1. Vpliv sušilnega postopka na kakovost sušenja bukovine
- Author
Lapajne, Igor and Gorišek, Željko
- Subjects
sušenje lesa ,drying processes ,sušenje na prostem ,bukev ,komorsko sušenje ,high frequency ,wood drying ,vakuumsko sušenje ,sušilni postopki ,les ,udc:630*862.3 ,kiln drying ,beech ,wood ,vacuum drying - Abstract
Specifične lastnosti, problematika sušenja in razširjenost bukovine v proizvodnji so bili najpomembnejši razlogi za preučevanje vpliva 4 različnih sušilnih postopkov sušenja na kakovost lesa. 34 mm debele vzorce smo iz svežega stanja do končne vlažnosti 10 % sušili na prostem, v komorah, z vakuumskim postopkom in v dielektričnem polju visoke frekvence. Sušilni postopek smo vrednotili z vidika hitrosti in časa sušenja, dosežene končne vlažnosti in vlažnostnega gradienta, stopnje zaskorjenja ter pojava sušilnih napak. Sušenje v dielektričnem polju visoke frekvence je bilo najhitrejše. Tudi vlažnostni gradient je bil pri visokofrekvenčnem sušenju v povprečju manjši kot pri vseh ostalih sušilnih postopkih. Z vidika kakovosti in časa sušenja lesa skozi ves postopek se je za prednostno izkazalo kontinuirano vakuumsko sušenje. Vlažnostni gradient in hitrost osušenega lesa sta bila pri kontinuiranem vakuumskem sušenju zadovoljiva in tako primerljiva z naravnim postopkom sušenja. Specific features, problems of drying, and great usage of beech wood in production were the most important reasons for studying the influence of 4 different drying procedures on wood quality. 34 mm thick samples were dried from its raw state to the final humidity of 10 % dried either in the open air, in drying chambers, with a vacuum procedure, and in an electric field of high frequency. Drying procedures were evaluated regarding speed and time of drying, achieved final humidity and humidity gradient, level of bark, and occurence of drying failures. Drying in the electric field of high frequency was the fastest. Also, an average humidity gradient was lower with the high frequency drying than in other drying procedures. The continuing vacuum drying was preferential from the point of view of quality and time of drying. The humidity gradient and the speed of wood drying in continuing vacuum drying were satisfactory, and therefore comparable to the natural procedure of drying.
- Published
- 2014