1. Didactic Games for Teaching About Heat and Temperature in Primary School Physics Lessons
- Author
Bejek, Ines and Pavlin, Jerneja
- Subjects
didaktične igre ,udc:373.3(043.2) ,temperatura ,toplota ,fizika ,didactic games ,temperature ,heat ,physics ,znanje učencev ,knowledge of students - Abstract
Cilj didaktičnih iger je učencem ponuditi možnost, da na drugačen način usvojijo neko novo znanje oziroma spretnost. Čeprav lahko med igro in didaktično igro potegnemo ogromno vzporednic, se moramo zavedati, da za razliko od otroških iger, didaktične igre niso spontane. Pri didaktični igri ideja o igri ne izhaja iz učenčeve notranje potrebe, ampak didaktične igre sestavimo odrasli (učitelji) in so oblikovane tako, da imajo neko učno vsebino, potek in nalogo, za rešitev katere je potreben učenčev miselni napor. Didaktične igre so sestavljene za vse učence, kar pomeni da je pri načrtovanju potrebno upoštevati raznolike sposobnosti vseh. Magistrsko delo se osredinja na pripravo in evalvacijo didaktičnih iger učne vsebine toplota in temperatura. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, kako se na pripravljene didaktične igre odzivajo učno uspešnejši učenci in kako učno manj uspešni učenci. Za magistrsko delo smo oblikovali tri didaktične igre, ki smo jih evalvirali. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 28 učencev 8. razreda. Podatke smo zbirali s preizkusom znanja pred in po izvedbi (predtest in potest: Kaj že vem?) in vprašalnikom (Moje mnenje). Analiza pridobljenih podatkov je pokazala, da je bil napredek znanja usvojenega z didaktičnimi igrami nizek. Kljub temu pa so učenci ob takem usvajanju znanja uživali in didaktične igre so jim bile všeč. Rezultati magistrskega dela omogočajo vpogled učiteljem fizike na odzive učno bolj in manj uspešnih učencev na usvajanje učne vsebine toplota in temperatura z didaktičnimi igrami. Prav tako pa predstavlja spodbudo, da se tudi sami odločijo za uporabo didaktičnih iger pri pouku fizike. The aim of didactic games is to give students the opportunity to learn a new skill or knowledge in a different way. Although many parallels can be drawn between play and didactic games, it is important to remember that, unlike children's games, didactic games are not spontaneous. In didactic game, the idea of play does not come from the students inner need. Didactic games are designed by adults (teachers) and are designed to have a learning content, a flow and a task that requires the students mental effort to solve. Didactic games are designed for all students, which means that the design needs to take into account the diverse abilities of all students. The master thesis focuses on the development and evaluation of didactic games on the subject of heat and temperature. We were particularly interested in how the more academically successful and the less academically successful students react to the prepared didactic games. For the master's thesis, we designed three didactic games, which were evaluated. The study involved 28 students of 8th grade. Data were collected by a pre- and post-assessment (pre-test in post-test: Kaj že vem?) and a questionnaire (Moje mnenje). The analysis of the data showed that the progress of knowledge acquired through the didactic games was low. Nevertheless, the students enjoyed this way of learning and liked the didactic games. The results of the master thesis provide insights for physics teachers on the responses of more academically successful and less academically successful students to the learning content heat and temperature through didactic games. It also provides an incentive for physics teachers to decide to use didactic games in physics lessons.
- Published
- 2023