- Author
Očko, Eva and Križmarić, Miljenko
- Subjects
knee joint ,endoproteze ,perioperativna zdravstvena nega ,kolenski sklep ,perioperative nursing ,endoprotesis ,surgical safety checklist ,udc:616-089-083 ,kirurški instrumenti ,kirurški varnostni kontrolni seznam ,surgical instruments - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo analizirali simulacijo vstavitve popolne kolenske endoproteze: Edheads – Virtual Knee Replacement Surgery (www.edheads.org). Posamezne faze simulacije smo primerjali z realno operacijo kolenske endoproteze, ki smo si jo ogledali v kliničnem okolju. Sam potek simulacije se ujema z realnim operacijskim posegom. Razlika, ki smo jo našli, je v tem, da imamo pri realnem posegu na voljo večjo izbiro instrumentov, katerih poimenovanje pa je enako. Identificirali smo ključne učne točke – učne cilje, ki jih simulacija prikazuje: pregled posameznih faz posega, seznanjenost s posameznimi instrumenti, uporaba instrumentov znotraj posameznih faz. Uporaba simulacijskega postopka nam omogoča prikaz postopkov operacijskega posega vstavitve kolenske endoproteze in pripravo na operativni poseg že pred samim posegom. In the thesis, we analyzed the complete simulation of the insertion knee endoproteze: Edheads – Virtual Knee Replacement Surgery (www.edheads.org). Each stage of the simulation were compared with a real knee surgery endoproteze we see you in a clinical setting. Single course of the simulation matches the real surgery. The difference that we found, is that we have a real intervention in a wider choice of instruments, whose description is the same. We identified key learning points - learning objectives, which shows the simulation: a review of the various stages of the intervention, familiarity with the individual instruments, the use of instruments within each step. Using a simulation procedure allows us to see the operating procedures affect knee endoproteze insertion and preparation for surgery before the actual surgery.
- Published
- 2012