4 results on '"Headteachers"'
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2. Pogoji za inkluzijo v vzgoji in izobraževanju po oceni ravnateljev.
- Author
Kovač, Janez, Ščuka, Tanja, and Čagran, Branka
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Elementary Education / Revija za Elementarno Izobraževanje is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
3. Leadership for learning and didactical characteristics of teaching in primary school
- Author
Rožman, Laura and Koren, Andrej
- Subjects
sodobni pouk ,teachers ,ravnatelji ,učenci ,Vodenje za učenje ,primary school ,headteachers ,pupils ,leadership for learning ,učitelji ,didaktične značilnosti pouka ,contemporary instruction ,osnovna šola ,udc:37.091.2/.3(043.3) - Abstract
V doktorski disertaciji z naslovom Vodenje za učenje in didaktične značilnosti pouka v osnovni šoli raziskujemo povezanost med vodenjem za učenje in uveljavljanjem sodobnih značilnosti pouka. V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo dosedanja znanstvena spoznanja o vodenju za učenje in značilnosti sodobnega pouka. Teoretični prispevek disertacije predstavlja sinteza znanstvenih spoznanj, katerih končni rezultat je za potrebe naše raziskave izpeljava značilnosti vodenja za učenje in značilnosti sodobnega pouka. V empirični raziskavi proučujemo, kako ravnatelji udejanjajo vodenje za učenje, mnenja in stališča učiteljev do vodenja za učenje, uveljavljanje značilnosti sodobnega pouka v šolski praksi ter zvezo med vodenjem za učenje in didaktičnimi značilnostmi pouka. Pri tem izhajamo iz predpostavke, da se z višjo stopnjo vodenja za učenje dviga raven značilnosti sodobnega pouka. V ta namen smo uporabili kompleksni metodološki pristop, in sicer kvantitativne (anketiranje, sistematično opazovanje) in kvalitativne (intervjuvanje) raziskovalne tehnike in njim prilegajoče metode obdelave. Raziskovalni vzorec zajema učitelje in ravnatelje slučajnostno izbranih slovenskih osnovnih šol. Rezultati raziskave kažejo visoko stopnjo uveljavljenosti vodenja za učenje pri vodenju šol. Večina učiteljev zaznava ravnateljevo vodenje za učenje. Večina učiteljev soglaša s pomembnostjo vodenja za učenje. Raziskava kaže visoko uveljavljenost značilnosti sodobnega pouka v učni praksi. V našem primeru visoka stopnja soglašanja učiteljev s pomembnostjo vodenja za učenje in njihovo zaznavanje ravnateljevega vodenja za učenje ne kaže pomembne povezave z obstoječo prakso posodabljanja pouka. V ozadju teh ugotovitev so vsebinsko-metodološke omejitve naše empirične raziskave, na katere v zaključku opozarjamo. This dissertation investigate the links between leadership for learning and the application of the characteristics of contemporary instructional practice. In the theoretical part of the study we summarize the extant research findings on leadership for learning and on contemporary instructional practice. For the purpose of this study, we then elicit main characteristics of leadership for learning and key characteristics of contemporary instruction. In the empirical part we investigate the manner in which headteachers implement leadership for learning, identify teachers’ opinion and perspective on leadership for learning, investigate their application of characteristics of contemporary instructional practice and the links between leadership for learning and characteristics of didactics. We hypothesise that a higher degree of leadership for learning will increase the presence of contemporary instruction characteristics in teachers’ day-to-day practice. The study employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative (surveys, systematic observation) and qualitative (interviews) data collection and analysis techniques. Evidence for the study is provided by a sample of teachers and headteachers from randomly selected primary schools in Slovenia. The findings suggest that headteachers use a high degree of leadership for learning in their day-to-day leadership practice. The majority of teachers perceive that their headteachers practice leadership for learning, and they agree that leadership for learning is important. The findings also suggest a strong presence of characteristics of contemporary instruction in day-to-day teaching practice. A high level of teachers’ agreement concerning the importance of leadership for learning in our study and teachers’ perceptions that their headteachers practice leadership for learning do not show any significant association with the current efforts to modernise instructional practice. Several content and methodological limitations of our study, which we present in the conclusion, are in the background of the latter finding.
- Published
- 2018
4. Conditions for inclusive education from the viewpoint of headteachers
- Author
Kovač, Janez, Ščuka, Tanja, and Čagran, Branka
- Subjects
inclusive education ,inclusive teacher ,headteachers ,students with special needs ,ravnatelji ,učenci s posebnimi potrebami ,basic school ,udc:373.3:376 ,osnovna šola ,inkluzija v vzgoji in izobraževanju - Abstract
V prispevku predstavljamo pogoje za inkluzijo v vzgoji in izobraževanju, kakor jih zaznavajo ravnatelji slovenskih osnovnih šol. V teoretičnem delu se osredotočamo na dejavnike oblikovanja inkluzivne šole, to so ravnatelji, učitelji in starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami, ter na kratko izpostavimo nekaj teoretičnih izhodišč izvajanja dodatne strokovne pomoči v osnovni šoli. V empiričnem delu predstavljamo rezultate spletne anketne raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli med ravnatelji v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kako ravnatelji ocenjujejo pogoje za inkluzijo in kako pogoje, ki so vezani na njih same, na izvajalce dela z učenci s posebnimi potrebami in na šolo v celoti. Pri tem smo bili tudi pozorni na razlike glede števila otrok s posebnimi potrebami, ki so vključeni v redni program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo. The paper presents conditions for inclusive education as perceived by headteachers in Slovenian basic schools. In the theoretical part, we focused on the key elements of inclusive schools, i.e. headteachers, teachers, and parents of children with special needs. In conclusion, we briefly highlight some theoretical propositions in relation to additional professional support in basic schools. In the empirical part of the paper, we present the results of an online survey conducted among headteachers in Slovenian basic schools. The aim of the survey was, among other things, to find how headteachers perceive conditions for inclusive education - those relating to headteachers themselves, to teachers/professional staff working with students with special needs, and those relating to school as a whole. Here, we also paid our attention to differences regarding the number of children with special needs who are included in regular programme with adjusted implementation and additional professional assistance. The obtained results provide an opportunity for assessment of current situation, and for further consideration concerning the development of inclusive education in Slovenia in the future.
- Published
- 2017
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