14 results on '"Trema"'
Search Results
2. Trema in psihološka priprava učencev za nastop
- Author
Pohulek, Dijana and Ognjanović, Tatjana
- Subjects
udc:78:159.946.3 ,dihalne vaje ,trema ,priprava za nastop ,mentalni trening ,vizualizacija ,avtogeni trening ,meditacija ,progresivna sprostitev mišic - Published
- 2023
3. Doživljanje in obvladovanje treme pri učencih flavte v nižjih glasbenih šolah
- Author
Krivec, Suzana and Habe, Katarina
- Subjects
udc:78:159.946.3 ,nižje glasbene šole ,trema ,pihalci ,izvajalska anksioznost ,flavtisti ,glasbeni nastopi - Published
- 2023
4. Uvajanje veščin javnega nastopanja
- Author
Javornik, Zala and Grafenauer, Andrej
- Subjects
zavestno vadenje ,udc:78:159.946.3 ,trema ,priprava na nastop ,psihološka priprava učenca ,kitara ,izvajalska anksioznost ,tehnike sproščanja ,javno nastopanje ,psihosociološki dejavniki - Published
- 2023
5. Trema in izvajalska anksioznost med glasbenim nastopanjem
- Author
Čepin, Mojca and Porovne Silič, Katja
- Subjects
udc:78.07:159.97 ,nastopanje ,trema ,izvajalska anksioznost ,psihologija glasbe ,tehnike obvladovanja ,simptomi - Published
- 2023
6. Doživljanje izvajalske anksioznosti in spoprijemanje z njo pri različno starih učencih violine
- Author
Gorjanc, Tjaša and Habe, Katarina
- Subjects
učenci violine ,trema ,udc:780.8: 780.614.332:159: 616.89-008.441 ,izvajalska anksioznost ,stopnje glasbene izobrazbe - Published
- 2023
7. Strah pred javnim govornim nastopanjem v slovenskem šolskem prostoru
- Author
Bobič, Jera and Smolej, Mojca
- Subjects
stage fright ,education ,orthography ,rhetoric ,učni načrti ,pravorečje ,curricula ,udc:808.5:373 ,trema ,šolstvo ,retorika ,public speaking ,strah ,fear ,javno govorno nastopanje - Abstract
V svojem diplomskem delu sem se ukvarjala s strahom pred javnim govornim nastopanjem v slovenskem osnovnošolskem in srednješolskem prostoru. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila termine strah, tesnoba, anksioznost, fobija in trema. Nato sem raziskala osnovnošolske učne načrte in učne načrte za splošne in strokovne gimnazije ter opredelila, kakšno je stanje pravorečja in glasoslovja. V praktičnem delu sem opravila spletno anketo, v kateri so sodelovali študentje. Anketa je sestavljala vprašanja, vezana predvsem na dojemanje strahu in treme, na osebne izkušnje, ki so jih študentje pridobili v osnovnošolskem in srednješolskem izobraževanju. Nadaljevala sem z vprašalnikom za profesorje. Izvedla sem ga z dvema profesoricama, ki poučujeta na osnovni šoli, in z dvema, ki poučujeta na srednji šoli. S pomočjo pridobljenih odgovorov sem iskala načine, ki bi pripomogli, da bi v svet pošiljali čim več samozavestnih javnih govorcev. In this thesis I tackled the topic of the fear of public speaking in Slovenian primary and secondary schools. In the theoretical framework, I defined the terms fear, anxiousness, anxiety, phobia, and stage fright. In the following part, I presented the research on primary school curricula and curricula for general and vocational grammar schools. I also defined the current state of orthography and phonetics In Slovenian education system. In the practical part, I described the online survey I conducted among students. The survey aimed mainly to question the perception of fear and stage fright, as well as the personal experiences that the students acquired during their primary and secondary education. I also conducted a questionnaire among four teachers. The participants were two female primary school teachers and two secondary school teachers. With the answers I obtained, I explored new ways that would help shape numerous confident young public speakers.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Habe, Katarina and Kržič, Vida
- Abstract
The aim of our study was to explore music performance anxiety (MPA) in music school students in early adolescence. 261 young students from seven different Slovenian music schools aged 10 to 15 years (103 boys, 158 girls) participated in the study. Music performance anxiety scale (Habe, 2002) was used for measuring the intensity of cognitive and somatic symptoms. The results reveal that there are no differences in MPA between younger (aged 10-12) and older (aged 13-15) music students in early adolescence. It was found that MPA is more prevalent in girls than in boys. Less MPA is experienced by students who started performing early in childhood, in those with positive first performing experiences and those who enjoy being on stage. There were no differences in MPA regarding instrumental groups, although singers evidently reported the highest rates of MPA compared to other groups. There was a low negative correlation between MPA and final grades in instrumental/theoretical practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
9. Experiencing music schools pupils' performance in front of an audience
- Author
Zorič, Maja and Magdovski, Adriana
- Subjects
stage fright ,glasbene sposobnosti ,izkušnje ,conscious and subconscious perception of music ,listening and understanding of music ,Javno nastopanje ,anksioznost ,poslušanje in razumevanje glasbe ,motivacija ,anxiety ,udc:78(043.2) ,stres ,Public appearance ,memory ,stress ,experiencing public appearance ,motivation ,trema ,zavestno in podzavestno dojemanje glasbe ,doživljanje nastopa ,spomin ,experiences ,musical abilities ,interpretacija ,interpretation - Abstract
Magistrsko delo je zasnovano kot empirično delo. V prvem delu je predstavljen teoretični del, ki obravnava načela javnega nastopanja. Proučuje pa tudi postopek priprave na javni nastop, doživljanje nastopa, izkušnje izvajalca glasbenika in pridobitve z nastopanjem. Psihologija glasbe in sproščanje v glasbi sta pomembna dejavnika pri ocenjevanju uspešnosti nastopanja, ki podpreta teoretični del v celoti. V drugem, empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati anketnega vprašalnika, ki so ga učenci izbranih glasbenih šol reševali. Na podlagi le-teh smo izvedeli, koliko izkušenj imajo učenci glede na razred, v katerega hodijo, ali je prisoten strah, ko so izpostavljeni pred občinstvom, in kakšno je njihovo doživljanje glasbe med nastopanjem. The master's thesis is designed as empirical work. The first part of the thesis consists of theory dealing with principles of public appearance. Furthermore, it examines the process of preparing for a public appearance, one's experiencing of such appearance, and a musician's experiences, and what one gains by performing in front of the public. Psychology of music and relaxation in music are important factors which fully support the theoretical part. The second, empirical part of the master's thesis consists of the results of a questionnaire, filled out by pupils of certain music schools. Based on the results we learnt how much experience the pupils have depending on the grade they attend, whether they experience performance anxiety and what is their perception of music during their performance.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Zalokar, Anja and Kovačič, Alojz Slavko
- Subjects
Glasbena šola ,trema ,Tekmovanje mladih slovenskih glasbenikov (TEMSIG) ,TEMSIG competition for young Slovene musicians ,glasbena tekmovanja ,music education ,music competitions ,Music school ,udc:78.092(043.2) ,glasbeno šolstvo - Abstract
Magistrsko delo je zasnovano kot empirično delo. Obravnava odnos do glasbenih tekmovanj v Sloveniji na osnovni in srednji stopnji v glasbenem šolstvu. Preučuje vzgojno-izobraževalni program glasbenih šol v Sloveniji, glasbena tekmovanja, tekmovanje mladih slovenskih glasbenikov (TEMSIG) od prvega tekmovanja do danes in srečevanje s tremo na javnih nastopih. Z anketnim vprašalnikom smo izvedeli, kdo učence in dijake spodbudi za glasbeno tekmovanje, ali se radi udeležujejo le teh ter tudi katerih tekmovanj se raje udeležujejo, slovenskih ali tujih. V drugem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljeni rezultati anketnih vprašalnikov, ki so jih reševali učenci osnovne stopnje ter dijaki srednje stopnje na glasbenih šolah. The Master degree thesis has been conceived as an empiric work. It treats the attitude to music competitions in Slovenia at primary and secondary level of the music education, examines educational and training programmes of Slovene music schools, music competitions, the TEMSIG competition for young Slovene musicians since its early beginnings up to nowadays, as well as the musicians’ stage fright when taking part in public competitions. The opinion poll provided us information about who young students are encouraged by to appear on the competition stage, their willingness to take part in, and which competitions do the find favourite – Slovene or international ones. The second part of my Master degree thesis introduces findings gained by the questionnaires answered by the primary and secondary grade students of music schools.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Nemanič, Miha and Črčinovič Rozman, Janja
- Subjects
stage fright ,motivation ,neformalno poučevanje ,trema ,informal teaching ,popularna glasba ,popular music ,šola rock glasbe ,school of rock music ,samozavest ,udc:37.091.3(043.2):78 ,confidence ,motivacija - Abstract
Popularna glasba predstavlja kompleksno prostočasno aktivnost otrok in mladostnikov. Ravno zaradi tega jo je smiselno vključevati v šolske programe, kajti če izhajamo iz vsebin, ki so med učenci priljubljene, lahko širimo njihovo polje zanimanja tudi na druga področja. Namen diplomske naloge je bil raziskati, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na vključevanje učencev v šolo rock glasbe, ki poteka na osnovni šoli Vižmarje Brod, ali so načini poučevanja motivacijsko spodbudni, katere glasbene zvrsti spoznavajo učenci ter kakšno je njihovo počutje med nastopi. V teoretičnem delu je opisan razvoj rocka, odnos mladih do te glasbe, predstavljena je problematika vključevanja popularne glasbe v osnovnošolske programe ter opisano je delovanje šole rocka. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja. V raziskavi sta sodelovala 102 učenca. Podatke smo pridobili z anketnim vprašalnikom in jih statistično obdelali s programskim orodjem SPSS. Raziskava je pokazala, da ne obstaja povezava med željo po igranju glasbila in dejavniki, ki so vplivali na izbiro glasbila. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da načini poučevanja na učence delujejo motivacijsko spodbudno, da spoznavajo poleg rocka tudi druge glasbene zvrsti, da so med nastopanjem v sestavih bolj samozavestni in imajo manjšo tremo kot pri solističnem nastopanju ter da po nastopih dobijo povratne informacije. Glede na ugotovitve raziskave lahko trdimo, da je program šole rocka zasnovan na način, ki pozitivno vpliva na učno motivacijo, raven samozavesti in socialni razvoj učencev. Popular music is a complex leisure activity of children and adolescents. To this end, it is sensible to include it into school programs. If the programs are based on contents that pupils like, it becomes easier to expand their knowledge to other areas as well. The purpose of the thesis was to examine the factors encouraging pupils to participate in the school of rock music at the Vižmarje Brod Primary School, determine whether teaching methods are motivational and which music genres pupils become acquainted with and how they feel during performances. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the development of rock music and the attitude of young people towards the genre. It also outlines the issues of including popular music into school programs and provides insight into the functioning of the school of rock. The descriptive and causal non-experimental methods of pedagogical research were used in the empirical part of the thesis. A total of 102 pupils took part in the research. The data was obtained through a survey questionnaire and processed statistically using the SPSS tool. The research indicated that there is no connection between the wish to play an instrument and the factors influencing the selection of the instrument. Moreover, it suggested that the teaching methods are motivational. The pupils are more confident and experience less stage fright when they perform in groups than in solo performances. They also receive feedback after their performances. It is safe to say that the program of the school of rock is designed to have a positive influence on learning motivation, the level of confidence and social development of the pupils.
- Published
- 2015
12. Mnenja učiteljev/učiteljic razrednega pouka o svoji zmožnosti govornega nastopanja
- Author
Kocbek, Martina and Bešter, Marja
- Subjects
učni pripomočki ,javni govor ,razredni pouk ,trema ,nastop ,udc:808:37.091.32(043.2) - Published
- 2014
- Author
Aškerc, Katja and Črčinovič Rozman, Janja
- Subjects
self-esteem ,stage fright ,orkester ,musical ensemble ,effects of being part of musical ensembles ,motivation ,glasbeni sestav ,trema ,vplivi vključevanja v glasbene sestave ,samozavest ,motivacija ,udc:78(043.2) ,orchestra - Abstract
Glasbena umetnost pomembno vpliva na otrokovo izražanje čustev, intelektualno rast in izboljšanje spomina. Namen diplomske naloge je bil raziskati, kako vključevanje v orkestre in druge glasbene sestave vpliva na učence in predvsem na njihovo samozavest. Zanimalo nas je tudi, če obstajajo razlike v motivih, ki vplivajo na odločitve o glasbenem izobraževanju in vključevanju v glasbene sestave, glede na spol. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni vplivi igranja glasbila na učence in vplivi motivacije na učenje glasbe. Navedene so tudi značilnosti orkestra in drugih glasbenih sestavov ter delovanje posameznika znotraj njih. Metoda, uporabljena v empiričnem delu, je deskriptivna in kavzalna neeksperimentalna metoda pedagoškega raziskovanja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 357 učencev šestih javnih glasbenih šol Slovenije. Rezultate smo pridobili s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika, statistično pa smo jih preverili s hi-kvadrat preizkusom. Raziskava je pokazala, da so učenci bolj samozavestni pri igranju v glasbenih sestavih, saj je izmed vseh anketiranih le 13 učencev trdilo, da se bolj samozavestno počutijo pri solističnem nastopanju. Prav tako smo dokazali, da obstaja razlika med stopnjo treme glede na način izvajanja, saj je večina anketirancev imela manjšo tremo, ko so igrali v glasbenem sestavu. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da povezava med željo po igranju glasbila in dejavniki, ki so vplivali na njegovo izbiro, ne obstaja, saj anketiranci radi igrajo na izbrano glasbilo ne glede na to, kdo je vplival na njihovo izbiro. Na podlagi raziskave lahko rečemo, da vključevanje učencev v orkestre in druge glasbene sestave pozitivno vpliva na njihov socialni razvoj, večjo samozavest in manjšo tremo. Musical art has a significant impact on the child's feelings, intellectual growth and memory improvement. The aim of the thesis was to examine how playing in orchestras and other musical ensembles affects the students and, above all, their self-esteem. We also wanted to know if there are differences in the motives that influence the decisions about music education and involvement in musical ensembles with respect to gender. The theoretical part presents the effects that playing musical instruments has on students and the effects of motivation on learning music. We also point to some of the characteristics of orchestras and other musical ensembles and look into the function of the individual within a group. Method used in the empirical part is the descriptive and causal non-experimental method of pedagogical research. The study involved 357 students attending six public music schools in Slovenia. The results were obtained through an anonymous questionnaire and statistically tested using a chi-square test. Research shows that students are more confident when playing in musical ensembles of all the respondents, only 13 claimed that they feel more confident in solo appearances. Moreover, results indicate that there is a difference between the level of stage fright depending on the type of appearance, as most of the respondents were less nervous when they played in a musical ensemble. We also established that the link between the drive to play musical instrument and the factors influencing the choice does not exist because the respondents like to play the chosen instrument, regardless of who influenced their choice. Based on the survey, we can say that the involvement of students in orchestras and other musical ensembles has a positive impact on their social development, contributes to a higher level of confidence and decreases the level of stage fright.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Šlogar, Natalija and Črčinovič Rozman, Janja
- Subjects
trema ,relaxing techniques ,strah pred javnim nastopanjem ,fear of performance ,Strah ,anksioznost ,tehnike sproščanja ,samopodoba ,Fear ,stage-fright ,anxiety ,self-image ,udc:78(043.2) - Abstract
Strah je čustvo, ki vedno bolj bremeni sodobnega človeka, zato je primerno, da o njem razmišljamo in odkrivamo vzroke zanj. Ponavadi je strah usmerjen na konkretno situacijo ali predmet in tako vemo, česa nas je strah. Vedno pogosteje pa se dogaja, da strah ni določen in vezan na konkretno situacijo ali predmet, ne vemo, česa nas je dejansko strah, občutimo samo tesnobo in takrat govorimo o anksioznosti. Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati prisotnost strahu pri študentih pred nastopanjem pri glasbeni vzgoji, kaj so bili vzroki strahu, vpliv strahu na nastope in s katerimi tehnikami sproščanja so si študentje pomagali, da so zmanjšali obremenjujoče simptome fiziološkega vzburjenja. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je obravnavana tematika strahu, treme, anksioznosti, strahu pred javnim nastopanjem, tehnik sproščanja in samopodobe. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, ki je bila izvedena s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo študentje dobro mnenje o svojem petju, igranju na inštrument, svoji splošni samopodobi in samopodobi, povezani z obvladovanjem glasbenih vsebin in dejavnosti. Največji strah občutijo pri nastopu pri didaktiki glasbene vzgoje v osnovni šoli, najmanj jih je strah nastopa pri glasbeni vzgoji v okviru prakse. Strah ni vplival na izvedbo nastopov pri glasbeni vzgoji, tudi če je med nastopi prišlo do različnih težav. Najbolj jih je strah tega, da jih med nastopi gledajo sošolci, učenci, mentorica in učitelji. Ugotovili smo, da večina študentov kljub občutenju strahu pred nastopom ne uporablja tehnik sproščanja. Preostali študentje, ki tehnike uporabljajo, se sprostijo s tem, da se opojejo, s pomočjo enakomernega globokega dihanja, plesa in meditacije. Vendar didaktika glasbene vzgoje ni edini didaktični predmet, pri katerem študentje občutijo strah pred nastopi. Raziskava je pokazala, da študentje občutijo strah pri vseh didaktičnih predmetih, pri katerih imajo nastope, vendar jih je nastopov pri didaktiki glasbene vzgoje strah nekoliko bolj kot drugih nastopov. Fear is an emotion that presents a great burden for people nowadays and that is why it is appropriate to think about fear and discover its causes. Usually, fear is directed towards a concrete situation or an object, so that we know exactly what we are afraid of. But it often happens that fear is not defined and not connected to a special situation or object, so we don't know what exactly it is that we are afraid of. We only feel anxious and that is when we talk about anxiety. The main goal of this diploma thesis was to examine the presence of students' fear of musical performance in musical education class, analyse the causes of fear, the influence of fear on musical performance and the relaxing techniques that the students used to reduce the burdening symptoms of physiological excitement. In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis I have discussed the theme of fear, stage fright, anxiety, fear of performance, relaxation techniques and self-image. In the empirical part I have presented a survey that has been carried out with the help of a questionnaire. The results have shown that students have a good opinion about their singing abilities, playing an instrument, their general self-image and self-image connected to their mastering of musical activities. Students are most afraid of musical performance at the subject didactics of musical education in elementary school, and least afraid of the performance at musical education class in the context of practical training. Fear hasn't affected the realization of performances in musical education class even if there were difficulties during the performance. Students are most afraid of being watched by their school mates, pupils, mentors and teachers during their performance. We have established that the majority of students don't use the relaxing techniques despite the fear before the performance. Students that use relaxing techniques relax by singing, deep breathing, dancing and meditation. However, the subject didactics of musical education is not the only didactic subject where students are afraid of the performance. The survey has shown that students are afraid of all didactic subjects, but they are more afraid of performances at didactics of musical education than performances at other subjects.
- Published
- 2010
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