- Author
Slobodnik, Jože and Tratnik, Matjaž
- Subjects
deklarativna teorija ,konstitutivna teorija ,internal self-determination ,notranja samoodločba ,secesija ,declaratory theory ,constitutive theory ,Middle East ,Montevideo Convention ,zgodovina Kurdov ,history of the Kurds ,Montevidejska konvencija ,external self-determination ,priznanje ,criterions for state birth ,recognition ,kriteriji za nastanek države ,zunanja samoodločba ,udc:341.231(043.2) ,Bližnji vzhod ,secession - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi sem na kratko predstavil zgodovino območja na katerem živi ljudstvo Kurdov. Osredotočil sem se na novejšo zgodovino, saj je ravno ta krojila stanje, ki ga Kurdi danes trpijo. V drugem delu sem podrobneje obrazložil pojma notranja in zunanja samoodločba. Slednjega sem primerjal z dosedanjimi uspelimi oz. priznanimi in nepriznanimi poskusi secesije. Primere Čečenije, Abhazije, Bangladeša, Hrvaške, Slovenije ter Bosne in Hercegovine sem primerjal s sedanjim stanjem Kurdov v posameznih državah, kjer ti tvorijo znaten del prebivalstva. Na podlagi napisanega sem povzel kriterije, ki se načeloma uporabljajo pri presojanju upravičenosti secesije določenega ljudstva od starševske države. V naslednjem poglavju sem podrobneje opisal kriterije, zapisane v Montevidejski konvenciji. Na nastanek države sem nato pogledal iz perspektive deklarativne ter konstitutivne teorije priznanja novonastale države. V sklepu sem podal dejansko stanje na Bližnjem vzhodu ter skušal ugotoviti ali to zadostuje omenjenim pogojem in kriterijem. In the first part of the Thesis I have concentrated on the historical development of the Kurdish people, especially the newer history, i.e. the 20th century. The terms internal and external self-determination are further defined and explained in the second part with the use of examples of recent successful and unsuccessful attempts of secession, such as Chechnya, Abkhazia, Bangladesh, Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on these comparisons I have questioned the fulfilment of the conditions, needed for a valid secession of a Kurdish entity. On top of that, the theoretical view on birth of states is further mentioned in the context of the constitutional and declaratory theory on recognition of newly formed countries. The current political situation and conflict in the Middle East, as well as possible outcomes of the Arab spring and Kurdish battle for independence in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Turkey were further debated in the conclusion.
- Published
- 2016