- Author
ŠUBIC, MATEVŽ and Dečman, Mitja
- Subjects
visokošolsko izobraževanje ,mobilna aplikacija ,electronic participation ,higher education ,feedback ,programiranje ,quality assurance ,zagotavljanje kakovosti ,povratna informacija ,mobile application ,elektronska participacija ,programming - Abstract
Izobraževanje na visokošolski ravni je danes ključna gonilna sila inovativne družbe. Znanje diplomantov je v prvi vrsti odvisno od kakovosti izvedbe pedagoškega procesa, ta pa je odvisna od več dejavnikov – eden od njih je gotovo mnenje oz. zadovoljstvo študentov. Problem se pojavi, ker je povratna informacija študentov upoštevana minimalno ali pa sploh ni in prepozno ali sploh ne vpliva na stanje. Izziv je mogoče rešiti na eni strani z ažurnim in transparentnim, po drugi strani pa z anonimnim, a poštenim zbiranjem povratnih informacij o kakovosti izvedbe pedagoškega procesa. Diplomsko delo se zato osredotoča na iskanje učinkovitega sistema podajanja povratnih informacij o izvedenem pedagoškem procesu ali njegovih izvajalcih s strani študentov. Z razvito rešitvijo smo fakulteti omogočili, da lahko dobi več ažurnih povratnih informacij s strani študentov, tako da študenti ocenjujejo vsako predavanje oziroma vaje posebej. To smo dosegli z razvojem mobilne aplikacije, ki smo jo razvili upoštevajoč potrebe študentov, ki smo jih ugotovili prek ankete, izvedene s pogovornim robotom. Z anketo smo ugotovili pomanjkljivosti trenutnega sistema ter možne izboljšave v aplikaciji. Ugotovili smo, da je mobilna aplikacija zaželena, pri čemer je najbolj zaželena frekvenca podajanja povratne informacije o kakovosti izvedbe pedagoške aktivnosti mesečno oziroma redkeje. Prednost izdelane aplikacije je predvsem anonimnost ocenjevanja, ki je zagotovljena, saj ni potrebna prijava v sistem. Prispevek diplomskega dela je predvsem praktičen, tj. mobilna aplikacija. Z njo Fakulteta za upravo od študentov prejme več povratnih informacij, kar ob predpostavki, da se te povratne informacije upoštevajo, vpliva na kakovostnejše izvajanje študijskega procesa. Today, higher education is a key driving force of an innovative society, and knowledge of graduates depends primarily on the quality of the pedagogical process. The quality of the pedagogical process depends on several factors, one of which is without doubt the satisfaction of students. The problem arises because students' feedback is barely, if even, taken into consideration, as well as too late or simply does not affect the situation. The challenge can be resolved with up-to-date, transparent, anonymous and fair feedback on the quality of the educational process. The diploma work therefore focuses on finding an effective feedback system about pedagogical process or its providers by students. With the developed solution, we have achieved that the faculty can receive more up-to-date feedback from students in such a way that students evaluate each lecture or exercise separately. We achieved this through the development of a mobile application, which was developed according to the needs of students, which were found through a survey that we performed with a talk bot. The survey found out the weaknesses of the current system and possible improvements for the application. We have found that the mobile application is desirable and that the most desirable frequency of providing feedback on the quality of the performance of pedagogical activity is monthly or less frequently. The advantage of the designed application is above all the anonymity of the evaluation, which is ensured because it is not necessary to register in the system. The contribution of the thesis is primarily practical - mobile application. With it, the Faculty of Administration receives more feedback from students, which, assuming that feedback is taken into account, affects the quality of the implementation of the study process.
- Published
- 2018