1. Analiza digitalne zrelosti Slovenije in izbranih držav EU ter vpliv faktorjev digitalne zrelosti na uporabo storitev e-uprave
- Author
Kožar, Aleš and Dečman, Mitja
- Subjects
e-uprava ,digitalna infrastruktura ,udc:35:004(497.4:4-6EU) ,digital skills ,digitalne veščine ,ICT ,digital infrastructure ,digital maturity ,e-government ,IKT ,digitalna zrelost - Abstract
Informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija in digitalizacija že dalj časa zaznamujeta naše življenje. Posledice digitalne revolucije so že dolgo osrednjega pomena za delo različnih mednarodnih organizacij. V vseh ciljih in agendah za naslednja leta se daje poudarek na večanju digitalne zrelosti držav in družbe. Še posebej pa se je vpliv ravni digitalne zrelosti držav pokazal v času krize COVID-19, ko smo bili ljudje primorani ostati doma in smo nekatere storitve lahko opravljali le na daljavo. V magistrskem delu je obdelano področje kazalnikov digitalne zrelosti, ki vplivajo na uporabo storitev e-uprave. Analizirani so kazalniki digitalne zrelosti in njihov vpliv na uporabo storitev e-uprave v Sloveniji in izbranih državah EU. Digitalne veščine in digitalna infrastruktura sta ena izmed glavnih dejavnikov, ki vplivata na to, da nek posameznik uporablja storitve e-uprave. Zato je pomembno, da se daje dovolj velik poudarek na nadaljnjem razvoju teh dveh področij v kombinaciji s preostalimi dejavniki, ki še vplivajo na zmožnost uporabe storitev e-uprave. V empirični raziskavi smo s statistično korelacijo raziskali pomen digitalnih veščin in digitalne infrastrukture na uporabo storitev e-uprave, kjer smo zaznali pozitivno in značilno korelacijo med analiziranimi spremenljivkami, podobno tudi na področju uporabe spletnih storitev in njihovega vpliva na uporabo storitev e-uprave. Z metodo linearne regresije smo raziskali vpliv digitalnih veščin na uporabo storitev e-uprave, kjer smo ugotovili, da digitalne veščine statistično značilno in pozitivno vplivajo na uporabo storitev e-uprave. Raziskani dejavniki digitalne zrelosti nam ponujajo vpogled v kompleksnost obravnavane tematike in odpirajo nove možnosti za nadaljnje raziskave na področju kazalnikov digitalne zrelosti, ki vplivajo na uporabo storitev e-uprave. Information and communication technology and digitization have marked our lives for a long time. The consequences of the digital revolution have long been central to the work of various international organizations. In all goals and agendas for the following years, emphasis is placed on increasing the digital maturity of countries and society. In particular, the impact of the level of digital maturity of countries was shown during the COVID-19 crisis, when people were forced to stay at home and some services could only be provided remotely. The master's thesis deals with the area of digital maturity indicators that affect the use of e-government services. Indicators of digital maturity and their impact on the use of e-government services in Slovenia and selected EU countries are analyzed. Digital skills and digital infrastructure are one of the main factors influencing an individual's use of e-government services. Therefore, it is important to place sufficient emphasis on the further development of these two areas in combination with the remaining factors that still affect the ability to use e-government services. In the empirical research, we used statistical correlation to investigate the importance of digital skills and digital infrastructure on the use of e-government services, where we detected a positive and characteristic correlation between the analyzed variables, similarly in the area of the use of online services and their impact on the use of e-government services. Using the linear regression method, we investigated the influence of digital skills on the use of e-government services, where we found that digital skills have a statistically significant and positive effect on the use of e-government services. The researched factors of digital maturity offer us an insight into the complexity of the discussed topic and open up new possibilities for further research in the field of digital maturity indicators that affect the use of e-government services.
- Published
- 2023