Kljub vsemu napredku tehnologije branje ostaja pomemben del našega vsakdanjega življenja, z njim se namreč srečujemo na vsakem koraku, čeprav se tega ne zavedamo vedno. Je najpomembnejša sestavina pismenosti in sredstvo učenja, sodi pa tudi med temeljne človekove spretnosti, saj je pomembno na vseh področjih življenja v izobraževanju, pri delu, kulturnem udejstvovanju in izvajanju državljanskih pravic. Ravno zato naj bi vsak posameznik razvil bralno razumevanje v svojem največjem možnem obsegu tako v maternem kot tudi v tujem jeziku. Proces branja v tujem jeziku je načeloma enak procesu branja v maternem jeziku, vendar pa razlike v branju v maternem in branju v tujem jeziku obstajajo in vplivajo na proces branja v tujem jeziku. Pri branju pa ne gre zanemariti bralne motivacije, ki vpliva na bralno učinkovitost in celotno učno motivacijo učenca, prav tako je tesno povezana z razvojem pismenosti, zato je ključno, da ji v šolskem in domačem okolju namenimo pozornost. Motivacija za branje je raznolika in večdimenzionalna, zato ne moremo na splošno govoriti, da so učenci motivirani ali nemotivirani za branje motivirani so na različne načine in za različne bralne vsebine. Zavedati se moramo, da motivacija za branje neposredno vpliva na to, koliko bodo učenci prebrali, in posredno tudi na njihovo sposobnost bralnega razumevanja, količina branja namreč pomembno vpliva na bralno razumevanje. Prav učiteljevo poznavanje različnih motivacijskih dimenzij za branje je odločilno pri izbiri strategije dela in spodbude za posameznega učenca, to pa pomembno vpliva na ustvarjanje temeljev za razvijanje njegovih bralnih zmožnosti. Motivaciji za branje v tujem jeziku v zadnjem desetletju strokovnjaki posvečajo vse več pozornosti, pri nas pa ta tema še ni dovolj raziskana. V prvem delu magistrskega dela je predstavljenih nekaj teoretičnih izhodišč. V empiričnem delu pa so predstavljeni potek in rezultati kvantitativne raziskave. Podatki so pridobljeni na vzorcu 198 učencev in učenk 6. razreda osnovnih šol v Sloveniji. Raziskava prinaša vpogled v pogostost branja v angleščini in vrsto besedil, ki jih berejo, pa tudi v dimenzije motivacije za branje v tujem jeziku, razlike med spoloma in povezavo med motivacijo za branje v maternem in motivacijo za branje v tujem jeziku. Največ sodelujočih v angleščini prostovoljno bere enkrat na teden, najpogosteje brana vrsta besedila v angleščini so večinoma angleški podnapisi pri filmih. Določeni so bili štirje dejavniki, ki sestavljajo motivacijo za branje v tujem jeziku za izbran vzorec, in sicer zunanja motivacija za branje v tujem jeziku in socialni vidik, notranja motivacija za branje v tujem jeziku, notranja motivacija za branje v maternem jeziku in vpliv staršev na branje. Med vsemi dejavniki sta se kot najbolj pomembna pokazala vpliv staršev na branje in notranja motivacija za branje v maternem jeziku. Pokazalo se je, da so učenci, katerih motivacija je odvisna od vpliva staršev na branje, tudi notranje motivirani za branje v maternem jeziku. Kažejo se tudi razlike v motivaciji glede na spol, in sicer več učenk kot učencev vsak dan prostovoljno bere v angleščini. Največ učenk bere knjige, največ učencev pa trdi, da prostovoljno ne bere v angleščini, fantje imajo tudi nižjo notranjo motivacijo za branje v maternem jeziku kot dekleta. Raziskava je tudi pokazala, da so tisti, ki prostovoljno nikoli ne berejo v angleščini, v primerjavi z drugimi nižje notranje motivirani za branje v maternem jeziku in obratno. Poleg tega so višje notranje motivirani za branje v maternem jeziku tudi višje notranje motivirani za branje v tujem jeziku. Despite all the advancement of technology, reading remains an important part of our everyday life, as it is encountered at every step, even though we may not be aware of it at all. It is the most important component of literacy as a learning tool, including fundamental human skills that apply to all areas of life in education, at work, in cultural activities and in exercising our civil rights. Therefore, it is very important that each individual develops their reading comprehension to its full potential in both the mother tongue and the foreign language. Reading process in a foreign language is in principle the same as the reading process in the first language, but there are differences in reading that affect the reading process in a foreign language. One should also not neglect reading motivation that influences reading performance and the overall learning motivation of the learner, and since it is also closely linked to the development of literacy, it is crucial that we devote attention to it in the school environment. Motivation for reading is diverse and multidimensional, so we can't generally say that students are motivated or unmotivated to read, but they are motivated in different ways for different reading content. We must also not neglect that the motivation for reading directly influences how much pupils will read and indirectly their ability to understand, which refers to the impact on reading comprehension. The teacher's knowledge of the different motivational dimensions for reading is decisive when choosing a strategy that is implemented in incentives for an individual learner as regards the impact on the foundation of the development of his reading skills. Experts pay more attention to the motivation for reading in a foreign language over the past decade, but this topic has not yet been sufficiently explored in our country. In the first part of the master's thesis some theoretical starting points are presented. In the empirical section, the course and results of quantitative research are presented. The data obtained from 198 pupils and pupils from the 6th grade of elementary schools in Slovenia provide an insight into the frequency of reading in English and the type of texts they read, as well as the dimensions of motivation for reading in a foreign language, the gender differences and the connection between the motivation for reading in the first language and the motivation for reading in a foreign language. The majority of participants read in English once a week, and English subtitles in films are the most commonly read type of text. Four factors were found that compose the motivation for reading in a foreign language for the selected sample, namely, extrinsic motivation for reading in a foreign language and the social aspect, intrinsic motivation for reading in a foreign language, intrinsic motivation for reading in the mother tongue and the influence of parents on reading. Among all the factors, the influence of parents on reading and internal motivation for reading in the mother tongue were the most important. It turned out that participants whose motivation depends on the influence of parents on reading are also intrinsically motivated to read in their mother tongue. The research also showed differences in gender motivation, with more girls reading voluntarily in English every day. Most girls read books, but the majority of boys claim that they do not read in English voluntarily, and they have lower intrinsic motivation for reading in their mother tongue than girls. The survey also showed that those who voluntarily never read in English are less likely to be intrinsically motivated to read in their mother tongue, and vice versa. In addition, higher intrinsically motivated readers in mother tongue are also higher intrinsically motivated for reading in a foreign language.