1. Vrednotenje alkilfenolov in njihovih razgradnih produktov kot okoljskih endokrinih motilcev in silico
- Author
Hrvatin, Katarina and Jakopin, Žiga
- Subjects
alkylphenol ethoxylates ,in silico prediction ,alkilfenol etoksilati ,alkilfenoli ,površinsko aktivne snovi ,alkylphenols ,in silico napovedovanje ,endokrino delovanje ,surfactants ,endocrine function - Abstract
Alkilfenoletoksilati (APEO) so najpogosteje uporabljene neionske površinsko aktivne snovi (PAS) v industriji. V industriji se pretežno uporabljajo v obliki raztopin, ki se po koncu uporabe odplaknejo v komunalne in industrijske odpadne vode, od koder se kasneje transportirajo do čistilnih naprav. Med postopkom čiščenja pride do biorazgradnje, kot rezultat tega procesa pa nastajajo kratkoverižni APEO in alkilfenoli (AP). AP so najpomembnejši razgradni produkti, za katere je znano, da delujejo kot endokrini motilci, in se v okolju akumulirajo. V vodnem okolju so velikokrat v različnih oblikah prisotni halogeni, predvsem klorove in bromove spojine, s katerimi lahko APEO in AP reagirajo in tvorijo halogenirane transformacijske produkte. Ker lahko ti produkti vstopajo v prehranjevalno verigo, je zelo pomembno, da poznamo njihovo usodo v okolju. V nalogi smo se osredotočili na dva AP, dva monoetoksilirana alkilfenola in dva dietoksilirana alkilfenola ter njihove halogenirane produkte, in sicer mono- in diklorirane ter mono- in dibromirane. Uporabili smo dva različna programa za preučevanje spojin in silico, in sicer Endocrine Disruptome in VegaNIC. Z njima smo napovedali njihov okoljski vpliv, akutno toksičnost in endokrino delovanje. S pomočjo literaturnih podatkov in dobljenih rezultatov smo spoznali, da ima pomemben vpliv na usodo teh spojin vrednost logP. Med drugim nas je v nalogi zanimala tudi verjetnost biološko razgradnje, odpornost na biodegradacijo ter faktor bioakumulacije (BCF). Pri napovedovanju obstojnosti smo ugotovili, da so neetoksilirani AP veliko obstojnejši kot APEO, ki se med procesi prečiščevanja in med zadrževanjem v vodnem okolju še vedno razgrajujejo do AP. Poleg tega pa smo opazili tudi, da se obstojnost povečuje tudi s halogeniranjem, še posebej z bromiranjem, kar pomeni, da bodo halogenirani transformacijski produkti po verjetnosti še bolj obstojni kot njihove izhodne spojine. Za najmanj obstojno spojino smo označili oktilfenoldietoksilat, ki ima najnižjo vrednost BCF, najbolj obstojen pa je NP z najvišjo vrednostjo BCF. Kot najbolj akutno toksična spojina se je izkazal NP, kot najmanj pa nonilfenoldietoksilat z najvišjo vrednostjo LC50. Pri primerjavi vrednosti LC50 izhodnih spojin z njihovimi halogeniranimi derivati smo odkrili, da halogeniranje poveča akutno toksičnost. Pri preučevanju endokrinega delovanja smo ugotovili, da imajo AP in APEO največjo verjetnost vezave na androgenski, mineralokortikoidni in tiroidni receptor (AR, MR, TRα in TRβ), pri čemer se verjetnost vezave s halogeniranjem bistveno ne spremeni. Na osnovi teh in ostalih dobljenih rezultatov smo ocenili, da je najvarnejša preučevana spojina NP2EO, najbolj toksična pa NP. Čeprav se AP in APEO v okolju pojavljajo v nizkih koncentracijah, lahko dokazano motijo delovanje človeškega endokrinega sistema. Uporabo so v primerjavi s preteklimi leti omejili, a so še vedno najpogosteje uporabljane neionske PAS v industriji. Alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEO) are the most commonly used non-ionic surfactants in the industry. They are mostly water-insoluble compounds, which are mainly used in form of solution, which, after use, are discharged into municipal and industrial waste water, from which they are subsequently transported to water-treatment plants. Biodegradation occurs during the purification process, resulting in short-chain APEOs and alkylphenols (APs). APs are the most important degradation products known to act as endocrine disruptors and which accumulate in the enviornment. In the aqueous enviornment, halogens are often present in various forms, in particular chlorine and bromine compounds, which can react APEOs and APs to form halogenated transformation products. Since products can enter the food chain, it is very important to know their fate in the enviornment. In the scope of this Master's thesis, we focused on two APs,their mono- and diethoxylated alkylphenols as well as their halogenated transformation products(mono- and dichlorinated and mono- and dibrominated). We used two different programs to study compounds in silico, Endocrine Disruptome and VegaNIC. They allow for the prediction of the environmental impact, acute toxicity and endocrine function of compounds. On the basis of literature survey and our findings, we have corroborated that logP has a significant effect on the fate of these compounds. Among other things, we were interested in the probability of biodegradation, resistance to biodegradation, and bioaccumulation factor (BCF). In predicting persistence, we found that non-ethoxylated APs are much more persistent than APEOs, which still transform to APs during purification processes and during retention in the aqueous environment. In addition, we also observed that the stability also increases with halogenation, especially via bromination, which means that the halogenated transformation products are likely to beeven more stable than their parent compounds. The least persistent compund was designated OP2EO, which has the lowest BCF value, and the most persistent is the NP with the highest BCF value. NP was the most acutely toxic compound, whereas the least toxic was NP2EO with the highest LC50 value. When comparing the LC50 values of the starting compounds with those of their halogenated derivates, we observed that halogenation increased the acute toxicity. When studying endocrine function, we predicted that APs and APEOs have the highest probabilities of binding to the androgen, mineralocorticoid and thyroid receptors (AR, MR, TRα and TRβ), with no significant change in the likelihood of halogen binding. On the basis of all obtained results, we concluded that the safest studied compound was NP2EO and the most toxic was NP. Although APs and APEOs occur in low concentrations in the environment, they have been shown to interfere with the functioning of the human endocrine system. Their usehas been restricted over the years, although they are still the most widely use non-ionic surfactants in the industry.
- Published
- 2020