394 results on '"Zupanc A"'
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2. Tu se ne bo nikoli več šivalo: doživljanja izgube dela in propada tovarne, Nina Vodopivec
- Author
Simona Kuntarič Zupanc
- Subjects
delo ,Pomurje ,antropologija ,deindustrializacija ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
Knjiga Tu se ne bo nikoli več šivalo: doživljanja izgube dela in propada tovarne antropologinje Nine Vodopivec (Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2021) opisuje čas propada največje slovenske tekstilne tovarne Mura, ki je »vrh« propadanja doživela leta 2009, ko je bilo iz tovarne odpuščenih 2600 delavk naenkrat. Monografija je neke vrste arhivski dokument postopnega propadanja tovarne Mura in antropološka študija hkrati.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Socio-demographic analysis of border regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Author
Aida Avdić, Boris Avdić, and Ivan Zupanc
- Subjects
border regions ,bosnia and herzegovina ,socio-demographic analysis ,depopulation ,natural change ,ageing ,education ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
This paper analyses the statistical parameters that give a comprehensive overview of the socio-demographic state of the border areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it represents a novel attempt to examine the disparity and relationships between central and peripheral parts of national territory. The methodology is based on examining the differences between border and non-border municipalities/cities according to four groups of indicators, to obtain four indices: depopulation, natural change, ageing and education. Statistically significant differences were found primarily in the context of population age structure, and it can be concluded that the ageing process has affected bordering regions more than the rest of the country.
- Published
- 2022
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4. The effects of temporary occupation of agricultural land by gravel deposits and construction on selected soil properties
- Author
Marko ZUPAN, Vesna ZUPANC, and Helena GRČMAN
- Subjects
fluvisols ,soil degradation ,soil restoration ,soil physical properties ,soil chemical properties ,Agriculture - Abstract
We addressed the condition of restored soil on alluvial plain in the south-eastern Slovenia after they have been given for the gravel deposit easement during construction. According to pre-investigation using soil probes, two soil profile pits were dug: Profile 1 on the area where excavated soils were deposited over original soils; and Profile 2 on the area where topsoil had been removed before gravel deposition and reapplied after the easement. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were collected and analyzed for physical and chemical properties. The results show that chemical properties were generally not the limiting factor for soil fertility. Compaction of the soil reduced hydraulic conductivity and resulted in water stagnation. The bulk density on the area where the material was deposited directly on the soil surface ranged from 1.41 to 1.77 g cm-3. The hydraulic conductivity of the saturated soil was practically impermeable at depths of 10, 20, and 30 cm, indicating compaction due to high mechanical load. At the area where topsoil was removed before deposition and restored after easement the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated soil was low to moderate. Removal of the topsoil before construction began was an appropriate action, but reclamation measures are also required.
- Published
- 2022
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5. Comparison of mechanical properties of recent and 400-year-old European larch wood
- Author
Enej Lipovec Zupanc, Gorazd Fajdiga, and Miha Humar
- Subjects
wood ,European larch (Larix decidua) ,fatigue ,Ruard's Mansion ,old wood ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
Wood has been the leading building material throughout the history of mankind. Wood has several advantages over other construction materials, which also makes it one of the most promising materials of the future. The environmental aspect also plays a major role today, as wood is a natural, renewable resource whose processing is very energy-intensive. Due to its repeated and widespread use in construction, the prediction of mechanical properties and their change over time is also very well known, as the overall safety of all buildings also depends on it. Therefore, we compared the mechanical properties of fresh European larch (Larix decidua) and 400-year-old larch found in the Ruard manor house on the Stara Sava in Jesenice, where the renovation of the Upper Sava Museum is currently underway. In order to predict what will happen to the fresh wood over the long term, it is necessary to expose the wood to the same conditions, i.e. to change it with dynamic loads or material fatigue. The effect of aging on flexural strength has not been confirmed. Fatigue results show that old wood withstood about 18 times fewer load cycles than recent larch wood.
- Published
- 2021
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6. Kriminalistični in sodnomedicinski vidiki samomorov z ostrim predmetom.
- Author
Bulovec, Tinkara, Zupanc, Tomaž, and Frangež, Danijela
- Published
- 2024
7. Calculation of water balance of the weighing lysimeter for assessment of aquifer recharge
- Author
Barbara ČENČUR CURK, Špela ŠERJAK, and Vesna ZUPANC
- Subjects
water balance ,groundwater recharge ,monolithic weighing lysimeter ,Ljubljansko polje ,unsaturated zone ,Agriculture - Abstract
Ljubljana field aquifer is an important source of drinking water for the Ljubljana city and surrounding areas. Knowledge of the water balance and of the water flow dynamics through the unsaturated zone and recharge of Ljubljana field aquifer is crucial. The water balance assessment of the upper unsaturated zone provides an insight into groundwater recharge and renewal. With the help of build-in monolith weighing lysimeter in Kleče in Ljubljana we have assessed the water balance for hydrological year from March 2014 to February 2015. Water balance parameters, precipitation and evapotranspiration were determined from the changes in the mass of lysimeter and outflow tank. Precipitation events were evaluated based on their duration, intensity and the amount of precipitation. Evapotranspiration and the duration of precipitation were estimated based on the changes of the lysimeter mass. Results show that the chosen period was extremely wet. In the selected hydrological year, precipitation contributed to positive water balance of the upper unsaturated zone, as well as to the recharge of the aquifer.
- Published
- 2019
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8. Zadovoljstvo državljanov Republike Slovenije z zdravstvenimi storitvami v Sloveniji
- Author
Barbara Zupanc Terglav, Špela Selak, Mitja Vrdelja, Boris Miha Kaučič, and Branko Gabrovec
- Subjects
zadovoljstvo uporabnikov ,zdravstveni sistem ,zdravstveni delavci ,odnos ,zaupanje ,komunikacija ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Uvod: Merjenje zadovoljstva pacientov z zdravstvenimi storitvami je pomemben kazalec razvoja vsakega zdravstvenega sistema. Zadovoljstvo pacientov je pomemben in pogosto uporabljen indikator za merjenje kakovosti zdravstvene oskrbe. Prispevek se osredotoča na ugotavljanje zadovoljstva državljanov Republike Slovenije s trenutnim zdravstvenim sistemom. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna neeksperimentalna vzorčna metoda. Merski instrument je bil strukturiran vprašalnik. Uporabljena je bila metoda snežene kepe. Na spletni vprašalnik je skupno odgovorilo 693 oseb, 488 oseb je vprašalnik v celoti izpolnilo. Podatki so bili analizirani z opisno statistiko, korelacijsko analizo, faktorsko analizo in linearno regresijsko analizo. Rezultati: Sodelujoči v raziskavi v največji meri cenijo prijazen in spoštljiv odnos zdravstvenih delavcev ter njihovo razpoložljivost za hitro pomoč. Negativno ocenjujejo čakanje na obravnavo v čakalnici, telefonsko nedosegljivost, nezanimanje za osebne razmere pacienta in kratek čas obravnave pri zdravniku. Med najpomembnejše spremenljivke, ki vplivajo na zadovoljstvo pacientov, lahko uvrstimo: čakanje v čakalnici na pregled, dovolj časa, ki ga zdravnik nameni pacientu, zanimanje za osebne razmere, zaupanje v strokovne odločitve zdravstvenega osebja, vključevanje v odločanje o zdravljenju in občutek popolnega zaupanja. Diskusija in zaključek: Zdravstveni delavci lahko v zdravstvenem sistemu pomembno vplivajo na zadovoljstvo pacientov. Usmerjenost v kakovostno obravnavo in spoštljivo komunikacijo povečuje zaupanje pacientov v zdravstveni sistem in zaupanje v strokovne odločitve zdravstvenega osebja, kar pa lahko ključno vpliva na uspešnost zdravstvene obravnave posameznika.
- Published
- 2019
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9. Analiza kompozicije RETB za akustično kitaro, mali boben, violino, violončelo in flavto (2020)
- Author
Zupanc, Neža
- Subjects
analiza ,udc:781 ,nova glasba ,kompozicija - Published
- 2023
10. Farmakološko uravnavanje izražanja in delovanja interlevkina-6 v kulturi človeških skeletnomišičnih celic
- Author
Zupanc, Maja and Pirkmajer, Sergej
- Subjects
chronic inflammation ,skeletne mišice ,energijska homeostaza ,Interleukin-6 ,Interlevkin-6 ,terapevtski pristopi ,therapeutic approaches ,udc:616.74:616-074(043.3) ,skeletal muscle ,kronično vnetje ,energy homeostasis - Abstract
Uvod: Skeletna mišica je z izločanjem miokinov pomemben endokrini organ in mišična vlakna so eno izmed najbolj presnovno aktivnih tkiv. Interlevkin-6 (IL-6) je pleiotropen protein, ki ga izloča širok spekter celic in tkiv. Vnetje in presnovni učinki so odvisni od raznolikega časovno ali tkivno specifičnega delovanja IL-6. Vnetni učinki kronično povišanega IL-6 poslabšujejo prognozo bolezenskih stanj, medtem ko akutno izločen IL-6 pri fizioloških prilagoditvah v splošnem deluje pozitivno na zdravje in izboljšuje presnovo. Zaviralci delovanja IL-6 so pomembni pri zdravljenju vnetnih revmatičnih bolezni. Namen: Razumevanje uravnalnih mehanizmov IL-6 nam širi možnosti optimizacije terapevtskih pristopov in razvoja zdravil naslednjih generacij. Zaradi pomanjkanja natančnih definicij dejavnikov, ki privedejo do dvojne vloge IL-6, nas zanima uravnavanje njegove sinteze, izločanja in delovanja. Raziskovali smo mehanizme izražanja IL-6, receptorske signalizacije za IL-6 ter učinke terapevtske blokade delovanja IL-6 v skeletnih mišicah. Glavni namen je bil preveriti učinke zaviralcev IL-6 na njegovo izražanje in delovanje v kulturi skeletnomišičnih celic. Hipoteze: 1.) TLR4 in ERK1/2 sta pomembna za bazalno izražanje IL-6 v kulturi človeških skeletnomišičnih celic. 2.) Zaviralci IL-6 ne vplivajo na izražanje in izločanje IL-6 v kulturi človeških skeletnomišičnih celic. 3.) Zaviralci IL-6 in inzulin zmanjšajo bazalno fosforilacijo STAT3 v človeških skeletnomišičnih celicah. 4.) Učinek zaviralcev IL-6 na bazalno in z inzulinom spodbujeno aktivnost signalnih poti Akt in ERK1/2 je odvisen od koncentracije in trajanja izpostavitve IL-6. 5.) Zaviralci IL-6 zmanjšajo aktivnost z AMP aktivirane protein kinaze v človeških skeletnomišičnih celicah. Metode: Poskuse smo izvedli na primarni kulturi človeških mišičnih cevčic. Za določanje izražanja IL-6 mRNA v mišičnih celicah smo uporabili metodo kvantitativne verižne reakcije s polimerazo v realnem času. Izločen IL-6 smo določili z encimskoimunskim testom. Signalne odzive celic smo spremljali z metodo prenos western, ki smo jo uporabili za analizo fosforilacije ključnih signalnih proteinov STAT3. AKT, ERK1/2, AS160, GSK-3α/β, PAS in ACC. Rezultati: Izmerili smo bazalno izločanje IL-6. LPS aktivira TLR4, kar spodbudi izražanje IL-6 v skeletnomičičnih celicah. Dejavniki, ki zavirajo to pot, zavirajo izražanje IL-6 ob dodatku LPS. Noben uporabljen zaviralec ni spodbudil ali zavrl izražanja IL-6. Tocilizumab in zaviralec tofacitinib nista spodbudila ali zavrla fosforilacije s presnovo povezanih signalnih proteinov. Pri kronični izpostavitvi skeletnomišičnih celic z IL-6 smo opazili zmanjšanje inzulinskega odziva. Tofacitinib je učinkovito zaviral tudi bazalno fosforilacijo STAT3, zaviralni učinek tocilizumaba pa smo izmerili samo ob akutni izpostavitvi IL-6. Pri zaviralcih IL-6 nismo izmerili učinka na delovanje inzulina. Zaključki: Potrdili smo endogeno izločanje IL-6 v bazalnih razmerah. Izločili smo vpletenost mehanizmov spontane aktivnosti TLR4 in delovanja ERK1/2, kot pozitivne povratne zanke IL-6 za ta pojav. Sklepamo, da IL-6 sam ne vpliva na lastno izražanje/izločanje. Naši rezultati ne kažejo bistvenega vpliva zaviranja delovanja IL-6, ali kronične izpostavljenosti IL-6, na signalne poti STAT3, Akt, ERK1/2 in AMPK v kulturi človeških skeletnomišičnih celicah. Kronična izpostavljenost IL-6 v mišici bi lahko vplivala na delovanje inzulina. Background: Skeletal muscle is highly active metabolic tissue, and with its myokine secretion an important endocrine organ. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic cytokine that is secreted from a wide spectrum of cells and tissues. Inflammatory and metabolic responses depend mostly on different physiological environment, time, and tissue specific actions of IL-6. Chronically elevated IL-6 has proinflammatory effects and is linked to negative prognosis of disease but its acute elevation under physiological conditions exerts beneficial effects on metabolism and health in general. IL-6 inhibitors are important in treating chronic inflammatory diseases. Aim: Understanding the regulatory mechanisms of IL-6 broadens our possibilities in therapeutic optimisation and development of next generation drugs. Factors that determine the IL-6 double role are not yet well defined, therefore we are interested aim to gain the understanding of the regulation of IL-6 synthesis, secretion, and its actions. We study the mechanisms of IL-6 expression, receptor signalling and effects of therapeutic targeting of IL-6 in skeletal muscle. The main aim was to examine the effects of IL-6 inhibitors on IL-6 expression and action in skeletal muscle cell culture. Hypotheses: 1.) TLR4 and ERK1/2 are important for basal IL-6 expression in human skeletal muscle cell culture.2.) IL-6 inhibitors do not affect IL-6 expression and secretion in human skeletal cell culture. 3.) IL-6 inhibitors and insulin reduce basal STAT3 phosphorylation in human skeletal muscle cells. 4.) The effect of IL-6 inhibitors on basal and insulin-stimulated Akt and ERK1/2 signalling pathway activity is dependent on the concentration and duration of IL-6 exposure. 5.) IL-6 inhibitors reduce AMP-activated protein kinase activity in human skeletal muscle cells. Methods: Experiments were taken on primary human skeletal muscle cell culture. IL-6 mRNA expression in muscle cells was determined with quantitative real time PCR. IL-6 secretion was measured with the enzyme linked immunoabsorbent assay. Cellular signalling responses were assessed with western blotting by measuring the phosphorylation of key signalling proteins STAT3. AKT, ERK1/2, AS160, GSK-3α/β, PAS in ACC. Results: Constitutive IL-6 secretion from cultured skeletal muscle cells was measured. LPS treatment activated the receptor TLR4, which stimulated IL-6 expression in muscle cells. IL-6 expression was inhibited by TLR4 signalling inhibitors. Neither stimulation nor complete inhibition of IL-6 expression was noticed by any of the used inhibitors. Phosphorylation of metabolic signalling proteins after treatment with tocilizumab and tofacitinib was not significantly changed. Decreased insulin response was noticed after the chronic treatment of skeletal muscle cells with IL-6. Constitutive phosphorylation of STAT3 was effectively inhibited by tofacitinib. Inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation by tocilizumab was measured only at the acute IL-6 treatment. Effect on insulin actions by IL-6 inhibitors was not detected. Conclusions: Endogenous secretion of IL-6 under basal conditions was confirmed. The mechanisms of spontaneous TLR4 activation and ERK1/2 activity as an IL-6 positive feedback loop were excluded for this state. We conclude that IL-6 itself does not influence its own expression/secretion. Our results show no significant effect of IL-6 inhibition, or chronic IL-6 exposure, on STAT3, Akt, ERK1/2 and AMPK signalling pathways in cultured human skeletal muscle cells. Chronic exposure to IL-6 in muscle could affect insulin action.
- Published
- 2023
11. Pretvorbe halogeniranih in halkogeniranih organskih spojin po načelih zelene kemije
- Author
Zupanc, Anže and Jereb, Marjan
- Subjects
chlorofunctionalisation ,sulfoxide ,sulfoximine ,oxidation ,halkogen ,selenoksid ,klor ,reduction ,selenocianat ,recycling ,selenid ,electrophilic transfer ,haloimin ,žveplo ,haloimine ,sulfoksimin ,selenoxide ,recikliranje ,elektrofilni prenos ,zlato ,klorofunkcionalizacija ,selenium ,organska kemija ,sulfide ,catalysis ,green chemistry ,iodine ,sulfone ,selenocyanate ,selen ,selenide ,gold ,halogen ,organic chemistry ,sulfon ,jod ,sulfoksid ,chlorine ,redukcija ,sulfid ,kataliza ,oksidacija ,chalcogen ,zelena kemija ,sulphur - Abstract
V doktorskem delu smo predstavili nekatere nove sintezne metode, spojine, reagente v okviru organske kemije halogenov in halkogenov s poudarkom na načelih zelene kemije in trajnostnem razvoju. Zaradi netrajnostne rabe naravnih virov in onesnaževanja okolja se je razvilo področje, imenovano zelena kemija, ki temelji na okolju prijaznih principih. Med hal(k)ogeniranimi organskimi spojinami najdemo mnoge materiale, topila, reagente, sintone in naravne spojine ter medicinsko, industrijsko in agrokemijsko pomembne spojine. Kljub hitremu napredku na področju, se pojavljajo potrebe po sintezi obstoječih in novih motivov pod alternativnimi pogoji, ki sledijo načelom trajnostnega razvoja. Organske sulfokside smo do sulfidov reducirali na vodnem mediju 37% HCl s cenenim reagentom NaSH, ki po koncu reakcije tvori okolju nenevarne odpadne produkte. Produkt reakcije v večjem merilu smo izolirali z neposredno destilacijo. Razvili smo novo, hitro in priročno metodo oksidacije organskih sulfidov, ki pri zelenih pogojih slelektivno poteka s t-BuOCl. Pretvorbe so odvisne od temperature in topila, sulfokside in sulfone pa smo izolirali z odstranitvijo topila in hlapnih primesi. Metodo smo prenesli na večje merilo in na polimerne substrate ter raziskovali mehanizem. Prej neznane N-jodo sulfoksimine smo pripravili neposredno iz sulfidov z eno-lončnim sintetskim pristopom v zelenem topilu metanolu. Metodo smo izvedli v večjem merilu in predstavili nekatere nadaljnje pretvorbe. Organske selenide smo do selenoksidov oksidirali s 30% vodno raztopino zelenega oksidanta H2O2. Pripravili smo dva reagenta za elektrofilno selenocianiranje in -SeCN uvedli pod trajsnotnimi pogoji. 2-Amino-4H-pirane smo pod reakcijskimi pogoji brez topil s t-BuOCl regioselektivno klorofukcionalizirali do α,N-dikloroiminov in produkte izolirali z odstranjevanjem hlapnih primesi. Zlato smo raztopili v etanolu s katalitsko količino joda, 33% vodne raztopine H2O2 ter cenenim in nenevarnim ligandom. Doktorska naloga predstavlja pomemben doprinos k zeleni kemiji redoks reakcij žveplovih in selenovih organskih spojin, elektrofilnega prenosa halogenov in halkogenov ter njihovih funkcionalnih skupin, sintezi in reaktivnosti haloiminskega stukturnega motiva in recikliranja dragocenih kovin. Herein we present some novel synthetic methods, compounds and reagents in the context of halogen and chalcogen organic chemistry with emphasis on green chemistry principles and sustainable development. Due to unsustainable exploitation of natural resources and environmental pollution, green chemistry was established on environmentally friendly principles. Halogenated and chalcogenated organic compounds are important materials, solvents, reagents, synthons and natural compounds, that are used in medicine, industry, and agrochemistry. Despite quick development of this field, there is still a great need for preparation of existing and novel motifs under alternative conditions that follow sustainable development. Organic sulfoxides were deoxygenated to sulfides using 37% aqueous HCl and affordable reagent NaSH, that produce environmentally benign waste. Product of scaled-up reaction was isolated by direct distillation. New, rapid, and convenient method for oxidation of organic sulfides that selectively proceeds with t-BuOCl under green reaction conditions. Reaction was temperature- and solvent-dependent and product sulfoxides and sulfones were isolated by removal of solvent. The method was easily scalable and tested on polymeric substrate. The mechanism was explored. Previously unknown N-iodo sulfoximines were prepared from sulfides via one-pot approach in green solvent methanol. The method was scaled-up and further transformations were explored. We developed new sustainable method for oxidation of organic selenides using 30% aqueous H2O2 solution. Two reagents for electrophilic selenocyanation were prepared and -SeCN motif was introduced under sustainable conditions. 2-Amino-4H-pyrans were regioselectively chloro-functionalised with t-BuOCl under neat reaction conditions to afford α,N-dichloroimines that were isolated by removal of volatiles. Gold was dissolved in ethanol with catalytic amount of iodine, 33% aqueous H2O2 and inexpensive and non-toxic ligand. Doctoral thesis presents an important contribution to green chemistry topics of sulfur and selenium organic compound redox reactions, halogen and chalcogen functional group electrophilic transfer and synthesis, reactivity of haloimine structural motif and noble metal recycling.
- Published
- 2022
12. Mikrobiološka obstojnost modelnega živila z dodatkom bioaktivnega izvlečka živilu in premazu embalažne folije
- Author
Zupanc, Andraž and Smole-Možina, Sonja
- Subjects
gotove jedi ,ready-to-eat foods ,MBC ,namaz iz jajčevca ,mikrobiološka stabilnost ,microbiological stability ,packaging ,food microbiology ,MBK ,udc:579.67:547.9:621.798 ,bioactive extracts ,protimikrobna aktivnost ,povzročitelji kvara ,MIC ,embalaža ,growth kinetics ,živilska mikrobiologija ,antioksidativnost ,MIK ,antimicrobial activity ,pathogens ,patogeni mikroorganizmi ,bioaktivni izvlečki ,food spoilage microorganisms ,eggplant spread ,antioxidation ,konzervansi ,kinetika rasti ,PLA ,preservatives - Abstract
Cilj dela je bila priprava gotovega živila iz hitro pokvarljivih mediteranskih surovin in testiranje protimikrobnega delovanja bioaktivnih izvlečkov in vitro in v modelih živila - homogenatu in namazu iz jajčevca. Testirali smo protimikrobno aktivnost fenolnega izvlečka lista robide (Rubus fruticosus), izvlečka odpadnega destilata navadnega brina (Juniperus communis), njune kombinacije, izrabljenega gojišča (CFSM) in zaščitne kulture Lb. paraplantarum ter embalažnih folij PLA s premazom hitozana in izvlečki ter njihovih kombinacij proti patogenim mikroorganizmom, povzročiteljem kvara in naravno prisotni mikrobioti namaza. S procesi priprave namaza in njegovim skladiščenjem pri realnih pogojih hranjenja v hladilniku 4 - 5 °C smo zavrli rast aerobnih sporogenih bakterij. Dodatki v namazu niso zmanjšali skupnega števila aerobnih mezofilnih bakterij. Kombinacija izvlečka robide in brina ter CFSM Lb. paraplantarum je bila učinkovita v obremenitvenem testu s P. fragi in L. innocua, tako ima največji potencial za uporabo v živilih. Uporaba zaščitne kulture je smiselna pri živilih, ki so namenjena daljšemu shranjevanju, njihova protimikrobna aktivnost se razvije kasneje in bolj zakisa izdelek. Funcionalizirana folija PLA s premazom hitozana in/ali dodanimi rastlinskimi izvlečki protimikrobne aktivnosti kombinacije dodatkov v živilo ni dodatno izboljšala, kljub izkazani protimikrobni učinkovitosti folij v in vitro testih. Aim of this work was preparation of food from quickly perishable Mediterranean ingredients and to test antimicrobial activity of bioactive extracts in vitro and in food models - eggplant homogenate and spread. We tested antimicrobial activity of the phenolic leaf extract from blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), extract of the waste distillate of common juniper (Juniperus communis), their combination, cell free spent medium (CFSM) of Lb. paraplantarum, protective culture Lb. paraplantarum and packaging PLA foil with chitosan coating and extract combinations against pathogenic and food spoilage microorganisms and natural microbiome of spread. With preparation processes of spread and its storage under realistic storage conditions in the refrigerator 4 - 5 °C, we inhibited the growth of aerobic sporogenic bacteria. Additives in the spread did not reduce the total number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria. The combination of blackberry and juniper extracts and Lb. paraplantarum CFSM was effective in challenge test with P. fragi and L. innocua, thus it has the greatest potential for use in foods. The use of a protective culture makes sense for foods that are intended for long-term storage, as their antimicrobial activity develops over time and makes the product more acidic. Functionalized PLA film with chitosan coating and/or added plant extracts did not further improve the antimicrobial activity of the combination of food additives, despite the demonstrated antimicrobial efficacy of the films in in vitro tests.
- Published
- 2022
13. Družbeni pomeni vode: Podzemni in nadzemni vodni (iz)viri, poti ter njihove infrastrukture v vasi Ašbarū, Maroko
- Author
Kuntarič Zupanc, Simona and Lunaček Brumen, Ana Sarah
- Subjects
anthropology of water ,social meaning of water, underground and surface water sources and pathways ,makinch alma’ (ni vode) ,družbeni pomen vode, podzemni in nadzemni vodni viri in poti ,Maroko ,Morocco ,namakalni sistem khottara ,infrastruktura ,khottara irrigation system ,antropologija vode ,makinch alma' (no water) ,infrstructure - Abstract
Magistrsko delo raziskuje in utemeljuje družbeni pomen vode v vasi Ašbarū v Maroku, še posebej pa se posveča nekaterim tradicionalnim in sodobnim tehnološkim, infrastrukturnim ter drugim procesom in načinom distribucije podzemnih (khottare) ter nadzemnih (seguije) vodnih virov. Izhaja iz klasičnega antropološkega terenskega dela v omenjeni vasi in se osredotoča na stanje makinch alma’ (ni vode), s katerim se prebivalci vasi Ašbarū vsakodnevno soočajo in ga opredeljujejo kot temeljno stanje, ki pomembno zaznamuje tako njihova zasebna kot tudi kolektivna življenja v vasi. Delo se opira na dva pomembna koncepta hidrosocialnost, ki poudarja, da so voda, vodna telesa ter človek oz. družba soodnosni in sokonstutirajoči in hidrosocialni cikel, ki prepleta vodo in z njo povezano tehnologijo, infrastrukturo in družbo. S pomočjo analize etnografskega gradiva pridobljenega z metodo opazovanja z udeležbo in intervjuji poskušam razkriti nekatere družbene vidike in pomene podzemnih in nadzemnih vodnih virov in poti, ki prežemajo sisteme sorodstva, dedovanja zemlje, poročanja, infrastrukturnih in drugih družbenih ureditev za distribucijo vode, duhovnega čiščenja, religioznega pomena in druge prostorske in časovne dimenzije vode. Delo pojasnjuje, kako so podzemni in nadzemni vodni viri in poti neodtujljivi del in temeljna vitalnost vasi Ašbarū ter širše okolice. Prav zato pomanjkanje vode v omenjenih podzemnih in nadzemnih virih ter poteh oz. situacija makinch alma’ (ni vode) naznanja neslutene spremembe v vasi, ki bi zaradi prisotnosti transnacionalnih korporacij, ki posegajo v vodne vire na tem območju, kot tudi t. i. hidroorientalizmov, znale botrovati še večjemu pomanjkanjue podzemnih in nadzemnih virov in s tem prinesti negativne posledice lokalni skupnosti in širšemu okolju nasploh. This master thesis explores and explains the social meaning of water in the village of Ašbarū in Morocco, focusing in particular on some of the traditional and modern technological, infrastructural and other processes and methods of distribution of underground (khottara) and surface (seguia) water resources. It draws on classic anthropological fieldwork in the aforementioned village and focuses on the condition of makinch alma' (no water) that the inhabitants of the village of Ašbarū confront in their daily lives, identifying it as a fundamental condition that significantly shapes both their private and collective lives in the village. In this regard, I draw on two important concepts hydrosociality, which emphasises that water, water bodies and human beings or society are interdependent and co-constitutive and the hydrosocial cycle, which intertwines water with its associated technology, infrastructure and society. Through the analysis of ethnographic material obtained through participant observation and interviews I seek to reveal some of the social aspects and meanings of underground and surface water sources and pathways that permeate systems of kinship, land inheritance, marriage, infrastructural and other social arrangements for water distribution, spiritual purification, religious significance, and other spatial and temporal dimensions of water. This discussion explains how underground and surface water sources and pathways are an integral and fundamentally vital part of the village of Ašbarū and the wider surrounding area. It is for this reason that the scarcity of water in the above-mentioned underground and surface sources and pathways, or the situation of makinch alma' (no water), heralds unprecedented changes in the village, which, due to the presence of transnational corporations encroaching on water resources in the area, as well as the so-called hydro-orientalisms, could lead to an even greater scarcity of underground and surface resources, and thus bring negative consequences for the local community and the wider environment in general.
- Published
- 2022
14. Model za določanje življenjske dobe lesa listavcev
- Author
Mojca Žlahtič Zupanc, Ajda Pogorelčnik, Davor Kržišnik, Boštjan Lesar, Nejc Thaler, and Miha Humar
- Subjects
wood ,wood protection ,durability ,wood decay fungi ,moisture content ,service life ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
The majority of Slovenian wood species do not have durable wood. Due to increased environmental awareness, users are avoiding treated wood and wood from tropical forests. In order to increase the consumption of domestic wood species, we have to understand the overall performance of wood better. Therefore, a study of the most important Slovenian hardwood species was performed, as prescribed by Meyer-Veltrup et al. Durability against wood decay fungi and wetting was determined using standard laboratory tests. These data were then used for calculation of the respective factors needed for calculation of predicted service life.
- Published
- 2017
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15. Multikomponentna sinteza indazolskih derivatov
- Author
Zupanc, Anita and Štefane, Bogdan
- Subjects
copper coordination compounds ,bakrove koordinacijske spojine ,Multicomponent synthesis ,indazolski derivati ,indazole derivatives ,Multikomponentna sinteza - Abstract
Multikomponentna sinteza predstavlja pomemben del kombinatorne kemije, saj omogoča visoko stopnjo strukturne diverzitete željenih produktov. Ker potekajo reakcije večinoma v enem koraku, so sintezni postopki enostavno izvedljivi in hitri. S tem je mogoča tvorba velikega števila sinteznih knjižic že iz majhnega števila reaktantov, kar je zelo uporabno za iskanje novih zdravil v farmacevtski industriji. Indazoli so heterociklične spojine, ki se redko najdejo v naravi, večinoma le kot sestavni del ogrodja alkaloidov. Molekulo indazola lahko funkcionaliziramo z visoko stopnjo selektivnosti na različnih položajih v molekuli in s tem omogočimo tvorbo novih spojin z biološkimi in terapevtskimi lastnostmi. Zaradi svojega protirakavega, protivnetnega, protivirusnega delovanja ter inhibicije encimov in receptorjev, ki povzročajo bolezni, so indazolski derivati pomembna komponenta zdravil. Eksperimentalni del diplomskega dela obsega multikomponentno sintezo indazolskih derivatov iz različnih monosubstituiranih benzenovih spojin. Nastale produkte sem okarakterizirala z 1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR in HRMS spektroskopijo. Iz na novo sintetiziranih spojin sem nato pripravila bakrove koordinacijske spojine ter jih ustrezno okarakterizirala 1H NMR, IR in HRMS analizo. Multicomponent synthesis represents an important part of combinatorial chemistry, as it enables a high degree of structural diversity of the desired products. Since the reactions mostly take place in one step, the synthetic procedures are fast and easy to carry out. This enables creation of many synthesis libraries from a small number of reactants, which is very useful for discovering new drugs in the pharmaceutical industry. Indazoles are heterocyclic compounds rarely found in nature, mostly only as a component of the alkaloids. The indazole molecule can be functionalized with a high degree of selectivity at different positions in the molecule, thereby enabling the formation of new compounds with biological and therapeutic properties. Indazole derivatives are an important component of medicines due to their anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antiviral activity and inhibition of disease-causing enzymes and receptors. The experimental part of the thesis comprises multicomponent synthesis of indazole derivatives from various monosubstituted benzene compounds. The resulting products were characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR and HRMS spectroscopy. I also synthesized copper coordination compounds from the newly formed compounds and performed 1H NMR, IR and HRMS analysis for the products.
- Published
- 2022
16. Študija izvedljivosti uvedbe sistema študentskih društev na Univerzi v Ljubljani
- Author
Zupanc, Blaž and Tekavčič, Metka
- Subjects
društva ,activities ,education ,analiza ,university education ,research ,analysis ,dejavnost ,izobrazba ,organizacija ,organization ,questionnaires ,Univerza v Ljubljani ,societies ,udc:378 ,visoko šolstvo ,raziskave ,ankete ,University of Ljubljana - Published
- 2022
17. Identifying barriers for nature-based solutions in flood risk management
- Author
Raška, Pavel, Bezak, Nejc, Ferreira, Carla S.S., Kalantari, Zahra, Banasik, Kazimierz, Bertola, Miriam, Bourke, Mary, Cerdà, Artemi, Davids, Peter, Madruga de Brito, Mariana, Evans, Rhys, Finger, David Christian, Halbac-Cotoara-Zamfir, Rares, Housh, Mashor, Hysa, Artan, Jakubínský, Jiří, Kapović-Solomun, Marijana, Kaufmann, Maria, Keesstra, S. D., Keles, Emine, Kohnová, Silvia, Pezzagno, Michele, Potočki, Kristina, Rufat, Samuel, Seifollahi-Aghmiuni, Samaneh, Schindelegger, Arthur, Šraj, Mojca, Stankunavičius, Gintautas, Stolte, Jannes, Stričević, Ružica, Szolgay, Jan, Zupanc, Vesna, Slavíková, Lenka, and Hartmann, Thomas
- Subjects
Europe ,udc:502/504:628.1 ,Evropa ,flood risk management ,ovire pri izvajanju ,nature-based solution ,varstvo pred poplavami ,naravne rešitve ,implementation barrier - Abstract
Glavni dogodek, ki je Evropo prizadel poleti 2021, opominja družbo, da se poplave ponavljajo in so med najdražjimi in najsmrtonosnejšimi naravnimi nevarnostmi. Prizadevanja za dolgoročno obvladovanje poplavne ogroženosti (FRM), ki dajejo prednost izključno tehničnim ukrepom za preprečevanje in blažitev poplav, so se izkazala za premalo učinkovita in občutljiva za okolje. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) označujejo nedavni premik paradigme FRM k rešitvam, ki uporabljajo lastnosti, procese in možnosti upravljanja, pridobljene iz narave, za izboljšanje zadrževanja vode in blažitev poplav. Vendar pa empirični dokazi o učinkih NBS v različnih okoljih ostajajo razdrobljeni in njihovo izvajanje se sooča z vrsto institucionalnih ovir. V tem prispevku smo sprejeli strokovno perspektivo skupnosti, ki temelji na naravnem zadrževanju poplav LAND4FLOOD na zasebnem omrežju zemljišč (https://www.land4flood.eu), da bi identificirali niz ovir ter njihove kaskadne in sestavljene interakcije, pomembne za posamezno NBS. Strokovnjaki so ugotovili obsežen nabor 17 ovir, ki vplivajo na izvajanje 12 skupin NBS v urbanih in podeželskih okoljih na petih evropskih regionalnih okoljskih območjih (t.j. borealno, atlantsko, celinsko, alpsko-karpatsko in sredozemsko). Na podlagi rezultatov opredeljujemo poti za nadaljnje raziskave, ki povezujejo hidrologijo in znanost tal na eni strani ter prostorsko načrtovanje, družbeno geografijo in ekonomijo na drugi strani. Naši predlogi nakazujejo transdisciplinaren preobrat v raziskavah NBS/FRM. The major event that hit Europe in summer 2021 reminds society that floods are recurrent and among the costliest and deadliest natural hazards. The long-term flood risk management (FRM) efforts preferring sole technical measures to prevent and mitigate floods have shown to be not sufficiently effective and sensitive to the environment. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) mark a recent paradigm shift of FRM towards solutions that use nature-derived features, processes and management options to improve water retention and mitigate floods. Yet, the empirical evidence on the effects of NBS across various settings remains fragmented and their implementation faces a series of institutional barriers. In this paper, we adopt a community expert perspective drawing upon LAND4FLOOD Natural flood retention on private land network (https://www.land4flood.eu) in order to identify a set of barriers and their cascading and compound interactions relevant to individual NBS. The experts identified a comprehensive set of 17 barriers affecting the implementation of 12 groups of NBS in both urban and rural settings in five European regional environmental domains (i.e., Boreal, Atlantic, Continental, Alpine-Carpathian, and Mediterranean). Based on the results, we define avenues for further research, connecting hydrology and soil science, on the one hand, and land use planning, social geography and economics, on the other. Our suggestions ultimately call for a transdisciplinary turn in the research of NBS in FRM.
- Published
- 2022
18. Vrednotenje učinkovitosti ekstrakcije pigmentov iz liofiliziranih živil rastlinskega izvora z bioobnovljivim topilom CyreneTM
- Author
Zupanc, Sendy and Cigić, Blaž
- Subjects
ekstrakcija ,antioksidanti ,UV-VIS spectroscopy ,udc:547.97:66.061.18:633.86 ,plant pigments ,Folin-Ciocalteu ,solvent ,antioxidants ,UV-VIS spektrofotometrija ,extraction ,ABTS ,topilo ,rastlinski pigmenti ,CyreneTM ,DPPH - Abstract
Magistrska naloga obravnava karakterizacijo bioobnovljivega topila CyreneTM in njegovo uporabo za namen ekstrakcije pigmentov iz liofiliziranih vzorcev rastlinskega izvora. Ugotovili smo, da CyreneTM močno absorbira v UV delu spektra, medtem ko je absorbanca nad 430 nm zanemarljiva. Vodne raztopine CyreneTM so kisle (pH = 3,8). CyreneTM je reaktiven v testih za določevanje antioksidativnega potenciala. V Folin Ciocalteu testu smo določili za CyreneTM 132 TE/L 100 % CyreneTM, v ABTS testu 20,7 TE/L 100 % CyreneTM in v DPPH testu 13,2 TE/L 100 % CyreneTM. Z vodnimi raztopinami CyreneTM smo učinkovito ekstrahirali pigmente iz liofilizirane pšenične trave, koruznega glutena, korenčka, rdeče pese, aronije in borovnice. Nepolarne karotene iz korenčka smo najučinkoviteje ekstrahirali s 100 % CyreneTM, polarnejše ksantofile iz skupine karotenoidov, s katerimi je bogat koruzni gluten, pa z 80 % CyreneTM. Klorofili iz pšenične trave so se najbolj učinkovito ekstrahirali s 95 % CyreneTM, medtem ko je bila ekstrakcija relativno polarnih antocianinov iz aronije in borovnice ter betalainov iz rdeče pese najučinkovitejša s 40 % do 60 % CyreneTM. Razmerje med liofilizatom in topilom v razponu od 1:10 do 1:100 je imelo relativno majhen vpliv na učikovitost ekstrakcije. Primerjava učinkovitosti ekstrakcije z vodnimi raztopinami CyreneTM in tradicionalno uporabljenimi topili je razkrila, da se betalaini najučinkoviteje ekstrahirajo z raztopino CyreneTM, medtem ko je ekstrakcija ostalih pigmentov slabša v primerjavi s klasičnimi topili. The master's thesis aims to characterize the sustainable solvent CyreneTM and its application for the extraction of pigments from lyophilized samples of plant origin. We found that CyreneTM strongly absorbs in the UV part of the spectrum, while is the absorbance above 430 nm negligible. CyreneTM aqueous solutions are acidic (pH = 3.8). CyreneTM interfers in tests for the analysis of antioxidant potential. In the Folin Ciocalteu test, CyreneTM gives 132 TE/L 100 % CyreneTM, 20.7 TE/L 100 % CyreneTM in the ABTS test and 13.2 TE/L 100 % CyreneTM in the DPPH test. Pigments from lyophilized wheat grass, corn gluten, carrot, beetroot, chokeberry and blueberry were effectively extracted with aqueous CyreneTM solutions. Nonpolar carotenes from carrot were the most efficiently extracted with 100 % CyreneTM, and more polar xanthophylls of the carotenoid group, from corn gluten, with 80 % CyreneTM. Chlorophylls from wheat grass were most efficiently extracted with 95% CyreneTM, while extraction of relatively polar anthocyanins from chokeberry and blueberry, and betalaine from beetroot was the most effective with 40% to 60% CyreneTM. The ratio of lyophilisate to solvent in the range of 1:10 to 1: 100 had a relatively small effect on the extraction efficiency. A comparison of the extraction efficiency with aqueous CyreneTM solutions and traditionally used solvents revealed that betalains are the most efficiently extracted with CyreneTM solution, while the extraction of other pigments is poorer as compared to conventional solvents.
- Published
- 2022
19. Uporaba neklearnih tehnik za oceno erozije in sedimentacije: preliminarni rezultati uporabe cezija-137 kot sledila v Sloveniji
- Author
Vesna Zupanc and Lionel Mabit
- Subjects
kmetijsko zemljišče ,degradacija tal ,vodna erozija ,radionuklidi ,137cs metoda ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Dosedanje raziskave na področju erozije in procesov odlaganja talnih delcev v Sloveniji so uporabljale konvencionalne metode meritev. Prispevek predstavlja prednosti uporabe radionuklidov za oceno obsega prerazporeditve talne mase ter obravnava primer ocene izhodiščnega depozita 137Cs na neporušenem talnem profilu v Šalamencih v vzhodni Sloveniji. Ugotovljen izhodiščni depozit 137Cs za izbrano gozdno parcelo je bil 7316 ± 2525 Bq m–2 (koeficient variabilnosti 34 %, n = 20). Ti podatki bodo uporabljeni pri aplikaciji 137Cs metode v prihodnjih raziskavah o stopnji erozije in procesov odlaganja talnih delcev na okoliških kmetijskih zemljiščih.
- Published
- 2010
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20. Obrazi Pedagoške fakultete: študentski svet Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
- Author
Fricelj, Nina, Jakšić Ivačič, Živa, Bedek, Nika, Gašpar, Lara, Zupanc, Lara, Čop, Ana, Bukovšek, Nikolaja, Črešnar Štaus, Vitjan, Smodiš, Gaja, and Kastelic, Anja Lotte
- Subjects
yearbook ,profesorji - Abstract
Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani je skupnost visokošolskih učiteljev in asistentov, raziskovalcev, strokovnih delavcev ter študentk in študentov. Med nami je mnogo razlik, a druži nas spoštovanje pedagoškega poklica.
- Published
- 2021
21. Protiadhezivna aktivnost ekstraktov mikroalg vrst Arthrospira platensis in Chlorella vulgaris na zobni površini
- Author
Zupanc, Anja and Jeršek, Barbka
- Subjects
protibakterijske lastnosti ,ekstrakti ,zobne površine ,extracts ,mikroalge ,antibacterial activity ,microalgae ,udc:579.61:616.314-083:579.24:582.2/.3 ,Arthrospira platensis ,Chlorella vulgaris ,dental surfaces ,antiadhesive activity ,protiadhezivna aktivnost - Abstract
Mikroalge proizvajajo zunaj- in znotrajcelične presnovke z različnimi biološkimi aktivnostmi, kot so protibakterijske in protiadhezivne lastnosti, zato so zanimive na različnih področjih, vključno pri preprečevanju obolenj v ustni votlini. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti protibakterijske in protiadhezivne lastnosti ekstraktov mikroalg vrst Arthrospira platensis in Chlorella vulgaris z bakterijami vrst Streptococcus cristatus in Staphylococcus warner, ki so bile izolirane iz ustne votline. Minimalno inhibitorno koncentracijo (MIC) ekstraktov mikroalg MC, MS, CMAC in CMAS (M: ekstrakcija z metanolom CMA: ekstrakcija z mešanico kloroforma, metanola in acetona C: C. vulgaris S.: A. platensis) smo določili z metodo razredčevanja v mikrotitrski ploščici. Za proučevanje bakterijske adhezije smo uporabili 0,1 MIC ekstraktov mikroalg. Protiadhezivne lastnosti ekstraktov smo določili najprej na polistirenski površini z metodo barvanja z barvilom kristal vijolično in v nadaljevanju na zobni površini z metodo štetja kolonij na trdnem gojišču. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima najboljšo protibakterijsko aktivnosti ekstrakt CMAS (MIC 10 mg/L). Pri subinhibitorni koncentraciji 0,1 MIC je protiadhezivno aktivnost imel ekstrakt CMAS pri bakterijah vrste Strep. cristatus, saj je bila adhezija na polistiren zmanjšana za 84 %, in pri bakterijah vrste Staph. warneri, kjer je bila adhezija zmanjšana za 36 %. Tudi na zobni površini je ekstrakt CMAS inhibiral adhezijo bakterij vrste Staph. warneri, medtem ko ni vplival na adhezijo bakterij vrste Strep. cristatus. Rezultati eksperimentalnega dela potrjujejo kompleksnost proučevanja bioaktivnih lastnosti naravnih ekstraktov, ki je odvisna od mnogih dejavnikov. Protibakterijska in protiadhezivna aktivnost ekstrakta je odvisna ne samo od vrste ekstrakta, ampak tudi od postopka ekstrakcije, vrste uporabljenega topila ter od postopka testiranja bioaktivnih lastnosti (npr. izbira topila, v katerem so ekstrakti raztopljeni, izbira bakterij, izbira površine, izbira metode) in od vrste uporabljenih mikroorganizmov. Dobljeni rezultati kažejo na protiadhezivne lastnosti ekstraktov mikroalg vrst A. platensis in C. vulgaris in nakazujejo možnosti njihove uporabe tudi na področju ustne higiene. Microalgae produce extracellular and intracellular metabolites with various biological activities, such as antibacterial and antiadhesive properties making them very interesting in various fields, including prevention of oral disease. The aim of the master thesis was to determine antibacterial and antiadhesive properties of Arthrospira platensis and Chlorella vulgaris microalgae extracts on Streptococcus cristatus and Staphylococcus warneri strains, isolated from oral cavity. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of MC, MS, CMAC and CMAS microalgae extracts (M: methanol extraction CMA: extraction with mixture of chloroform, methanol and acetone C: C. vulgaris S: A. platensis) was determined by the microdilution method. To study bacterial adhesion, we use 0,1 MIC of microalgal extracts. The antiadhesive properties of the extracts were determined first on polysryrene surface by crystal violet staining method and then on dental surface by colony count method. The results showed that CMAS extract had the best antibacterial activity (MIC 10 mg/mL). At a subinhibitory concentration of 0.1 MIC, CMAS extract had antiadhesive activity against Strep. cristatus, as adhesion to polystyrene was reduced for 84 %, while adhesion of Staph. warneri was reduced for 36 %. On the dental surface, CMAS extract inhibited the adhesion of Staph. warneri, while it had no effect on adhesion of Strep. cristatus. The results of the experimental work confirm the complexity of studying the bioactive properties of natural extracts, which depends on many factors. The results show that the antibacterial and anti-adhesive activity of the microalgal extract depend on the extraction process, the type of solvent used, and the procedure used to test the bioactive properties (e.g. choice of the solvent in which the extracts are dissolved, choice of bacteria, choice of the surface, choice of the method) and type of microorganisms used. Obtained results show the antiadhesive properties of A. platensis and C. vulgaris microalgae extracts and suggest their possible application in field of oral hygiene
- Published
- 2021
22. Družbeni položaj ženske v romanih Thomasa Hardyja
- Author
Zupanc, Polona and Virk, Tomislav
- Subjects
Thomas Hardy ,družbeni položaj ,ženski liki ,angleška književnost ,English literature ,women characters ,social status - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava primerjavo ženskih likov treh del iz romanesknega wesseškega cikla angleškega viktorijanskega pisatelja Thomasa Hardyja. Najprej je predstavljeno avtorjevo življenje, podrobneje njegov literarni slog ter teme in motivi, ki jih srečujemo v njegovem delu. Sledi kratek pregled položaja ženske v Angliji 19. stoletja. Glavni del naloge je posvečen analizi družbenega položaja Tess Durbeyfield, Bathshebe Everdene in Grace Melbury, protagonistk obravnavanih romanov. Analiza temelji na primerjavi njihovega izvora, šolanja, dela in nenazadnje poroke ter v povezavi s tem razlage, če in kako se je vsaki posebej uspelo povzpeti po družbeni lestvici. Dodatno podpoglavje poda kratek pregled ženskih likov, ki predstavljajo nasprotni pol Hardyjevim junakinjam. The thesis deals with a comparison of female characters in three Thomas Hardy's Wessex novels. Firstly, the life of the author is presented with an emphasis on his literary style and the themes and motifs we encounter in his work. The following chapter gives a brief overview of the social position of women in the 19th century England. The main part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of the social position of Tess Durbeyfield, Bathsheba Everdene and Grace Melbury, the protagonists of the novels in question. The analysis is based on a comparison of their origin, education, work and, last but not least, marriage, and in connection with this, whether and how each of them managed to ascend the social hierarchy. There is also a subchapter that gives a brief overview of the female characters who represent the opposite pole to Hardy’s heroines.
- Published
- 2021
23. Klasifikacija delovnih operacij na osnovi posnetkov gibanja dlani
- Author
Zupanc, Anej and Vrabič, Rok
- Subjects
MediaPipe ,dolgoročni kratkoročni spomin ,machine learning ,posnetki gibanja dlani ,long short term memory ,videos of hand movements ,klasifikacija delovnih operacij ,udc:004.85:005.935(043.2) ,classification of work operations ,strojno učenje ,Keras - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi predstavimo grajenje modela za strojno učenje, ki bo služil za klasifikacijo delovnih operacij na podlagi posnetkov gibanja dlani. Pri tem uporabljamo knjižnico MediaPipe za zbiranje podatkov in knjižnico TensorFlow, Keras za strojno učenje. Slednje je izvedeno z uporabo ponavljajočih se nevronskih mrež, specifično dolgoročnega kratkoročnega spomina. Celoten model je zgrajen v programskem okolju Python. Na koncu predstavimo statistične rezultate zgrajenega modela, ki kaže 91,25% uspešnost. In this bachelor's degree we present building of a machine learning model, capable of classification of work operations based on an analysis of hand movements. In doing so, we use MediaPipe library for keypoint and data collection and TensorFlow, Keras library for machine learning. The latter is done using recurrent neural networks, specifically long short term memory. The whole model in build in a Python software environment. At the end we present statistical data, showing 91,25% classification performance.
- Published
- 2021
24. Povezanost med zmogljivostjo mišic spodnjih udov, premičnostjo in funkcijsko samostojnostjo pri pacientih po COVID-19 s težjim potekom.
- Author
Zupanc, Aleksander
- Abstract
Copyright of Fizioterapija is the property of Slovenian Association of Physiotherapists and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
25. Vpliv investicij v izobraževanje zaposlenih na uspešnost podjetja Lek d. d
- Author
Zupanc, Maša and Ilič, Branko
- Subjects
poslovna uspešnost ,knowledge ,education ,izobraževanje ,udc:005.336.1(497.4)(043.2) ,učeča se organizacija ,znanje ,learning organization ,business performance - Abstract
Globalizacija in razvoj tehnologije sta spremenila vlogo zaposlenih, saj je danes znanje zaposlenih ena ključnih konkurenčnih prednosti podjetij. Zaposleni tako predstavljajo največji kapital podjetij. Investicije v razvoj, izobraževanje in usposabljanje zaposlenih so temelj uspešnega delovanja podjetja ter pripevajo k večji konkurenčnosti podjetja in produktivnosti zaposlenih. Ključno je predvsem vlaganje v znanje, ki ga lahko zaposleni hitro in učinkovito pridobijo ter umestijo v organizacijsko okolje, saj se lahko podjetja le tako konstantno prilagajajo na spremembe na trgu dela. Podjetja morajo tako ves čas načrtno nadgrajevati, ohranjati in vrednotiti znanje zaposlenih z rednim izobraževanjem. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sem opredelila pojme, kot so pomen znanja, učeča se organizacija, izobraževanje v organizaciji, merjenje učinkov izobraževanja, menedžment človeških virov, poslovno uspešnost podjetja in kazalnike poslovne uspešnosti. V empiričnem delu sem na podlagi podjetja Lek d. d. preučila pomen in potek izobraževanja zaposlenih. S pomočjo kvantitativne analize podatkov sem preverila, kako investicije v izobraževanje vplivajo na uspešnost podjetja. Ugotovila sem, da spremenljivke, kot so povprečno število ur izobraževanj na zaposlenega, čisti dobiček na zaposlenega ter koeficienti gospodarnosti, produktivnosti in donosnosti, med seboj niso statistično značilno povezane. Globalization and technology development have changed the employees' role. Today, the knowledge of employees is one of the key competitive advantages of companies. Employees thus represent the largest asset of companies. Investments in employee development, education, and training are the foundation of the successful operation of the company. They contribute to greater competitiveness of the company and employee productivity. The key is investing in the knowledge that employees can acquire and transfer into the work environment quickly and effectively, as this is the only way for companies to constantly adapt to changes in the labour market. Therefore, companies must regularly systematically upgrade, maintain and evaluate the knowledge of employees through regular education. In the theoretical part of the diploma theses, I defined concepts such as the importance of knowledge, learning organization, training in the organization, measuring the effects of education, human resource management, business performance of the company, and business performance indicators In the empirical part, based on company Lek d. d., I examined the importance and course of employee education. With the help of quantitative data analysis, I examined how investments in education impact a company's performance. I found that variables such as the average number of hours of education per employee, net profit per employee, and the coefficients of economy, productivity, and profitability are not statistically significantly related.
- Published
- 2021
26. Sodelovanje institucij po reorganizaciji centrov za socialno delo v primeru nasilja v družini
- Author
Jovanović Zupanc, Hana and Dragoš, Srečo
- Subjects
domestic violence ,reorganization ,police ,non-governemntal organizations ,center za socialno delo ,multidisciplinarni tim ,policija ,sodelovanje organizacij ,center for social work ,udc:364.633:061.1 ,collaboration of institutions ,nasilje v družini ,nevladne organizacije ,reorganizacija ,multidisciplinary team - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi se osredotočam na raziskovanje sodelovanja med centrom za socialno delo Ljubljana, Društvom za nenasilno komunikacijo (DNK) in s policijo v primeru nasilja v družini ter kakšen vpliv ima pri tem reorganizacija CSD-jev. Odločila sem se za kvalitativno raziskavo, saj nisem želela pridobiti številk, temveč besedne opise. Vključenih je pet intervjujev z dvema socialnima delavcema, z zaposlenima na društvu za nenasilno komunikacijo ter s kriminalistko/om. V teoretičnem delu opredelim pojem nasilje, družina in nasilje v družini ter predstavim oblike nasilja. Hkrati so narejeni pregled zakonodaje, reorganizacije in pristojnosti sodelujočih institucij. In my thesis, I focus on researching the collaboration between the center for social work Ljubljana and other institutions, namely Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo and police in the case of domestic violence. I am researching the impact of the reorganization of centers for social work on the collaboration between the institutions. I opted for qualitative research as I did not want to obtain numbers but verbal descriptions instead. There are five interviews included in the research, two with social workers, two with Društvo Za nenasilno komunikacijo and one with police. In the theoretical part, I define the concept of violence, family and domestic violence as well as present forms of violence. There is also an overview of the legislation, reorganization and competencies of the participating institutions.
- Published
- 2021
27. Depopulacija sjeverne hrvatske Istre
- Author
Ivan Zupanc
- Subjects
depopulacija ,istra ,emigracija ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Članek se ukvarja z demografskim razvojem hrvaške Istre v obdobju 1948-1991. Poudarek je na problematiki depopulacije kot prevladujočemu pojavu. Posledica depopulacije je neugodna starostna sestava prebivalstva na večini državnega teritorija. Kot mogoča in realna perspektiva se kaže izumiranje posameznih območij.
- Published
- 2001
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28. Vpliv francoščine na angleščino po normanski osvojitvi: Sposojenke v srednji angleščini
- Author
Zupanc, Aurelia Karina, Vitez, Primož, and Ilc, Gašper
- Subjects
sposojenke ,prilagoditev ,stara francoščina ,Old French ,borrowings ,srednja angleščina ,integration ,normanska osvojitev ,Middle English ,besedišče ,Norman conquest ,vocabulary - Abstract
Magistrska naloga oriše obsežnost francoskega vpliva na angleščino v obdobju po normanski osvojitvi s poudarkom na francoskih sposojenkah v srednji angleščini. Najprej je predstavljena teorija sposojenk, obsegajoč različne vrste izposojanj, dejavnike, ki pripomorejo k izposojanju, vrste prilagoditev sposojenk v prevzemalni jezik in teorije razvrščanj sposojenk. Nato sledi kratek pregled razvoja francoščine in angleščine ter jezikovnih vplivov, ki so prispevali k oblikovanju teh dveh jezikov, pri tem se naloga nasloni tudi na odlomke besedil iz različnih obdobij, ki prikazujejo njun razvoj. Zatem je opisan medsebojni jezikovni vpliv angleščine in francoščine ter njun jezikovni položaj v tem obdobju v Angliji. Temu sledi podroben pregled francoskih sposojenk v srednji angleščini najprej je definirana razlika med sposojanjem iz centralne in normanske francoščine, nato so sposojenke razdeljene v neleksikalne, kot je izposojanje grafemov, morfemov, fonemov in sintaktičnih značilnosti, in leksikalne sposojenke, kjer so podrobneje predstavljena semantična polja angleščine, ki jih je francoščina najbolj zaznamovala, število vseh francoskih sposojenk in posledice, ki jih je francosko izposojanje pustilo v angleščini. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena analiza desetih različnih skupin francoskih besed, oblikovanih na priponah, ki so bile sposojene v srednjo angleščino. Pri tem želi analiza ugotoviti, v kakšni meri so bile francoske sposojenke podvržene procesu importacije (sprejemanju) in substitucije (zamenjavi), ko so bile prevzete v angleščino ter odkriti, od kod izhajajo razlike med sedanjimi zapisi francoskih in angleških analiziranih besed. This master’s thesis elucidates the profound influence French exerted on English after the Norman Conquest by focusing on French borrowings in Middle English. The first part encompasses the theory of borrowing, namely various types of borrowing, prerequisite factors behind borrowing, integration of borrowings into the recipient language and diverse borrowing classifications. Then follows an overview of the development of French and English languages and the linguistic influences having allowed the moulding of these two languages, which are illustrated by several literary excerpts from various periods, indicating their development. Later, the thesis describes the reciprocal linguistic influence of English and French and the linguistic situation in the Middle English period in England. This is followed by a thorough overview of French borrowings in Middle English. First, the distinction between Central-French and Norman-French borrowing is explained, and then the thesis subdivides borrowings into non-lexical borrowings, namely graphic, morphological, phonetic and syntactic borrowings, and lexical borrowings. The latter brings into focus the number of French borrowings in this period, the English semantic fields French mainly impacted and the consequences which can be observed in Middle English subsequent to French borrowing. The empirical part draws attention to the analysis of ten different groups of French words pertaining to the same suffix which were borrowed into Middle English in this period. Its intention is to find to what extent French (Norman-French or Central-French) loanwords were subjected to importation and substitution once introduced into Middle English and understand where the differences between Present-Day French and English forms of the selected words derive from.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Zupanc, Aleksander, Bratuž, Andreja, Pipan, Jan, Jozelj, Andreja Javornik, Mihelič, Petra, and Novak, Primož
- Subjects
FUNCTIONAL independence measure ,PERIPHERAL nervous system ,TREATMENT programs ,HOSPITAL admission & discharge ,TEST validity - Abstract
Copyright of Rehabilitation / Rehabilitacija is the property of University Rehabilitation Institute, Republic of Slovenia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
30. Župnija Srednja vas v Bohinju v luči matičnih knjig
- Author
Zupanc, Helena and Studen, Andrej
- Subjects
župnija Srednja vas v Bohinju ,matične knjige ,1831-1880 ,1831–1880 ,registers ,parish of Srednja Vas in Bohinj - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi so obravnavane krstne, poročne in mrliške matične knjige župnije Srednja vas v Bohinju, zajeto je obdobje 1831-1880. V obravnavanem obdobju je bilo največ rojstev januarja, februarja, marca in oktobra, najmanj pa julija in novembra. Novorojenčki so bili večinoma krščeni na dan rojstva, dečki najpogosteje z imenom Janez, deklice pa z imenom Marija. Število rojenih dečkov je bilo večje, kakor število deklic. V obdobju 1831-1874 so se ženini in neveste najpogosteje poročali februarja, decembra pa ni bilo porok. Povprečna starost nevest ob prvi poroki je bila približno 29 let, ženini so se v poprečju prvič poročili pri približno 33 letih. Vdovci so bili ob ponovni poroki stari približno 42 let, vdove pa 40 let. Število umrlih je bilo največje v mesecih januar, marec in april, najmanjše pa v mesecu juliju. Povprečna starost umrlih, starih nad 15 let, je bila približno 58 let. V obravnavanem obdobju je bilo število smrti manjše kot število rojstev. This master's thesis studies registers of baptism, birth and death of the parish of Srednja Vas in Bohinj in the years 1831–1880. In this period, most of the children were born in January, February, March and October, and the least in July and November. The newborn infants were mostly baptised on the day of their birth boys were most commonly named Janez and girls Marija. The number of newborn boys was higher than the number of newborn girls. In the period 1831–1874, brides and grooms most commonly got married in February, while there were no weddings in December. The average age of brides at their first wedding was approximately 29 years and grooms got married for the first time at the age of approximately 33 years. When they remarried, widowers were aged 42 years and widows were 40 years. The number of the deceased was the highest in January, March and April, and the lowest in July. The average age of the deceased aged above 15 was approximately 58 years. In the studied period, the number of deaths was higher than the number of birth.
- Published
- 2020
31. Digestion of sludge from solution after digestion of ilmenite/slag in a laboratory microwave
- Author
Zupanc, Tomaž and Kristl, Matjaž
- Subjects
decomposition ,ilmenite sludge and slag ,microwave system ,Titanium dioxide ,ilmenitno blato in žlinderno blato ,mikrovalovni sistem ,sulphuric acid ,razkroj ,žveplova(VI) kislina ,udc:628.336.3/.5:549.514.6(043.2) ,Titanov(IV) oksid - Abstract
V sklopu magistrske naloge smo analizirali vsebnost TiO2 (%) v blatu iz raztopine po razkroju ilmenita in žlindre v vzorcih iz proizvodnje pigmentnega titanovega(IV) oksida v Cinkarni Celje d.d. Različne vzorce blat smo za potrebe določitve vsebnosti TiO2 v blatu razkrajali v odprtem sistemu (digestorij – klasična metoda) ter v zaprtem sistemu v mikrovalovni pečici (nova metoda). Zaradi dolgotrajnega postopka razkroja blata v digestoriju in škodljivega vpliva na zdravje zaposlenih in okolje smo razvili metodo določevanja vsebnosti TiO2 (%) v mikrovalovnem sistemu, ki je prijaznejša do zdravja zaposlenih ter okolja hkrati pa sprosti čas zaposlenih za opravljanje drugih meritev. Pripravili smo si prežarjeno blato iz raztopine po razkroju ilmenita oz. žlindre. Sledila je določitev vsebnosti TiO2 v blatu v odprtem sistemu, ki se trenutno uporablja za izvajanje meritev v proizvodnji pigmentnega titanovega dioksida. V naslednjem koraku pa smo izvedli razkroje blata v mikrovalovni pečici (zaprt sistem). Določili smo pogoje razkroja v mikrovalovni pečici: temperatura razkroja, čas razkroja, masa prežarjenega blata pri razkroju ter količina žveplove(VI) kisline. S statistično obdelavo rezultatov meritev smo ugotovili, da so rezultati vsebnosti TiO2 (%) v blatu določeni z razkrojem v mikrovalovni pečici primerljivi s tistimi, ki smo jih določili po klasičnem, to je odprtem sistemu razkroja. Metodo razkroja blata v odprtem sistemu, kjer se sprošča velika količina razkrojnih plinov, ki so škodljivi za zaposlene in okolje, lahko zamenjamo z novo metodo razkroja v zaprtem sistemu. V mikrovalovni pečici ostajajo razkrojni plini v vialah, se kondenzirajo in ne izhajajo v okolje, kar zmanjša negativne vplive na zdravje zaposlenih ter okolje. During the course of the master's thesis, the content of TiO2 (%) in the sludge from the solution after the decomposition of ilmenite and slag in the samples from the production of pigment titanium (IV) oxide in Cinkarna Celje d.d. has been analysed. For the purpose of determining the content of TiO2 in the sludge, various samples of sludge were decomposed in an open system (digester - classical method) and in a closed system represented by microwave oven (new method). Due to the long process of sludge decomposition by the classical method and the detrimental effect on employees’ health and the environment, a new method for determining the TiO2 content in the microwave system, which is friendlier to employees’ health and the environment has been developed. Overheated sludge from the solution after the decomposition of ilmenite or slag has been prepared. This was followed by the determination of the TiO2 content in the sludge in the open system, which is currently used to perform measurements in the production of pigmented titanium dioxide. In the next step, the decomposition of the sludge in the microwave (closed system) was performed. The following decomposition parameters using the microwave oven were determined: decomposition temperature, decomposition time, mass of overheated sludge during decomposition and the amount of sulfuric (VI) acid. Statistical processing of the measurements revealed that the TiO2 content (%) in the sludge, determined by decomposition in the microwave oven is comparable to the one determined by the classical (open decomposition) system. Sludge decomposition in an open system results in the release of large amounts of decomposition gases, which have adverse effects on employees and the environment. Results have shown, that the method can be replaced by a new method of decomposition in a closed system. In the microwave oven decomposition gases remain in the vials, they condense and do not escape into the environment, which reduces the negative effects on employees’ health and the environment.
- Published
- 2020
32. Praktično pedagoško usposabljanje študentov v vrtcu
- Author
Štih, Mateja, Zupanc, Damjana, and Hozjan, Dejan
- Subjects
mentor ,partnerska institucija ,protokol ,udc:378.147:373.2(043.2) ,praktično usposabljanje ,praktikant ,študija primera ,vodstvo - Published
- 2020
33. Vpisovanje otrok z Downovim sindromom v redno osnovno šolo
- Author
Zupanc, Anja and Hozjan, Dejan
- Subjects
zakonodaja ,udc:616.89:373.3(043.2) ,Downov sindrom ,inkluzija ,osnovna šola ,motnje v duševnem razvoju - Published
- 2020
34. Enota za paliativno oskrbo UKC Maribor
- Author
Zupanc, Vesna
- Subjects
paliativna medicina ,udc:616-093.75 ,onkologija - Published
- 2020
35. Posvečuj Gospodov dan! : razlaga in pomen tretje zapovedi dekaloga za kristjana
- Author
Oberwalder Zupanc, Tilen and Skralovnik, Samo
- Subjects
sobota ,Decalogue ,stvarjenje ,Gospodov dan ,Sunday ,udc:27-563(043.2) ,dekalog ,zapoved ,commandment ,Day of Christ ,Kristusov dan ,covenant ,nedelja ,exodus ,eksodus ,zaveza ,Sabbath Day ,eksegeza ,creation ,Lord's Day ,exegesis - Abstract
Zapoved sobote je v Svetem pismu obravnavana na mnogih mestih. Povezuje se s stvarjenjem in z izhodom iz Egipta. Ta dogodka v Peteroknjižju predstavljata dve njeni utemeljitvi. Tudi v zgodovini judovskih razlag je tematika sobote izredno obširna. Oboje predstavlja temelj, ko želimo spoznati pomen krščanskega Gospodovega dne – nedelje. Prav to obravnava avtor v magistrskem delu – kaj naj bi Gospodov dan predstavljal današnjemu kristjanu. Ob pregledu današnjega stanja, mišljenja in življenja mnogih vernikov v Katoliški cerkvi lahko hitro uvidimo aktualnost tega vprašanja. Do pravilnega razumevanja želi avtor pripeljati preko treh delov naloge najprej je to ugotavljanje umeščenosti desetih Božjih zapovedi v svetopisemski kontekst. Nato sledi podrobna eksegetska analiza obravnavane zapovedi ter njena interpretacija. Vse to nam pokaže osrednje mesto, ki ga tretja zapoved zavzema znotraj Svetega pisma. V zadnjem delu avtor predstavi judovski pogled na sobotni dan. Predstavljeno je njihovo praznovanje vsake sobote. Poleg tega je predstavljeno tudi, s kakšnim mišljenjem vse to opravljajo, kaj jih vodi v njihov odnos do sobote, ki jim resnično predstavlja nekaj najpomembnejšega v življenju. Po teh ugotovitvah se naloga na koncu dotakne še krščanskega razumevanja Gospodovega dne – od prve Cerkve do papežev našega časa. The commandment of the Sabbath is discussed in many places in the Bible. It is connected with creation and with the exit from Egypt. In the Pentateuch these events present two of its justifications. Also in the history of Jewish explanations, the subject of the Sabbath is extremely extensive. Both are the foundation for understanding the importance of the Christian Lord's day - Sunday. This is exactly what the author deals with in his master's thesis - what the day of the Lord should represent to today's christian. When examining the current situation, beliefs and life of many believers in the Catholic Church, we can quickly see the relevance of this issue. The author wants to show correct understanding through three parts of the master's degree first, it is to identify the ten commandments of God in the biblical context. This is followed by a detailed exegetical analysis of the commandment and its interpretation. All this shows us the central place that the third commandment occupies within the Bible. In the last section, the author presents the Jewish view of the Sabbath. Presented is their celebration of every Saturday. In addition, it presents how is their thinking connected with the things they do and what leads them to their relationship to the Sabbath, which truly represents one of the most important things in their lives. According to these findings, the task ultimately touches upon the Christian understanding of the Lord's day - from the first Church to the popes of our time.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Zupanc, Andraž and Stanimirović, Tatjana
- Subjects
public funds ,revision ,Računsko sodišče ,učinkovitost poslovanja ,pravilnost poslovanja ,ravnanje s hrano ,primary school ,regularity of business ,javna sredstva ,osnovna šola ,business efficiency ,revizija ,Court of Audit ,food handling - Abstract
Dober sistem javnih financ je potrebno zagotoviti z nadzorom. Notranji in zunanji nadzor zagotavljata transparentno ravnanje z javnimi sredstvi, s katerim država gradi zaupanje državljanov. Notranji nadzor izvaja vodstvo in osebje organizacije, zunanji nadzor izvajajo parlamenti in vrhovne revizijske institucije. V Sloveniji je vrhovna revizijska institucija Računsko sodišče Republike Slovenije. Namen diplomskega dela je bil priprava sistematičnega pregleda nepravilnosti in primerov neučinkovitega ravnanja s hrano v osnovnih šolah ter z ugotovitvami šolam dati vpogled, na kaj bi morale biti za doseganje pravilnosti in učinkovitosti ravnanja s hrano še posebej pozorne. Pri izdelavi dela je bila uporabljena metoda poglobljene analize revizijskih poročil Računskega sodišča v obdobju od leta 2017 do leta 2019. Z analizo je bila ugotovljena pogostost napak pri preverjanju pravilnosti poslovanja skladnosti z zakoni, podzakonskimi akti in pravilniki ter učinkovitosti ravnanja s hrano. Rezultati naslavljajo tako osnovne šole kot tudi širšo javnost, ki je zainteresirana za tematiko zakonsko pravilnega in učinkovitega ravnanja s hrano. Za povečanje pravilnosti in učinkovitosti bi morali biti še posebej pozorni na primere, ki so bili ugotovljeni na več šolah. Solid system of public funds has to be ensured with audit. The state builds citizens’ trust with transparent handling of public funds, which is ensured by internal and external audit. Management and employees of the organization perform internal audit. Parliaments and Supreme Audit Institutions perform external audit. In Slovenia, the Supreme Audit Institution is the Court of Auditors of the Republic of Slovenia. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to prepare a systematic review of irregularities and cases of inefficient food management in primary schools and to give an insight on what primary schools need to pay attention to in order to achieve proper and efficient food management. The method of in depth analysis of the Court of Auditors' audit reports for the period from 2017 to 2019 was used in the preparation of the diploma thesis. The analysis identified the frequency of errors in verifying the correctness of the business’ compliance with laws, by-laws, regulations and the effectiveness of food management. The results address both primary schools and the general public who are interested in the topic of legally correct and effective food management. In order to increase correctness and efficiency, particular attention should be given to cases identified in several schools.
- Published
- 2020
37. Vpliv količine in velikosti zeolita na zadrževanje vode v rastnem substratu
- Author
Zupanc, Polona and Pintar, Marina
- Subjects
sestava ,tla ,udc:631.442.5:631.432.24:631.674.2(043.2) ,fizikalne lastnosti ,rastni substrati ,zadrževanje vode ,growth substrats ,physical composition ,irrigation ,namakanje ,water retention ,soil - Published
- 2020
38. Clinical Forensic Medicine in Slovenia
- Author
Haring, Gregor and Zupanc, Tomaž
- Subjects
forenzična ambulanta ,klinična forenzična medicina ,sodna medicina ,udc:340.6 - Abstract
Namen prispevka: V prispevku želimo širšemu krogu predstaviti klinično forenzično medicino, njen pomen in vlogo, obseg in stanje v Sloveniji ter ambulanto, kjer preglede izvajamo. Ugotovitve: Klinična forenzična medicina je pomembna veja sodne medicine. Pomembneje se je začela razvijati v 60. letih 20. stoletja. Razcvet pa doživlja zadnjih 10 let. Ukvarja se predvsem s forenzičnimi pregledi žrtev fizičnega in spolnega nasilja, vendar to ni edino področje delovanja klinične forenzične medicine. Gre za zdravniški pregled z uporabo kliničnih znanj in postopkov ter diagnostičnih metod po načelih forenzične preiskave. Telo preiskovanca, ki je lahko žrtev ali osumljenec, predstavlja kraj kaznivega dejanja, ki ga je treba forenzično pregledati, kar pomeni tehnično in strokovno pravilno opisati poškodbe ter jih tudi primerno zavarovati kot dokaz. Primerno lahko te poškodbe zavaruje le zdravnik strokovnjak – tj. specialist sodne medicine z natančnim opisom in opredelitvijo vrste poškodbe, fotodokumentacijo ipd. Hkrati mu je kot zdravniku tudi dovoljeno posegati na in v telo, kar pomeni, da odvzame in zavaruje tudi brise s površine telesa in telesnih odprtin. Govorimo o odnosu strokovnjak/izvedenec – preiskovanec in ne o odnosu zdravnik – bolnik. Vse to pa lahko opravi le v primernem prostoru in ob sodelovanju s primernim kadrom. Prvo predstavlja tehnično opremljena in prostorsko primerno zasnovana klinična forenzična ambulanta. Kader pa predstavlja forenzično izobražen zdravnik in medicinska sestra, pomoč administracije ter dostopnost do drugih medicinskih specialnosti in nemedicinskega osebja. Trenutno je edina primerno kadrovsko in tehnično opremljena klinična forenzična ambulanta v prostorih Inštituta za sodno medicino v Ljubljani. Dostopna je štiriindvajset ur vse dni v letu. Ambulanta se uporablja predvsem za potrebe policije in pravosodja. Financiranje klinične forenzične medicine v Sloveniji je za enkrat slabo urejeno. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Prispevek bo širši strokovni javnosti, predvsem policiji in pravosodju, preiskovalnim sodnikom in tožilstvu, približal pojem klinične forenzične medicine in ambulante. Odgovorni, opremljeni z vedenjem, bodo tako pogosteje posegli po kliničnem forenzičnem pregledu žrtev in osumljencev v kazenskih postopkih, kar bo pripomoglo k boljši celostni oskrbi žrtev. Bolje bodo zavarovani tudi pomembni dokazi. Obravnava v klinični forenzični ambulanti bo prinesla večjo korist tako žrtvi kaznivega dejanja kot tudi samemu kazenskemu postopku. Purpose: In this article we want to present clinical forensic medicine to a wider range of audience, particularly its importance, role, scope, and state of the art in Slovenia. The article also brings insight into the work of the Clinical Forensic Unit of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, where clinical forensic examinations of victims and perpetrators are performed. Findings: Clinical forensic medicine is an important branch of forensic medicine. Its development began in the 1960s and has experienced rapid development over the last 10 years. Primer aim of clinical forensic medicine is forensic examinations of victims of physical and sexual violence. However, this is not the only field of clinical forensic medicine. The foundation is a medical examination using clinical knowledge and procedures as well as diagnostic methods according to the principles of forensic examination. The body of the examinee, who may be the victim or the perpetrator, is a crime scene that needs to be properly forensically processed. This means that injuries should be described according to professional standards and techniques and should be properly secured as an evidence. Only a well-trained specialist physician – i.e. forensic specialist, can properly cover these injuries with a precise description and definition of the type of injury, their photo documentation, etc. At the same time, as a doctor, he/she is also allowed to intervene on and in the body, which means that physician can take smears from the surface of the body and body cavities. We are talking about an expert – examinee relationship, and not on a doctor – patient relationship. All this can be done only in the right place and in cooperation with the right staff. The first is a technically equipped and spatially designed clinical forensic examination rooms. The latter represents a forensically educated physician and nurse, administration assistance and accessability of other medical specialties, as well as non-medical staff. Currently, the only suitably staffed and technically equipped clinical forensic unit is on the premises of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Ljubljana. It is available twenty–four hours a day throughout the year. The unit has some limitations and is mainly used by the police and the judiciary, who are ordering examination. The financing of clinical forensic medicine in Slovenia for the time is being poorly regulated. Originality/Value: The paper will bring the concepts of clinical forensic medicine and clinical forensic examination to the wider professional public, especially the police and the judiciary, investigating judges and the prosecution. The responsible person equipped with this knowledge will be more prone to seek clinical forensic examination of victims and suspects during the criminal procedure. This will improve the holistic care of the victims. Also, important evidence will be better secured. The examinations in a clinical forensic unit will bring a greater tide to both the victims of the crime and the criminal procedure.
- Published
- 2020
39. Student's use of the illegal hemp
- Author
Zupanc, Damjan and Bren, Matevž
- Subjects
udc:613.8(043.2) ,študenti ,students ,diplomske naloge ,consequences ,posledice ,konoplja ,marihuana - Abstract
V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sem opisal navadno konopljo in marihuano in njene kemične sestavine, kjer izstopa predvsem tetrahidrokanabinol, ki daje rastlini halucinogen učinek. Opisal sem, kako marihuana deluje na človeka, predvsem pri mladih in njen učinek na telo. Marihuana ima učinek sanjarjenja, zato je tako priljubljena pri mladih, da odmislijo realno življenje. Predstavil sem, kakšne so negativne posledice uživanja marihuane, ki se lahko pojavijo že v zgodnjih letih in kako uživanje konoplje zavira razvoj možganov mladih pri katerih je telo še v razvojnem procesu. Posledice se najbolj poznajo pri mladih, ki so še v adolescenci, malo manj pa so v nevarnosti mladi po osemnajstem letu starosti. Predstavljene so tudi predpisane kazni, ki te doletijo, če si zasačen pri uporabi ali preprodaji marihuane. Za raziskovalni del naloge sem uporabil spletno anketo med študenti, ki mi je dala potrebne podatke za odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja. Zastavil sem si dve raziskovalni vprašanji in dve hipotezi, ki sem ju preveril z ustreznimi statističnimi testi. Pri prvem raziskovalnem vprašanju me je zanimalo, ali je konoplja najpogostejša ilegalna droga med študenti? Pri tem raziskovalnem vprašanju sem hipotezo potrdil, saj je statistična analiza pokazala, da je marihuana res najpogostejša droga, ki jo študentje uživajo. Pri drugem raziskovalnem vprašanju pa me je zanimalo, ali se študentje ne zavedajo posledic, ki jih povzroči ilegalna konoplja? Pri tem raziskovalnem vprašanju sem hipotezo zavrnil, saj je statistična analiza odgovorov pokazala, da se študentje v večini zavedajo posledic uživanja marihuane. Poudariti je potrebno, da izbor vzorca ni bil verjetnostni, uporabili smo princip snežene kepe, tako se rezultatov ne da brez zadržkov posplošiti na populacijo vseh študentov. V diplomski nalogi sem predstavil tudi opisne statistike po posameznem vprašanju ankete, ki so prikazane v tabelah in grafih. In the theoretical part of my thesis I described regular cannabis and marijuana and its chemical constituents, among which predominantly tetrahydrocannabinol stands out, which gives the plant hallucinogen effect. I described how marijuana works in humans, especially in young people, as well as the effect it has on the body. Marijuana has a daydreaming effect, which is why it is so popular with young people, especially in their desire not to think about real life. I presented the negative effects of marijuana use that can occur already at an early age and how cannabis use inhibits brain development in young people whose body is still in its developing process. The most evident are the consequences in young people who are still in their adolescence. Slightly less at risk are young people after the age of eighteen. I have also presented penalties that you face if you are caught using or dealing marijuana. I carried out an online survey among students for the research part of the thesis and thus obtained the necessary data to answer my research questions. I asked myself two research questions and two hypotheses and checked them all with appropriate statistical tests. In the scope of my first research question I was interested in whether cannabis is the most common illegal drug among college students? The hypothesis of the first research question was supported as the statistical analysis showed that marijuana is indeed the most common drug used by college students. The second research question looked into whether students are not aware of the consequences of illicit cannabis? The hypothesis of this research question was rejected, as the statistical analysis of the answers showed that students are mostly aware of the consequences of marijuana use. It should be emphasized that the selection of the sample was not probabilistic. Instead the snowball principle was applied, so the results cannot be generalized without reservation to the population of all students. In my diploma thesis I also presented descriptive statistics after each survey question, all displayed in tables and graphs.
- Published
- 2020
40. Optimizacija tečaja pokrova predala na prostostoječem štedilniku
- Author
Zupanc, Anže and Benedičič, Janez
- Subjects
MKE analiza ,nekovinska gradiva ,non-metallic materials ,cost analysis ,savings ,udc:621.821:683.95:519.61(043.2) ,pocenitev ,freestand cookers ,FEM analysis ,tečaji ,stroškovna analiza ,hinges ,štedilniki - Abstract
Magistrska naloga obravnava optimizacijo tečaja pokrova na prostostoječem štedilniku. V prvem delu je predstavljena teorija o nekovinskih gradivih s poudarkom na polimerih. Zajema strukturne značilnosti, vzroke za staranje polimerov in primerov konstrukcijskih posebnosti. V drugem delu je predstavljena razvojna faza od ideje do same realizacije. Pri tem smo uporabili napredna računalniška orodja za izdelavo 3D modelov in MKE analize. Izdelana je tudi stroškovna analiza. Na koncu pa predstavimo dobljene rezultate. The master's thesis focused on the optimization of the flip down drawer cover hinge on the free-standing cooker. In the first part we introduce the theory of non-metallic materials with a focus on polymers. It covers structural features, causes of aging of the polymers, and examples of construction exceptions. The second part presents the development phase from idea to realization itself. We used advanced computer tools to produce 3D models and FEM analysis. We did also cost analysis. And at the end we presented the results.
- Published
- 2020
41. Determination of water balance components with high precision weighing lysimeter in Kleče
- Author
Vesna ZUPANC, Reinhard NOLZ, Peter CEPUDER, Branka BRAČIČ – ŽELEZNIK, and Marina PINTAR
- Subjects
weighing lysimeter ,water balance ,lysimeter station ,Agriculture - Abstract
Components of the basic water balance equation and water balance calculation for July 2011 for weighing lysimeter on water supply pumping station in Kleče, Ljubljana the presented. Lysimeter and outflow mass measured with high precision weighing cells and precipitation as determined from changes in the mass of the lysimeter were used in calculation. Precipitation measurements in the same time resolution as the lysimeter mass measurements would be needed for correct calculation of actual evapotranspiration. In time of high plant water requirements only substantial precipitation events directly contribute to immediate groundwater recharge. The low water retention of the aquifer sediments shows susceptibility of the aquifer to ground water pollution.
- Published
- 2012
42. Involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder
- Author
Tomaž Zupanc, Peter Pregelj, and Alja Videtič Paska
- Subjects
Medicine - Abstract
Background: Exposure to a traumatic event is required for the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSM). The relation between psychopathological events, the phenomenology of the trauma, and neurobiological changes related to PTSM is not totally understood. The symptoms of PTSM are believed to reflect stress-induced changes in neurobiological systems representing an inadequate adaptation of neurobiological systems to exposure to severe stressors. Attempts are made to relate different neurobiological changes to the specific features represented in PTSM. It is not clear whether certain neurobiological changes in PTSM reflect preexisting vulnerability or consequences of trauma exposure. It is known that early life environmental events have persistent effects on central nervous tissue structure and function, a phenomenon called ‘developmental programming’. Further, it is known that glucocorticoid hormone mediators may be involved in this process. Recently, epigenetic differences in a neuron-specific glucocorticoid receptor promoter between suicide victims with a history of childhood abuse and those from suicide victims with no childhood abuse were found. It was suggested that changes in glucocorticoid system are mediated by tissue-specific changes in gene expression. Recent studies suggest that epigenetic mechanisms may play an important role in the interplay between stress exposure and genetic vulnerability. Conclusions: Integrating epigenetics into a model that permits prior experience to have a central role in determining individual differences is also consistent with a developmental perspective of PTSD vulnerability.
- Published
- 2012
43. Avtomatizacija testiranja elektronskih komponent v podjetju Iskraemeco
- Author
ZUPANC, JAKOB and Murovec, Boštjan
- Subjects
avtomatizacija ,testiranje ,electronic components ,National Instruments ,LabView ,Aras Innovator ,elektronske komponente ,testing ,automation - Abstract
Diplomsko delo opisuje avtomatizacijo postopka testiranja elektronskih komponent v podjetju Iskraemeco, d. d., Kranj. Namen avtomatizacije v tem primeru je prihranek časa pri izvajanju meritev in zapisovanju rezultatov. Pri slednjem je prednost avtomatizacije tudi v dobri organiziranosti podatkov. Avtomatizacija obsega uporabo dveh programskih okolij. Prvo se imenuje Labview. Razvit program omogoča, da s pomočjo merilne opreme izvajamo meritve elektronskih komponent, rezultate meritev pa preko interneta pošljemo v podatkovno bazo. Drugo uporabljeno programsko okolje je Aras Innovator. Njegov namen je, da podatke iz podatkovne baze sestavi ter prikaže v obliki testnega poročila. Ta prikazuje rezultate meritve in opisuje, kaj smo testirali. Poročilo je vidno tudi drugim uporabnikom tega programskega okolja. Izmenjava informacij med omenjenima programskima okoljema omogoča spletni strežnik preko internetne povezave. Strežnik podatke shranjuje v podatkovno bazo. Prav tako iz nje dobi podatke, ki jih streže drugim programskim okoljem. V diplomskem delu so opisani uporabljena strojna oprema, uporabljena programska okolja, sama sestava programov, predstavitev delovanja in primer meritve elektronske komponente. This diploma thesis describes the automation of the electronic component testing process in Iskraemeco, d. d., Kranj. In this case, the purpose of the automation is to save time in taking measurements and recording results. The latter would also benefit from the automation in terms of good data organization. Automation involves the use of two software environments. The first is called Labview. The developed program enables the measurement of electronic components using measuring equipment and storing the results into the database via the internet. The other software environment used is Aras Innovator. Its purpose is to collect the data from the database and present them in the form of a test report that shows the results of the measurements and describes what was tested. The report is also visible to other users of this software environment. The exchange of information between the two software environments is enabled by a web server via an internet connection. The server stores the data into the database and retrieves data from it, which it sends to other software environments. This diploma thesis describes the hardware and software used in the process, the structure of the software code, its operation and an example of an electronic component measurement.
- Published
- 2019
44. Ustno ocenjevanje pri pouku slovenščine v tretji triadi osnovne šole
- Author
Zupanc, Ana and Vogel, Jerica
- Subjects
subjektivnost ocenjevanja ,Pravilnik o ocenjevanju v osnovni šoli ,kriterij ocenjevanja ,questioning ,criteria ,ustno ocenjevanje ,načrtovanje pouka ,subjectivity of assessment ,spraševanje ,Regulation of assessment in primary school ,oral assessment ,planning of lessons - Abstract
Naloga predstavi ustno ocenjevanje s poudarkom na t. i. spraševanju z dveh vidikov. Prvi je subjektivnost, ki je vedno znova aktualno vprašanje v pedagoški stroki, drugi je načrtovanje in izvedba ustnega ocenjevanja znanja pri pouku slovenščine, o čemer v literaturi ni moč zaslediti veliko. Izbiro teme je spodbudil Pravilnik o preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja ter napredovanju učencev v osnovni šoli, ki se je skozi leta spreminjal in tako vplival na načrtovanje in izvedbo ustnega ocenjevanja. Namen naloge in študije primera, vključene vanjo, je ugotoviti, kakšno vlogo ima spraševanje pri pouku slovenščine, kakšna priporočila za večjo dosego objektivnosti in kakovosti ponuja literatura s slovenskega in tujega področja. Zaradi nekdanjega skupnega šolskega sistema smo primerjali slovenski in hrvaški pravilnik ocenjevanja, analizirali smo tudi glavne razlike med posodobljenimi različicami slovenskega pravilnika tekom let. Študija primera poskuša ugotoviti, kako se intervjuvane učiteljice lotevajo načrtovanja in izvedbe ustnega ocenjevanja, koliko jih to obremenjuje in koliko razmišljajo o subjektivnosti svojega ocenjevanja pri t. i. spraševanju. Ugotovili smo, da dobršnemu delu učiteljic ustno ocenjevanje predstavlja obremenitev in da se vse trudijo za dosego objektivnosti, čeprav o možnosti subjektivnih vplivov na ocenjevanje ne razmišljajo dosti. Vplive osebnega mnenja je težko omejiti, zato je pomemben trening učitelja. Najpomembneje je premisliti, kje vse so potencialno možni vplivi osebnega mnenja, nato pa je treba ozavestiti možne napake. Ker je pouk za učitelja gibljivo in nepredvidljivo področje delovanja, se mora dosledno prilagajati, sproti načrtovati in povezovati ocenjevanje z obravnavo učne snovi, s preverjanjem in z utrjevanjem. Master's thesis presents an oral assessment, especially questioning, from two aspects. Firstly subjectivity, which was always current issue in pedagogical profession and secondly planning and implementation of oral assessment in subject Slovene, which is not widely reported in the literature. The choice of topic was prompted by the Regulation of examination and assessment of knowledge and the progression of pupils in primary school, which has changed over the years, thus influencing the planning and implementation of oral assessment. The purpose of the assignment and the study included in it is to find out what role questioning plays in the teaching of Slovenian, what recommendations for greater objectivity and quality are offered by Slovenian and foreign literature. Due to the former common school system, we compared the Slovenian and Croatian regulations of assessment and analyzed the main differences between the Slovenian regulations during the updated versions. The case seeks to find out how the interviewed teachers engage in the planning and implementation of oral assessment, how much of that puts a strain on them, and how much they think about the subjectivity of their assessment at questioning. We have found out that oral assessment is a burden for a good number of teachers, and that all of the teachers put a lot of efforts into achieveing objectivity, although they do not consider the potential for subjective effects on assessment that much. The influences of personal opinion are difficult to limit so teacher training is important. The most important thing is to think about where all the potential influences of personal opinion are, and then become aware of them. Because teaching is a flexible and unpredictable area of work for the teachers, they must consistently adapt, plan, and relate assessment to the treatment of the subject matter, to examination and to consolidation.
- Published
- 2019
45. Recommendations for the Management of Community-acquired Pneumonia in Adults (Updated and revised Edition, 2010)
- Author
Ema Mušič, Katarina Osolnik, Viktorija Tomič, Renato Eržen, Mitja Košnik, Bojana Beović, Tatjana Lejko-Zupanc, Franc Strle, Vlasta Vodopivec-Jamšek, Gordana Živec-Kalan, Igor Švab, and Maja Sočan
- Subjects
Medicine - Published
- 2010
46. A comparative study of rainfall erosivity for eastern and western Slovenia
- Author
- Subjects
rainfall intensity ,rainfall erosivity ,soil water erosion ,Slovenia ,Agriculture - Abstract
Climate in Slovenia has changed notably over the past century. As regional temperatures have risen, a more vigorous hydrologic cycle ensued; in many places the intensity of rainstorms has become greater. The seasonal distributions of rainfall has changed with significant implications for patterns of vegetation growth and hence for soil erosion. Due to predicted climate change increased frequency of extreme precipitation events can be expected during the time when soil is without plant cover and exposed to the erosive forces. In addition to ample daily and several day precipitation events, water erosion occurs with heavy rainfalls that last from couple of minutes to several hours. Overview of rainfall intensity index and rainfall erosivity, calculated with adapted USLE (universal soil loss equation) method, is given for three meteorological stations in Slovenia for period 1991-2006. Analyzed locations are situated on different climate areas with noticeable different rainfall regime at western (Bilje at Nova Gorica, Rateče) and eastern (Murska Sobota) part of Slovenia.
- Published
- 2008
47. Metode za merjenje količine vode v tleh 1. del: tenziometer
- Author
Vesna ZUPANC and Marina PINTAR
- Subjects
merjenje vode v tleh ,matrični potencial vode ,tenziometer ,Agriculture - Abstract
Znanje o količini vode v tleh ali v substratu je pri raziskovalnem delu na področju agronomskih in okoljskih znanosti kot tudi v praksi pri rastlinski pridelavi nujno potrebno za uspešno delo in zanesljive rezultate. Za merjenje vode v tleh poznamo direktne in indirektne metode določanja vsebnosti vode. Merjenje količine vode v tleh s pomočjo tenziometra spada med posredne metode, pri kateri merimo matrični potencial vode. Tenziometer je sestavljen iz porozne keramične kapice, povezane z manometrom preko največkrat rigidne cevke napolnjene z vodo. Tenziometri delujejo na območju okoli 80 - 85 kPa (teoretično do 100 kPa). Uporabni so za uravnavanje namakanja, ne pa tudi za za meritve matričnega potenciala vode v zelo suhih tleh.
- Published
- 2007
48. Comparison of laboratory TDR soil water measurements
- Author
Vesna ZUPANC, Gregor ADAM, and Marina PINTAR
- Subjects
volumetric water content ,soil moisture sensor ,TDR ,Agriculture - Abstract
Reliable soil moisture sensors are essential for agricultural application. Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a useful method for nondestructive, continuous measurements of soil water content. Laboratory measurements of soil volumetric water content by the TDR 100 Time Domain Reflectometer were compared to gravimetric measurements in three soils, Clay Loam, Silt Loam and Sand soil. Comparison between original and homemade 10 cm and 20 cm rods was made. TDR 100 gave good results in Clay Loam and Silt Loam soil and over estimated VWC in Sand soil. Results showed little or no difference between original and homemade sensor measurements.
- Published
- 2005
49. Water Balance Assessment for Lysimeter Station based on Water Pumping Station Kleče in Ljubljana
- Author
- Subjects
lysimeter ,water balance ,Agriculture - Abstract
For soil water balance calculation two lysimeters were built on Water Pumping Station of Public Water Supply Company in Ljubljana. Soil water balance (change in storage) was calculated using precipitation, evapotranspiration, and lysimeter outflow. Outflow measurements systematically showed discrepancy between Lysimeter North and Lysimeter South, in average 300 mm/year. Yearly soil water balance calculation for the Lysimeter North shows slight decrease in water storage every year in studied period (2001 – 2004).
- Published
- 2005
50. Premičnost in pljučna funkcija pacientov na rehabilitaciji po COVID-19 s težjim potekom.
- Author
Zupanc, Aleksander, Hafner, Bernarda, and Svoljšak, Maša
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2021
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