1. The atmosphere in the shops of luxury brands
- Author
Kovačič, Pia Lara and Završnik, Bruno
- Subjects
store ,vzdušje ,prodajalna ,atmosphere ,consumer ,shopping experience ,visual merchandising ,potrošnik ,prestižne blagovne znamke ,udc:339.138 ,vizualni merchandising ,nakupovalna izkušnja ,luxury brands - Abstract
Prodajalne že od nekdaj pomenijo vez med kupcem in blagom. Čeprav je v zadnjih letih velik razmah doživela spletna prodaja, večina ljudi, še vedno rada obišče prodajalne, saj lahko le tako začutijo izdelek in posledično tudi blagovno znamko. Prodajalne so zlasti pomembne za prestižne blagovne znamke, saj pri teh ne gre le za prodajo izdelka in poudarjanje njegovih lastnosti, temveč predvsem za doživetje in edinstveno nakupovalno izkušnjo. Pri tem pa ima najpomembnejšo vlogo vzdušje v prodajalni, ki lahko potrošnika spodbudi k nakupu, hkrati pa mu nudi izjemno doživetje, ki vodi k njegovemu zadovoljstvu in ponovnemu obisku. Vzdušje v prodajalni se mora ujemati s podobo in ugledom blagovne znamke ter ji mora biti v podporo, za dosego želenih učinkov. Vsi elementi vzdušja, to so razporeditev opreme in izdelkov, barve, osvetlitev, glasba, vonj in prodajno osebje, morajo biti usklajeni in se dopolnjevati, saj jih kupci ne zaznavajo posamično, temveč kot celoto. V diplomskem projektu smo najprej predstavili trgovske organizacije, nato pa blagovne znamke, kjer je poudarek na prestižnih blagovnih znamkah in njihovemu pomenu tako za podjetje kot za potrošnika. V nadaljevanju smo se osredotočili na vzdušje v prodajalnah, zlasti prestižnih blagovnih znamk. Opredelili smo elemente, ki oblikujejo vzdušje ter preučili, kako ti vplivajo na kupce oziroma, na kakšen način jih ti dojemajo. Na koncu smo predstavili nekaj prodajaln prestižne blagovne znamke Escada in tako na praktičnem primeru prikazali vzdušje v prodajalni višjega ranga. Shops have always been a bond between the customer and the product. Although online shopping have experienced a big growth in recent years, most people still like to visit the shops, because this is the only way to really feel the product and also the brand. Since they are not all about selling a product and emphasizing its qualities, shops are particularly important for luxury brands. The shop of luxury brands emphasizes a unique shopping experience and that is where the atmosphere in the shop plays the most important role. The atmosphere can not only encourage the consumer to make a purchase decision, but also give him an extraordinary experience that leads to his satisfaction and to him visiting the store again. The atmosphere in the shops consists of arrangement of equipment and products, colours, lighting, music, scent and sales staff. All of these elements have to be harmonized and have to complement each other, because customers do not perceive them individually but as a whole. In the diploma thesis, we first introduced different trade organizations, in the next chapter the focus is on luxury brands and their importance for both the company and the consumer. Later we focused on the atmosphere in the shops, especially in the shops of luxury brands. We defined the elements that create the atmosphere and examined how they affect customers and how they perceive those elements. In the end, we introduced some shops of the luxury brand Escada, and thus, in practical case, showed the atmosphere in the shops of luxury brand.
- Published
- 2018