1. Collective workers representations in the Republic of Slovenia
- Author
Bezovnik, Irena and Senčur Peček, Darja
- Subjects
sindikat ,pristojnosti sveta delavcev ,dual system ,udc:331.105.44(043.2) ,svet delavcev ,works council ,socialni dialog ,trade union ,collective workers’ representation ,union jurisdiction ,social dialogue ,dualni sistem ,pristojnosti sindikata ,kolektivna delavska predstavništva ,works council jurisdiction - Abstract
Kolektivna delavska predstavništva v slovenski pravni ureditvi igrajo pomembno vlogo na področju zastopanja interesov delavcev, predvsem z ustvarjanjem socialnega dialoga med njimi, predstavniki delodajalcev in tudi državo. Magistrska naloga vsebuje zgodovinski pregled razvoja kolektivnih delavskih predstavništev, vzrok za pojav potrebe po njih, pravne vire, ki so urejali in sedaj urejajo to področje ter vlogo kolektivnih delavskih predstavništev v slovenskem prostoru. Podrobneje je predstavljena pravna ureditev sindikatov in svetov delavcev, kot kolektivni obliki delavskih predstavništev v Republiki Sloveniji, njune temeljne značilnosti, podobnosti in razlike. Kritično podajam tudi vzporedno delovanje obeh vrst kolektivnih delavskih predstavništev in njuno vlogo v današnjem času, ob vpogledu v statistične podatke in ob primerjalno pravni ureditvi. Podrobneje sem predstavila danski model kolektivnih delavskih predstavništev, ki ga veliko teoretikov daje za vzgled drugim državam. V magistrski nalogi podajam tudi konkretni primer dobre prakse sodelovanja med kolektivnimi delavskimi predstavništvi ter delodajalcem, pri čemer gre za gospodarsko družbo, ki posluje v Republiki Sloveniji preko hčerinske družbe ter konkretne primere iz sodne prakse kolektivnih delovnih sporov pri posameznih obravnavanih institutih. Collective workers’ representations play an important role in the field of representing workers’ interests within the Slovenian legal system, particularly by ensuring social dialogue between the workers, the employer representatives and the state. This master's thesis contains a historical overview of the development of collective workers’ representations, the reason for their occurrence, legal sources which have regulated and currently regulate this field and the role of collective workers’ representation in Slovenia. A detailed insight into the legislation governing trade unions and works councils as forms of collective workers’ representatives in the Republic of Slovenia is provided, as well as their fundamental characteristics, similarities and differences. On the basis of statistical data and comparative legal jurisdiction, the master’s thesis develops a critical perspective of the parallel operation of both types of collective workers’ representations and their current role. A detailed model of the Danish collective workers’ representation is presented, as this model is frequently set as an example for other countries. This master’s thesis also presents a concrete example of good practice of cooperation between the collective workers’ representation and an employer in a company that operates in the Republic of Slovenia through its subsidiary, as well as concrete examples from legal cases of collective labor disputes in individual institutes.
- Published
- 2013