphic display of natural and social attractions and accommodation facilities in the Luče municipality. To enrich and complement the offer I have created four proposals, namely the water path, cave trekking in the cave Snežna jama, adrenaline weekend and submitted a proposal for an eco-tourist farm, located in the Luče municipality, which despite all the possibilities does not exist yet. Through SWOT analysis, I presented the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of tourism development in Luče.