1. Dance and folklore show 'We begin to dance' and 'We play, sing also dance'
- Author
Zalokar, Anja and Ilić, Olivera
- Subjects
folklorna revija ,dance education ,ples ,dance show ,ljudski ples ,dance ,folklore show ,folk dance ,udc:37.015.31:793.3-053.4(043.2) ,plesna revija ,plesna vzgoja ,expressive dance ,izrazni ples - Abstract
V diplomskem delu predstavljamo pomen plesa v predšolskem obdobju na primeru dveh plesnih revij, in sicer »Zavrtimo se« ter »Se igramo, pojemo in tudi zaplešimo«. Delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu najprej opredelimo pojme plesa predšolskega obdobja, ki so pomembni za naš empirični del. Tako s pomočjo virov in literature opredelimo pomen plesa in njegov vpliv na otrokov razvoj. Razložimo njegov pomen v predšolskem obdobju ter oblike in metode, ki so za delo z otroki najbolj primerne. Dotaknemo se tudi ljudskega in izraznega plesa ter opredelimo pomen vzgojitelja pri tovrstni dejavnosti. V empiričnem delu smo si zastavili raziskovalna vprašanja, na katera smo odgovorili s pomočjo podrobnejše analize plesne in folklorne revije »Zavrtimo se« in »Se igramo, pojemo in tudi zaplešemo«, ki so si jih ogledali na spletni strani JSKD OI Laško, kjer sta obe reviji tudi javno objavljeni. Pri posameznih plesnih točkah smo s pomočjo opazovalnega lista analizirali posamične plesne nastope z vidika, ki temelji na gibalnem gradivu Brede Kroflič (1995) in zajema uporabo telesa, usklajenost gibanja, uporabo prostora, dinamiko, odnose v gibanju in sporočilo, ter na osnovi tega ugotavljali gibalno bogastvo plesnih izdelkov. Ko smo analizirali vse plesne točke, smo jih primerjali med seboj in ugotavljali razlike med dvema različnima zvrstema (otroški ljudski in izrazni ples). Tako smo tudi ugotovili, katera zvrst ima bolj in katera manj poudarjene posamezne segmente v gibalnem gradivu. S pomočjo rezultatov, ki smo jih pridobili z izračunom povprečnih ocen, smo ugotovili, da vzgojitelji delajo dobro in da v plese vnašajo vse pomembne sestavine ter tako omogočajo, da se otrok razvija celostno na vseh področjih. In the thesis we present the importance of dance in the pre-school period on the example of two dance shows, namely "We begin to dance" and "We play, sing and also dance". The thesis consists of two parts. In the theoretical part we first define the concepts of pre-school dance, which are important for our empirical part. Thus, with the help of resources and literature we define the importance of dance and its influence on the child's development. We explain its significance in the pre-school period and the forms and methods that are best suited for working with children. We also touch on folk and expressive dance and define the importance of educators in this kind of activity. In the empirical part we asked research questions, which we answered through a more detailed analysis of the dance and folklore shows "We begin to dance" and "We play, sing and also dance" that could be seen on the website of the Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD) Laško, where both shows were also publicly released. For individual dance parts we analysed individual dance performances with the help of an observation list from the perspective based on the motion material from Breda Kroflič (1995), which covers the use of the body, the coordination of motion, the use of space, dynamics, the relation to motion and the message. Based on this observation we decided on the wealth of dance elements. When we analysed all dance parts, we compared them to each other and determined the differences between two different genres (children's folk and expressive dance). Thus, we also identified which type has more and which less emphasized individual segments in the motion material. With the help of the results obtained by calculating the average grades, we found that the educators are working well and that they bring into the dance all important components, thus enabling the child to develop fully in all areas.
- Published
- 2017