17 results on '"Instructions"'
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2. Znanje in stališča anketirancev o velikih zvereh v formalnih in neformalnih učnih okoljih
- Author
Mihelič Oražem, Vesna and Tomažič, Iztok
- Subjects
knowledge ,medved ,volk ,živalski vrt ,prepričanja ,wolf ,zoo ,ris ,dijaki ,pouk ,instructions ,obiskovalci ,udc:591 ,attitudes ,students ,lynx ,workshops ,znanje ,delavnice ,visitors ,učenci ,large carnivores ,velike zveri ,beliefs ,stališča ,bear - Abstract
Velike zveri ogrožajo različni dejavniki, eden pomembnejših je sprejetost vrst v javnosti. Poznavanje stališč in znanja ljudi je postalo osrednji cilj varstvene biologije, pri čemer se pomemben vpliv pripisuje izobraževanju. V raziskavi smo se osredotočili na ovrednotenje znanja in stališč o velikih zvereh med ciljno širšo javnostjo, učenci in dijaki, ter analizirali dejavnike, ki vplivajo na oblikovanje stališč in izgradnjo znanja. V obliki samoporočil smo pridobili informacije o stališčih, preko preizkusov znanja pa smo ovrednotili vpliv znanja na stališča 2218 sodelujočih. Rezultati kažejo, da znanje in raven izobrazbe v največji meri vplivata na varstvena prepričanja obiskovalcev živalskega vrta o velikih zvereh. Količina znanja je bila povezana s pozitivnimi in negativnimi prepričanji, stopnja izobrazbe pa je omilila ohranjanju nasprotujoča prepričanja. Kot pomemben dejavnik se je izkazal tudi spol. Dijaki so v splošnem izkazali pozitivna stališča, vendar pomanjkljivo znanje o volkovih. Smer izobraževanja je vplivala tako na stališča kot tudi na znanje, spol pa je bil povezan le s stališči dijakov. Na interes za učenje o volkovih so vplivali letnik izobraževanja, spol in prisotnost lovca v družini. Opazovanje volka v naravi pa je bilo povezano z manj izraženega strahu in posledično višjim sprejemanjem vrste. Pri raziskovanju vpliva različnih učnih metod v povezavi z volkovi smo zaznali doprinos vseh načinov izobraževanja, pri čemer je imela delavnica z aktivno udeležbo dijakov v spremenjenem učnem okolju največji učinek. Znanje je pomembno vplivalo tudi na oblikovanje stališč do medvedov. Spol in neposredna izkušnja sta pomembno vplivala tako na izražanje stališč kot tudi na količino znanja. Vpliv pouka je bil povezan s količino znanja, ne pa tudi s splošno spremembo stališč do medvedov. Large carnivores are threatened by various factors, one of the crucial being public acceptance. Researching attitudes and knowledge has become a central goal of conservation biology, with a significant impact attributed to education. This research focused on the evaluation of knowledge and attitudes toward large carnivores among the targeted general public and students. Besides, factors that influence attitude formation and the amount of knowledge were analyzed. In the form of self-reports, we obtained information on attitudes, and through knowledge tests, we evaluated the impact of knowledge on the attitudes of 2218 participants. Knowledge and education level have the greatest impact on zoo visitors’ conservation beliefs. The first was associated with positive and negative beliefs, and the latter mitigated the opposing beliefs. Gender also proved to be an important factor of influence. Students showed positive attitudes in general, but their knowledge of wolves was lacking. Type of education influenced both attitudes and knowledge, while gender affected only students’ attitudes. Interest in learning was influenced by study year, gender, and the hunter in the family. Seeing wolf in nature correlated with less pronounced fear and consequently higher acceptance of the species. In the case of wolves, a positive contribution of all teaching methods was detected, with the student-centered out-of-school workshop having the greatest impact. Knowledge significantly shaped students’ attitudes towards bears, while gender and direct experience affected knowledge and attitudes. The impact of instructions was related to the amount of knowledge, but not the general change in attitudes toward bears.
- Published
- 2022
3. Testiranje modulov transportnega sistema pomivalnih strojev medicinskih pripomočkov - WA290
- Author
Štrubelj, Nejc and Klančar, Gregor
- Subjects
test device ,testna naprava ,electrical scheme ,EPLAN Electric P8 ,udc:621.3:681.5(043.2) ,instructions ,navodila ,električna shema - Abstract
Diplomska naloga opisuje postopek zasnove in izvedbe testne naprave za testiranje transportnih sistemov WA290 za pomivalno dezinfekcijske medicinske stroje, ki so produkt podjetja Belimed. Testno napravo sestavljata glavna elektro omara A02 in elektro omara A01, ki simulira stroj WD290/WD290 IQ in avtonomni transportni modul. Testna naprava je namenjena testiranju posameznih modulov avtomatiziranega sistema. Testna naprava se je izdelala v sklopu projekta v podjetju Belimed. Pri testni napravi sem sprva kreiral električno shemo v programu EPLAN Electric P8, namestil mehanske komponente, vgradil električne komponente in jih povezal ter napisal navodila za upravljanje s testno napravo. Na začetku diplomskega dela je opisno predstavljen avtonomni transportni sistem WA290 z vsemi implementiranimi moduli, sledi predstavitev vrste komunikacije, ki je v samem sistemu uporabljena. Nato sem opisal svoje prispevano delo v projektu v kronološkem zaporedju. Z ekipo smo začeli s samo zasnovo testne naprave, kjer smo določili njene osnovne sestavne komponente, postopek namestitve le-teh, zagotovitev potrebnih povezav samih elementov, določili potrebe izgleda in funkcionalnosti za čim bolj optimalno rabo naprave. S kreiranjem električne vezalne sheme sem elektrotehnične elemente ter njihove povezave prikazal v izvedenem projektu, ki služi uporabniku testne naprave za boljše razumevanje delovanja ter mu omogoča enostavnejše popravke ob morebitni napaki ali odpovedi določenega sestavnega dela. Opisan je tudi postopek mehanske in elektro montaže, pri čemer sem opisno izpostavil pomembnejše sestavne dele testne naprave. The diploma thesis describes a design and implementation process of a test device for testing WA290 transport systems for medical washer-disinfection systems, which are products of the company Belimed. The test device consists of the main electrical cabinet A02 and the electrical cabinet A01, which simulates the machine WD290 / WD290 IQ and autonomusautonomous transport module. The testing device is intended for testing individual modules of an automated system. The test device was manufactured as part of a project at Belimed. For the test device, I first created an electrical diagram in the EPLAN Electric P8 program, installed the mechanical components, installed the electrical components and connected them, and wrote instructions for operating the test device. At the beginning of the diploma work, the automated transport system WA290 with all implemented modules is descriptively presented, followed by a presentation of the type of communication used in the system itself. I then described my contribution to the project in chronological order, with the team starting with the design of the test device itself, where we determined its basic components, the process of installing them, providing the necessary connections of the elements themselves, determining the layout and functionality needs for the most optimal use of the device. By creating an electrical wiring diagram, I showed the electrical elements and their connections in a completed project, which serves the user of the testing device to understand the operation and allows him easier corrections in the event of a failure or failure of a particular component. The process of mechanical and electrical assembly is also described, where I have outlined the more important components of the test device.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Mrak, Tina and Klun, Maja
- Subjects
eligibility of costs ,Navodila organa upravljanja ,evropska kohezijska politika ,upravičenost stroškov ,European cohesion policy ,udc:32:061.1EU:336.532 ,Instructions ,finančno programsko obdobje ,absorpcijska sposobnost ,absorption rate ,financial programming period - Abstract
Raziskovalni izziv predstavlja dejstvo, da so v vsakem finančnem programskem obdobju določene nove pravne podlage in nova Navodila OU, ki jih morajo države članice EU upoštevati pri črpanju sredstev iz evropske kohezijske politike. Namen magistrskega dela je bil primerjati Navodila OU v finančnem programskem obdobju 2007–2013 in 2014–2020 in morebitne razlike med njimi, primerjati upravičenost stroškov med skladi ESRR, ESS in KS v finančnem programskem obdobju 2014–2020 ter ugotoviti absorpcijsko sposobnost med Slovenijo, Češko in Estonijo v zadnjih dveh finančnih programskih obdobjih. Glavni cilj je bil ugotoviti morebitne razlike med Navodili OU v finančnih programskih obdobjih 2007–2013 in 2014–2020 in skladi ESRR, ESS in KS, kjer so določeni upravičeni stroški in potrebna dokazila za črpanje sredstev iz evropske kohezijske politike. V magistrskem delu je bila uporabljena primerjalna analiza med državami ter primerjava med razpoložljivimi in počrpanimi zneski v zadnjih dveh finančnih programskih obdobjih. Primerjava je bila narejena tudi med Navodili OU v zadnjih dveh finančnih programskih obdobjih ter med skladi ESRR, ESS in KS v finančnem programskem obdobju 2014–2020 z namenom ugotovitve napak in predlogov za boljše črpanje evropskih sredstev v prihodnjem finančnem programskem obdobju 2021–2027. Cilji v magistrskem delu so bili doseženi s primerjalno analizo med izbranimi državami članicami EU, kjer smo ugotovili, da je bila samo ena izmed držav bolj absorpcijsko sposobna v primerjavi s predhodnim finančnim programskih obdobjem. Med Navodili OU smo primerjali vrste in dokazila za upravičenosti stroškov in ugotovili, da so v novem finančnem programskem obdobju dodani upravičeni stroški pavšala in finančnih instrumentov. Z magistrskim delom smo prispevali k strokovnemu področju upravičenosti stroškov evropske kohezijske politike, saj magistrsko delo podaja strjen pregled upravičenih stroškov v evropski kohezijski politiki in potrebna dokazila za dokazovanje le-teh. The challenge for research is that in each financial programming period new legal bases and new instructions are defined, which the EU Member States have to follow when implementing the European Cohesion Policy. The purpose of the master thesis was to compare the instructions in the financial programming period 2007–2013 and 2014–2020 and their differences, to compare the eligibility of costs between ESDF, ESF and CF funds in the financial programming period 2014–2020 and to determine the absorption rate between Slovenia, Czech Republic and Estonia in the last two financial programming period. The main objective was to identify possible differences between the instructions in the financial programming periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 and the ERDF, ESF and CF funds, which set out the eligible costs and the necessary supporting documents for the use of European Cohesion Policy. The master thesis used a comparative analysis between the countries and a comparison between the available and drawn down amounts in the last two financial programming period. A comparison was also made between the instructions in Slovenia in the last two financial programming period and between the ESDF, ESF and CF funds in the financial programming period 2014–2020 in order to identify errors and proposals for a better absorption rate of European funds in the future financial programming period 2021–2027. The objectives of the Master's thesis were achieved through a comparative analysis between selected EU Member States, whereby we found that only one of the countries was more receptive compared to the previous financial programming period. In the OU's instructions, we compared the types and supporting documents for the eligibility of costs and found that in the new financial programming period, the eligible costs of lump sums and financial instruments were added. With our master thesis we contributed to the field of eligibility of costs in European Cohesion Policy, as the master thesis provides a solid overview of eligible costs in European Cohesion Policy and the necessary supporting documents for them.
- Published
- 2020
5. Povezanost prednjega nagiba medenice z bolečinami v ledvenem delu hrbtenice
- Author
Kosmač, Anže and Strojnik, Vojko
- Subjects
napotki ,prevention ,bolečine v ledvenem delu ,Anterior pelvic tilt ,instructions ,Prednji nagib medenice ,lower back pain ,preventiva - Abstract
Dandanes so bolečine v ledvenem delu hrbtenice pogost pojav, njihova prevalenca linearno narašča od tretjega desetletja življenja do šestega desetletja življenja. Pogosteje se pojavi pri ženskah kot pri moških. (Meucci, Fassa in Faria, 2015). Verjetno zaradi drugačne anatomije ženskega skeleta (širša medenica, bolj poudarjen nagib medenice naprej zaradi lažjega rojevanja). Nekatere študije nakazujejo na to, da so bolečine v ledvenem delu hrbtenice pogostejše pri populaciji, ki dela sede (Stefansdottir in Gudmundsdottir, 2016, Sanya in Omokhodion, 2003 ter A., Amorim in ostali, 2017). Prav tako je visoka prevalenca v športu, najvišja je pri kanuistih ter pri teku na smučeh. Pri športnikih ima zelo širok razpon (od 1% do 94%). (Trompeter, Fett in Platen, 2017). Krajše mišice okoli medenice in kolka lahko vplivajo na povečanje prednjega nagiba medenice in s tem na povečanje ledvene lordoze, ki je po nekaterih študijah tesno povezana s povečanjem bolečin v ledvenem delu hrbtenice in nekaterimi hrbteničnimi bolezni. Skrajšanje mišic vpliva na njihovo krčenje. V primeru nagiba medenice naprej med samim sedenjem imamo zaradi načina sedenja skrajšane upogibalke kolka in trupa, podaljšane upogibalke kolen, iztegovalke kolka ter iztegovalke trupa. Manjša vzdržljivost mišic iztegovalk trupa je tesno povezana z nastankom bolečin v ledvenem delu hrbtenice. Skozi zgoraj omenjeno kineziologijo medenice lahko vidimo, kakšen vpliv imajo mišice na držo celega telesa (preko medenice). Poleg mišic lahko na položaj medenice vpliva pronacija stopal, katera prisili spodnje okončine v notranjo rotacijo in s tem nagib medenice naprej. Za preprečevanje nagiba medenice naprej je prvo važno prepoznavanje nagiba naprej z različnimi testi. Ko določimo nagib medenice naprej, se reševanja problema lahko lotimo s proprioceptivno vadbo zavedanja položaja medenice med izvedbo različnih nalog. Nowadays, lower back pain is a very common occurence. The prevalence of lower back pain grows linear from the third to the sixth decade of life. It's more common with women than men. (Meucci, Fassa and Faria, 2015). It is believed that this is the cause of their anatomy (wider pelvis and pronounced anterior pelvic tilt for the needs of labour). Studies show that lower back pain is more common with seated workers (Stefansdottir in Gudmundsdottir, 2016, Sanya in Omokhodion, 2003 and A., Amorim et. al., 2017). Lower back pain prevalence is also high in sports, the highest prevalence is found with canoeists and cross-country skiers. However, the prevalence in sports has a wide range (from 1% to 94%). (Trompeter, Fett and Platen, 2017). Shortened muscles around the pelvis and the hip joint can cause an even bigger anterior pelvic tilt. This results in a greater lumbar lordosis, which is, according to studies, linked with higher prevalence of lower back pain and other back problems. The shortening of muscles also affects their ability to contract. Anterior pelvic tilt, while seated, causes shortening of hip and trunk flexors, elongation of knee flexors, hip and trunk extensors. Weakened trunk extensors are tightly correlated with the onset of lower back pain. With the above explanation of hip kinesiology, we can understand how the muscles of the pelvis can affect our posture. Apart from muscles, pronation of the feet can also cause anterior pelvic tilting (it forces the lower extremities into internal rotation, which results in anterior pelvic tilting). It is crucial to test and diagnose anterior pelvic tilt with different tests if we want to prevent anterior pelvic tilting. We can only start solving the problem after we have determined the amount of anterior pelvic tilting. The best exercises used for this are proprioceptive exercises which enforce the proper pelvic mechanics during the different tasks.
- Published
- 2020
6. Najstarejše instrukcije za kranjske deželnozborske komisarje.
- Author
- Abstract
The paper first gives a general overview of the (Carniolan) provincial diet, types of meetings held by the estates and major steps in the provincial diet procedure. There follows a short presentation of the early instructions that directed the conduct of the provincial ducal commissioners during meetings of the provincial diet. The second part of the paper brings a comprehensive analysis of the instruction for the Carniolan provincial diet which was issued in November 1502 and which today is kept among the records of the Skofja Loka seigniory in the fond Freising Hochstifts Literalien kept by the Bavarian main state archives in Munich. The instruction deals mainly with efforts to formulate a common defence order for the Habsburg hereditary lands. As this instruction is among the oldest issued for the Carniolan provincial diet, the complete text is published at the end of the paper. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
- Author
Jamar, Nina and Šauperl, Alenka
- Subjects
- *
PERIODICALS , *LIBRARY materials , *INFORMATION resources , *INFORMATION science ,ABSTRACTS - Abstract
We investigated the structure of abstracts in Slovenian and international journals in the field of materials and technology. The aim of the study was to analyze the adherence of the abstracts published in Materials and Technology (MIT) and Materials Science and Technology (MST) to two different instructions for the preparation of abstracts (scheme based on ISO 214:1976 and Spanring system). 25 abstracts from each journal were divided into sentences. We tried to place the sentences into one of the categories of the above mentioned schemes. The research was a part of the postgraduate study in the Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies (Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana) in September and October 2008. There are no important differences between MIT and MST. Spanring system seems more appropriate for the field of materials and technology. The place and the time of the research should be added to abstracts and the Hu-bit category should be distributed into two parts: Hu- M (method) and Hu-R (results). The recommended Spanring system should be harmonized with authors, who publish in these serials and the effect of the instructions should be analyzed, too. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
8. Izdelava navodil za zaščito kovinskih delov transformatorja pred sestavo
- Author
Pavelić, Luka and Kramar, Davorin
- Subjects
zaščita ,diagram vzrokov in posledic ,corrosion ,packaging ,transformatorji ,metals ,transformers ,skladiščenje ,udc:621.314:620.193(043.2) ,protection ,korozija ,storage ,pakiranje ,cause and effect diagram ,kovine ,instructions ,navodila - Abstract
Zaključna naloga obravnava problematiko pri postopku zaščite kovinskih delov transformatorja pred sestavo. V uvodnem delu smo najprej prepoznali področja kjer prihaja do težav in ugotovili, da je največ napak na delih, ki zaradi nadaljnje obdelave, ne smejo biti zaščiteni z protikorozijsko barvo. Raziskali smo alternativne možnosti zaščite pred korozijo, jih ovrednotili in izbrali najbolj primerno. V nadaljevanju smo izbrane rešitve preizkusili in preverili njihovo učinkovitost. Kot rezultat so predstavljena navodila, ki definirajo, kako morajo biti kovinski deli transformatorja zaščiteni in pakirani, da med skladiščenjem ne spremenijo svojih lastnosti. This thesis examines the problem of protecting the metal parts of the transformer before assembly. In the introduction, areas where problems most occurred were identified. It was found that the greatest number of defects occurred in parts, which are not protected by anti-corrosion paint due to further processing. Alternative possibilities of corrosion protection were researched, evaluated and then the most appropriate were selected. Selected solutions were then tested for their effectiveness. Instructions are presented, defining how the metal parts of the transformer must be protected and packaged, so that they do not change their properties during storage.
- Published
- 2019
9. Preparation of tools for cold forming in mass production
- Author
Budja, Matej and Balič, Jože
- Subjects
preparation ,cold forming ,stiskalnica ,dimenzioniranje ,orodjarna ,instructions ,kovanje ,sizing ,forging ,udc:621.771.67(043.2) ,navodila ,press ,hladno preoblikovanje ,Tool ,tool repair workshop ,Orodje - Abstract
V podjetjih s proizvodnjo velikoserijskih izdelkov s procesom hladnega preoblikovanja je treba vsako posamezno »orodje za hladno preoblikovanje« (v nadaljnjem tekstu »orodje«) pripraviti na delovanje pazljivo, natančno in hkrati hitro. Z neupoštevanjem konstrukcijskih in organizacijskih določil ter pomanjkanjem znanja s področja priprave orodja lahko pride do problemov in poškodb delavca ter orodja v orodjarni ali pri obratovanju na stroju. Zaradi teh dejavnikov posledično sledijo zastoji v procesu, ker je treba orodje z delovnega mesta odpeljati v orodjarno ter ugotoviti in odpraviti vzrok napake. Takšni zastoji pa podjetju predstavljajo nepotrebni strošek. V času preizkušanja in serijske uporabe je treba konstrukcijsko izvedbo orodij tudi izboljševati. Te probleme je potrebno reševati sproti in dosledno, saj je vsakemu podjetju v interesu, da procesi v proizvodnji zaradi tega ne zastajajo. In companies with large-scale cold forming production process, it is necessary to prepare each "tool for cold forming" (hereinafter referred to as "tool") for the operation carefully, accurately and quickly. Failure to observe design and organizational provisions, and lack of knowledge in the field of preparation and manipulation of tools can result in severe problems or even in worker's injuries and/or tool damage in the workshop or during operation on the machine. Consequently, due to these factors, process congestion is followed, because the tool must be transported into the workshop and the cause of the error must be found and corrected. Such factors create unnecessary costs to companies. At the time of testing in serial use, the tool design must also be improved. These problems must be resolved consistently and thoroughly, since every company is interested in the fact that processes in production do not stagnate.
- Published
- 2018
10. Informiranost pacientov pred načrtovano ezofagogastroduodenoskopijo in vloga medicinske sestre
- Author
Žižek, Urška and Ravljen, Mirjam
- Subjects
gastroscopy ,role of a nurse ,informiranost pacienta ,vloga medicinske sestre in pričakovanja ,instructions ,navodila ,patient information ,gastroskopija ,expectations - Abstract
Uvod: Ezofagogastroduodenoskopijo je endoskopski pregled, ki omogoča natančen pregled požiralnika, želodca in dvanajstnika. Medicinske sestre imajo kot članice tima v endoskopski ambulanti pomembno vlogo. So tiste, ki se morajo osredotočiti na pacienta in njegovo počutje. Veliko pacientov se boji, ker ne vedo, kaj pričakovati, ali imajo napačne informacije. Medicinske sestre informirajo pacienta o preiskavi in njenem poteku. S tem poskušajo zmanjšati nelagodje, zaskrbljenost in strah pacienta. S pripravo in podporo želijo doseči, da jim pacient zaupa in zato bolje sodeluje. Od dobre priprave je v veliki meri odvisna uspešnost preiskave Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti način in stopnjo informiranosti pacienta pred načrtovano endoskopsko preiskavo, pomen morebitnih osebnih in zunanjih dejavnikov pri pripravi na poseg in izvedbi le-tega ter ob tem oceniti vlogo medicinske sestre. Metode dela: Raziskovalne probleme smo oblikovali na podlagi pregleda literature. Za doseganje ciljev raziskave in odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja smo uporabili opazovalno, presečno raziskavo z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika. Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 127 pacientov, ki so se z ezofagogastroduodenoskopijo prvič srečali. Pacienti so ocenili, da so bili o preiskavi dobro informirani. Največ informacij so dobili iz podanih pisnih navodil. Pacientom je najpomembnejše, da jim medicinske sestre pomagajo sodelovati med preiskavo. Več kot polovico pacientov je strah preiskave, najpogostejši razlog je strah pred izvidom. Statistično pomembnih povezav med demografskimi značilnostmi pacienta (spol, starost, izobrazba) in pacientovim poznavanjem preiskave oziroma načinov pridobivanja informacij, nismo ugotovili. Prav tako nismo našli povezav med strahom pred preiskavo in stopnjo informiranosti. Potrdili smo, da bolj izobraženi pacienti v primerjavi z manj izobraženimi, pogosteje iščejo informacije preko spletnih strani, preko znancev ali sorodnikov. Razprava in sklep: Da bi paciente o preiskavi čim bolj podučili in jih nanjo pripravili, je zaželeno, da opis in soglasje na preiskavo pošljemo pacientom na dom. Tako v ustanovo pridejo zgolj z dodatnimi vprašanji. Na podlagi odgovorov na ta vprašanja, naj bi bil pacient dovolj dobro poučen, da lahko pred preiskavo poda informiran pristanek. Kljub temu da je administrativno in pripravljalno delo medicinskih sester pomembno, ostaja stik s pacientom in pomoč pacientu, ne le najpomembnejši, ampak tudi najprijetnejši del njenih opravil. Introduction: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (or gastroscopy) is an endoscopic procedure, which enables a thorough examination of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. Nurses, as members of the team, has an important role in an endoscopy suite. They are the one who cares for the patient and his well-being. Most of the patients are afraid, because they don’t know what to expect or they got the wrong information. The nurses professionally inform the patient about the procedure and its course. With this they try to calm the patient, reducing his fear and uneasiness. With patient preparation and support we try to gain the patient’s trust, which makes them more cooperative. The success of the procedure closely depends on the preparations. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine the patient’s manner and degree of information before the endoscopic procedure, the importance of possible external and internal factors when preparing for a procedure and during it, and to evaluate the nurse’s role in the procedure itself. Results: 127 patients participated in the research. This was their first encounter with Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. They evaluated, that the given information about the procedure was good and adequate. They got most of the information from our written instructions. To patients it is important that the nurse helps them during the procedure. More than half of the patients fear the procedure, mostly because of the results. Statistically significant links between the patient’s characteristics and between his knowledge about the procedure or the manner of obtaining information were not found. Links between the patient’s fear before the procedure and the knowledge about it have not been found. We confirmed that patients with a higher education often do their own research, compared to those with a lower one. Discussion and conclusion: When informing the patients about the procedure and preparing them for it, it is desirable to send the description of the procedure and the agreement to their homes. This way, when visiting the establishment, they only ask additional questions. On the basis of these questions the patient should be informed enough to give consent to the procedure. Although the prepared and administrative work of a nurse is important, there is nothing more important than her contact with patients and her assistance, which are also the most pleasant tasks.
- Published
- 2018
11. Classification of exercises in the textbooks of the last three grades in primary school
- Author
Dolenc, Anja and Pulko, Simona
- Subjects
udc:37.091.3:811.163.6(043.2) ,tipologija nalog ,textbooks ,Bloom's taxonomy ,structure of exercises ,zgradba nalog ,instructions ,navodila ,classification of exercises ,berila ,Bloomova taksonomija - Abstract
V magistrskem delu Tipologija nalog v berilih zadnjega triletja osnovnih šol smo se osredotočili na tipologijo nalog v treh berilih Mladinske knjige. Ključ takšnega izbora je bil predvsem to, da smo se osredotočili na eno založbo, prav to pa smo izbrali, ker so ta berila pogosto rabljena v šolski praksi in zato, ker so bile v knjižnici dostopne prenovljene izdaje njihovih beril. Pregledali smo literaturo ter teorije o berilih in zapisali tipologije beril različnih avtorjev, prav tako smo preučili tipologije nalog in Bloomovo taksonomijo. Natančno smo se ukvarjali z berilom za 7. razred, Sreča se mi v pesmi smeje, za 8. razred, Dober dan, življenje in za 9. razred, Skrivnostno življenje besed. V izbranih berilih smo predstavili njihovo zgradbo, oblikovanost in vizualno podobo. Nato smo pregledali in analizirali posamezne razdelke z nalogami ter zapisali rezultate o tipu nalog, ki se pojavljajo v izbranih berilih. Upoštevali smo Bloomovo taksonomijo ter pregledali, kako so naloge sestavljene in razdeljene glede na taksonomske stopnje. Pri analizi oz. določanju smo upoštevali število nalog naloge smo analizirali glede na taksonomijo, zgradbo ter natančnost navodil, proučili smo, kako so naloge zgrajene in ali si sledijo po načelu postopnosti. Pri analizi smo upoštevali priporočila, in sicer pri tipologiji nalog smo se oprli na tipologijo, ki je prisotna ob navodilih za pisno preverjanje znanja, ob tem pa še na teoretična izhodišča različnih avtorjev, predvsem Leona Zormana. Izkazalo se je, da se v vseh treh izbranih berilih pojavijo podobni tipi nalog. Berila so zgrajena na podoben način, zato tudi temu ustreza tipologija nalog. V berilih se pojavi največje število nalog tipa kratkih odgovorov, prisotni so še drugi tipi, vendar v manjšem številu. Pri analizi števila tipov nalog ob enem besedilu smo upoštevali priporočila Državnega izpitnega centra za pripravo preizkusov znanja v osnovni šoli. Ugotovili smo, da v enem besedilu ni prisotnih več kot treh različnih tipov nalog. Pri analizi Bloomove taksonomije smo to izpeljali glede na priporočila Državnega izpitnega centra za pripravo preizkusov znanja v osnovni šoli. Navodila za reševanje nalog smo analizirali glede na teoretična izhodišča L. Zormana. Ta so ustrezna, vsebujejo vse potrebne podatke, pomembno pa je, da so jasna, natančna in enoznačna, predvsem pa, da učenci vedo, kako nalogo rešiti in kaj se od njih zahteva. Naloge so ustrezno razvrščene, tako da prehajajo od lažje proti zahtevnejši, s tem učenci postopoma prehajajo na višje ravni znanja. In the Master's thesis titled Classification of exercises in the textbooks of the last three grades in primary school we focused on the classification of exercises in three textbooks from the publisher Mladinska knjiga. We have chosen this selection because we wanted to focus on one publishing house with available renewed issues of textbooks in the library and also because of their frequency of use in schools. We have reviewed different books and theories about textbooks from different authors, theories about classification of exercises and Bloom's taxonomy. We have specifically taken an interest with the textbooks for 7th grade, Sreča se mi v pesmi smeje (Happiness laughs at me in the poem), 8th grade, Dober dan življenje (Good day, life) and with the 9th grade textbook called Skrivnostno življenje besed (The secret life of words). We have presented them, their structure, design, and their visual image. Later we have checked and analysed individual parts of exercises and we have also written down all the results about types of exercises that have appeared in the texts. We have also taken note of the Bloom's taxonomy and we have also examined the structure of the exercises based on the taxonomic stages. This analysis takes into consideration the number of exercises. Exercises were analysed based on the taxonomy, their structure and accuracy of the instructions. We have looked at the structure of exercises and if they follow on step-by-step approach. This analysis therefore takes full account of recommendations, for example when defining the typology of exercises, we took into consideration the typology which is usually present at the instructions for written exam verification and also the theoretical approaches of different authors, mostly from Leon Zorman. It appeared that the same types of exercises were used in all three textbooks. These textbooks are structured in a similar manner, therefore types of exercises correspond to that. The majority of exercises are those looking for short answers there is also only a small number of other types of exercises. At the analysis of the number of types of exercises we took into consideration the recommendations of the State examination centre for the preparation of written texts in the primary school. We have established that one text does not contain more than three types of exercises. While analysing Bloom's taxonomy we used the recommendations from the State examination centre for the preparation of examination in the primary school. The instructions for solving the exercise were analysed based on the theoretical basis of L.Zorman. These were suitable, because they contain all the necessary data, they are clear, precise and unique. It is also very important that pupils know how to resolve the exercise and what is required. Exercises are adequately classified, from easier to more difficult ones, so pupils can gradually shift to higher levels of knowledge.
- Published
- 2018
12. Koncertna fotografija v medijih
- Author
Iskra, Sebastjan and Boh Podgornik, Bojana
- Subjects
fotografija ,udc:77 ,splet ,glasba ,media ,tehnike ,objava ,concert photography ,photography ,web ,mediji ,publication ,napotki ,press ,music ,instructions ,techniques ,koncertna fotografija ,tisk - Published
- 2016
13. Operation of CNC lathe Doosan Lynx 220 LM
- Author
Bartulovič, Matic and Ficko, Mirko
- Subjects
udc:621.941-52(043.2) ,doosan lynx 220LM ,Doosan Lynx 220 LM ,instructions ,navodila ,CNC-stružnica ,CNC lathe - Abstract
Diplomsko delo je napisano z namenom, da uporabnikom stružnice Doosan Lynx 220LM na razumljivejši način prikažemo nekatere delovne operacije, ki jih izvajamo s strojem. Zaradi preobsežnosti navodil se proizvajalci obdelovalnih strojev dostikrat izogibajo podrobnejši razlagi posameznih operacij, kar se kot neugodno kaže pri uvajanju na stroj. Posebno pozornost smo namenili vklopu in izklopu stružnice, avtomatskemu in ročnemu upravljanju glavnega vretena, spreminjanju smeri vrtenja, vpenjanju obdelovancev, ročnemu nastavljanju razmika vpenjalnih čeljusti, obračanju revolverske glave, vpenjanju orodij, upravljanju gnanega orodja in merjenju orodij ter sestavi NC-programa. Rezultat diplomskega dela so razširjena in podrobneje opisana navodila, obogatena s slikovnim gradivom, pridobljenim med preučevanjem stružnice. My diploma thesis is written with the intention to show the users of the Doosan Lynx 220 LM tathes an easier way of understanding how some of the machine operations work. Due to the complexity of the instructions, manufacturers often avoid detailed interpretation of individual operations, which may cause problems while learning to use the mashine. For a broader description we only chose some of the functions that can be performed on a lathe on and off switching, automatic and manual controling of the main spindle, changing the direction of rotation, clamping workpieces, manualy adjusting the spacing of the clamping jaws, rotation of the turret head, clamping of the tools, managing the power tool measuring, as well as composition of the NC program. The result of the diploma thesis are extended and more detailed instructions, filled with graphic material that was acquired during the study of the lathe.
- Published
- 2015
14. Didactic tools and equipment for educating children with special needs
- Author
Pšunder, Majda and Bračič, Suzana
- Subjects
razvoj ,education ,otroci s posebnimi potrebami ,pouk ,instructions ,udc:37.091.6:376 ,didactic equipment ,development ,didaktična oprema ,vzgoja in izobraževanje ,didaktični pripomočki ,children with special needs ,didactic tools - Abstract
Otroci s posebnimi potrebami pri vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu zaradi razvojnih značilnosti potrebujejo drugačen, individualiziran pristop, njim prilagojene metode in učne tehnologije. Predstavili bomo novosti in možnosti uporabe didaktičnih pripomočkov in opreme za otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Izredno pomembno je, upoštevati želje, zahteve in potrebe otrok s posebnimi potrebami, k temu pa dodati še prilagoditev učnih procesov, učnih gradiv, dodatno usposabljanje pedagoškega kadra in uporabo ustrezne didaktične opreme s specialnimi pripomočki, ki so prilagojeni uporabnikom s posebnimi potrebami. Sodobni didaktični pripomočki in razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij omogočajo otrokom s posebnimi potrebami, da se na vseh ravneh izobraževanja dodatno izpopolnjujejo in razvijajo. In the educational process, children with special needs require a different, personalized approach and adapted teaching methods and technology. The article presents innovations and opportunities for using didactical instruments and equipment for children with special needs. It is extremely important to consider the wishes, demands and needs of children with special needs. It is also important to make adjustments to the learning process, teaching materials, additional training of teaching staff and the use of appropriate teaching equipment with special devices that are adapted to users with special needs. Modern didactic tools and the development of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) enable children with special needs, at all levels of education, additional improvement and development.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Albreht, Nina and Dobnik, Mojca
- Subjects
bolečina ,Nurse ,advice ,food ,Medicinska sestra ,pain ,udc:613.2:616.72-002(043.2) ,zdravstveno vzgojno delo ,svetovanje in navodila ,živila ,health educational activities ,instructions - Abstract
Revmatoidni artritis je sistemska vnetna bolezen avtoimunske narave, ki prizadene sklepe in omeji gibalne sposobnosti bolnika. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena vloga pravilne prehrane in vpliv posameznih vrst živil na življenje bolnikov z revmatoidnim artritisom. Predstavljena je tudi vloga medicinske sestre pri zdravstveno vzgojnem delu o pravilni prehrani bolnikov in upoštevanje navodil medicinskih sester glede svetovane prehrane s strani bolnikov. Z anketo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov na Oddelku za revmatologijo Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Maribor je podana raziskava med zaposlenimi o vplivu pravilne hrane na kakovost življenja bolnikov z revmatoidnim artritisom. V raziskavi so se anketiranci opredeljevali do posameznih živil, ki bi lahko vplivala na počutje bolnika. Ugotovili smo, da po mnenju medicinskih sester prehrana močno vpliva na počutje in bolezensko okrevanje bolnikov z revmatoidnim artritisom. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systematic inflammatory disease of autoimmune nature, which affects the joints and limits patient's movement abilities. The diploma presents the role of proper nutrition and certain food types effects on the life of the rheumatoid arthritis patients. The diploma also presents nurses’ role in the health educational work on the correct nutrition of patients in compliance with nurses’ instructions on the advised diet to the patients. With the survey of nurses at the Department of Rheumatology at the University Medical Centre Maribor a research among the employees was done on effects of proper nutrition on the quality of life of rheumatoid arthritis patients. In the study, the respondents were defining individual food types, which could affect the well-being of the patient. We found out that according to the nurses' view nutrition has a major impact on well-being in the medical recovery of the rheumatoid arthritis patients.
- Published
- 2015
16. Application of 3DVIA Composer tool for maintenance in TAJFUN company
- Author
Koprivc, David and Buchmeister, Borut
- Subjects
marketinški material ,3D animation ,3DVIA Composer ,marketing materials ,tehnična dokumentacija ,SolidWorks ,3D-animacija ,spare parts lists ,instructions ,navodila ,seznam rezervnih delov ,udc:004.4:658.58(043.2) ,technical documentation - Abstract
V preteklosti so proizvajalci morali sprejeti visoke stroške in zamude, povezane z ustvarjanjem dokumentacije izdelkov. Danes povečujejo svojo konkurenčno prednost, zmanjšujejo stroške in povečujejo prihranek časa z uporabo programskega orodja 3DVIA Composer. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljene prednosti in način uporabe programa v podjetju Tajfun Planina d. o. o. V podjetju uporabljajo program za izdelavo seznamov rezervnih delov, navodil za uporabo in za servisne storitve, animacije in učno gradivo. Glavni cilji prehoda na novo programsko podporo so bili: znižanje stroškov tiskovin, znižanje stroškov izobraževanj, optimizacija sejemskih stroškov in učinkovitejša izraba razvojnega časa. Nakup in uporaba nove programske opreme sta se v podjetju pokazala kot smotrna odločitev, s katero so uspešno optimizirali stroške. In the past, manufacturers have had to accept the high costs and delays associated with creating technical documentation. Today, however, product manufacturers are increasing their competitive advantage, cutting costs and saving time by using the 3DVIA Composer software tool. This thesis presents the advantages and how to use the software at the company Tajfun Planina d. o. o. The company uses the software to produce spare parts lists, instructions for use and maintenance services, animation and study material. The main objectives of the transition to the new software are: to reduce the cost of printed materials, to reduce the cost of training, the optimisation of fair costs and the more effective use of development time. The purchase and use of the new software by the company have proven to be a wise decision that has led to the successful optimisation of costs.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Božičnik, Nuška and Pulko, Simona
- Subjects
udc:82(043.2) ,reading literacy ,the Matura essay ,branje ,slovenščina ,matura ,literacy ,Pismenost ,cilji branja ,maturitetni esej ,bralna pismenost ,reading objectives ,Slovene language ,reading ,instructions ,navodila ,the Matura - Abstract
Čas, v katerem živimo, od nas zahteva veliko znanja in spretnosti, da lahko delujemo v družbi. Način življenja se nenehno spreminja. Ena najpomembnejših zmožnosti, s katero se soočamo vsak dan, je pismenost. Brez nje človek ne more delovati, napredovati in se sporazumevati. Dobro razvita pismenost je zelo pomembna za razvoj posameznika in družbe. Nekdaj je veljal za pismeno osebo vsak, ki je znal brati in pisati, kasneje tisti, ki je poleg branja in pisanja obvladal tudi pravopis in formalno zgradbo spisja. V današnjem času pa pismenost pomeni še prepoznavanje vrste strategij razumevanja in tvorjenja besedil v raznih okoliščinah in z raznimi sredstvi, poznavanje razpoložljivih izraznih sredstev različnih jezikovnih in nejezikovnih sistemov sporočanja, razumevanje pomena vsakokratnega konteksta posamezne jezikovne rabe in dejavnosti, zmožnost pridobivanja informacij iz raznih virov in njihove kritične uporabe. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem bomo opredelili pojme, kot so pismenost, vrste pismenosti s poudarkom na bralni pismenosti, ki je potrebna tako za človekov osebni razvoj, kot tudi za delovanje v družbi. Opredelili bomo pojem branja, ki je glavni cilj književnega pouka, definirali vrste šolskega branja, pogledali stopnje razvoja branja. Nadalje bomo opredelili cilje sodobnega bralnega pouka, med katerimi je najpomembnejša dobro razvita bralna pismenost. Pri načrtovanju pouka nam je v pomoč tudi Bloomova taksonomija znanja, ki opredeljuje različne vrste znanja. S pomočjo le-te bomo analizirali esejska navodila mature 2011. Ob tem bomo pogledali zgodovino mature, opredelili sam pojem mature in njene cilje. Osredotočili se bomo predvsem na maturo iz slovenščine, ki je sestavljena iz pisnega in ustnega dela. Predmet raziskovanja bo predvsem prvi del pisnega dela, esej: kaj esej sploh je, obravnava maturitetnih besedil, priprava na pisanje, kritično razmišljanje. Esej mora odražati dijakovo mišljenje, ustvarjalnost, poznavanje besedila, jezika. Zanimal nas bo tudi problem navodil za esej, kako morajo biti zasnovana. V empiričnem delu bomo, s pomočjo ankete med dijaki Gimnazije B., raziskali bralne navade dijakov, kako se pripravljajo na pisanje eseja, kaj storijo, ko naletijo na težavo pri branju, kako bi sami napisali navodila za esej, kaj bi/česa ne bi spremenili pri navodilih. Ugotovili bomo, da dijaki pred pisanjem eseja preberejo besedilo v celoti, da raziskujejo, se pri interpretaciji neradi vključujejo v pogovor, da je leposlovje pomembno za pismenost posameznika, da so jim bolj všeč kratka in jasna navodila za esej. Present-day times require a lot of effort from us in terms of knowledge and skills in order to perform well in society. The way of living is changing constantly. One cannot work, make progress and communicate without one of the most important abilities in our every-day life - literacy. Well-developed literacy is crucial for the improvement of an individual or society. In old times a literate person was considered everyone who could read and write later on, a literate person was the one who, in addition to reading and writing, mastered spelling as well as form of writing. Present-day literacy is much more than that it includes the identification of types of text comprehension and text production strategies in different circumstances using a variety of tools, knowledge of expressing different linguistic and non-linguistic communication systems, understanding the meaning of the context. Moreover, literacy means being able to gain information from various sources and apply it critically. This diploma thesis consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part defines terms such as literacy and types of literacy with emphasis on reading literacy that is needed for a person’s development and work in society. It identifies the term reading as the main objective in literary classes, defines types of school reading and deals with reading stages. Further, it establishes the aims of modern literary lessons among which well-developed reading literacy bears the highest importance. When planning lessons, Bloom’s taxonomy might be of great help since it specifies different types of learning objectives. Using this taxonomy we are going to analyse essay instructions of the 2011 Matura. In addition, we are going to look into the history of the Matura, define the term “matura” and identify its objectives. Focus will primarily be on Slovene language exam which consists of two parts – a written part and an oral part. The first part of the written exam – an essay – will be the object of research. We are going to establish what an essay really is, deal with the Matura texts, look into preparation for writing and giving critical views. An essay should be a reflection of student’s own views, creativity, knowledge of a text and language. We will be intrigued by the problem of essay instructions and the way they are designed. In the empirical part, we are going to research students’ reading habits by means of conducting a survey between the students of Gimnazija B. The survey will reveal how the students prepare themselves for essay writing, what they do when they come across a problem while reading, and how they would change instructions for writing an essay if they were to write them on their own. The results will show us that students read the whole book before writing an essay on it as well as they do some research. Moreover, we will see that they are not willing to share their opinions when it comes to a discussion about he book in the classroom, that literature is important for individual’s literacy, and that short and clear instructions are preferred
- Published
- 2012
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