Prevajanje je zahteven in zapleten proces, ki od prevajalca zahteva translatološke kompetence, popolno posvečenost in predanost delu, ne glede na to, s katerim strokovnim področjem se ukvarja pri svojem delu. Za prevajanje ni potrebno samo znanje izhodiščnega in ciljnega jezika, ampak tudi odlično poznavanje kulturno specifičnega okolja, v katerega prevaja določeno besedilo, kakor tudi ustrezne terminologije, v katerega prevaja določeno besedilo. Pri kulinariki gre za področje, ki je splošno znano in precej razširjeno, kljub temu pa vsebuje določeno terminologijo, ki se uporablja samo v gastronomiji in gostinstvu. Ravno terminologiji je treba posvetiti posebno pozornost, da pri prevajanju ne bi prišlo do napak in posledično nesporazumov, saj so prav jedilni listi ogledalo vsake restavracije ali gostilne. Ker se Koroška nahaja v bližini Avstrije, smo se v diplomski nalogi osredotočili na osem restavracij, ki z ravnjo svoje ponudbe dokazujejo, da imajo jedilni list preveden v skladu s svojim mednarodnim ugledom. Pri tem je pomembno, da pri prevajanju upoštevamo pomensko in ne jezikovne enakovrednosti izvirnega in ciljnega besedila. Le z uporabo terminov, ki so kulturno specifični za to področje, lahko zagotovimo natančen prenos kulturemov, ki jih srečujemo v gastronomiji in kulinariki. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili jedilni list kot posebno besedilno vrsto in v teoretičnem delu opredelili njegove značilnosti, ter analizirali specifično gastronomsko terminologijo. V empiričnem delu smo uvodoma predstavili gostišča in restavracije, katerih jedilne liste smo terminološko in jezikovno primerjali in analizirali. V sklepnem delu naloge smo za lažje razumevanje določenih jedi in specialitet izdelali terminološki glosar besed s področja koroške gastronomije in kulinarike, ki jih najdemo na jedilnih listih znanih koroških restavracij. Translation is a very demanding and complex process that demands trans-cultural competences, absolute dedication and devotion from the translator, regardless of the area of expertise the translator is dealing with. The translator requires not only the knowledge of the source and target language but also excellent knowledge of the culturally specific field and the adequate terminology into which one translates. Cuisine is a field that is widely known. Nevertheless, there is therminology that is only used in gastronomy and the restaurant industry. Special attention has to be given to translating terminology to avoid errors and misunderstandings since the menu card is the calling card of every restaurant. This thesis focuses on eight restaurants that should have good translations of their menu cards based on their international reputation and because the Koroška Region borders Austria. It is crucial to consider the semantic and not the linguistic equivalence of the source and target text during translation. Exact transfer of culturally specific expressions which are only found in the field of gastronomy and cuisine can only be achieved through the use of terminology that is specific for this field. The theoretical part presents the menu card as a specific text type, defines its characteristics and analyses the specific gastronomic terminology. The empirical part presents the menu cards of the restaurants which we have analysed from the terminological and linguistic point of view. The conclusion presents a terminology glossary for better understanding of some dishes and specialities from the field of gastronomy and cuisine which have been found in the menu cards of renowned restaurants in the Koroška Region.