1. Preoblikovanje embalaže za izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje potrošnika
- Author
Bahovec, Jasna and Vrabič Brodnjak, Urška
- Subjects
ponovna uporaba ,reusable packaging ,grafična podoba embalaže ,dematerializacija ,dematerialisation ,packaging ,uporabniška izkušnja ob odpiranju embalaže ,unboxing experience ,embalaža ,packaging design - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je bil preoblikovati embalažo, da bo pozitivno vplivala na potrošnikovo dojemanje produkta. V teoretičnem delu smo proučili pojem embalaža, njene funkcije in okoljsko problematiko. Najprej smo se osredotočili na materiale in obliko ter proučili alternativne oblikovne rešitve, ki jo naredijo okolju prijaznejšo. V nadaljevanju smo raziskali pomen grafične podobe embalaže. S pomočjo primerov smo proučili, kako barva, oblika, tipografija, fotografije in ilustracije vplivajo na sporočilnost embalaže ter posledično na potrošnika in prodajnost produkta. Pri tem smo bili dodatno pozorni na posebnosti oblikovanja embalaže za otroke. V eksperimentalnem delu smo analizirali izbrano embalažo za preoblikovanje. Proučili smo material, obliko, grafično podobo in uporabniško izkušnjo pri odpiranju embalaže in dojemanje te. Nato smo predstavili materiale in metode dela za preoblikovanje embalaže. Podrobno smo opisali postopek izdelave od skic in izdelave plaščev do izbire elementov grafične podobe in uporabe programske in strojne opreme. Rezultat diplomskega dela je preoblikovana embalaža za set otroških ličil, kot alternativna rešitev, ki je okolju prijaznejša in hkrati pozitivno vpliva na potrošnikovo izkušnjo. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to redesign the packaging for a positive unboxing experience. The theoretical section outlines the concept of packaging, its functions, and environmental issues. Firstly, the research focused on materials and design and analysed alternative design solutions that made it more environmentally friendly. The next section investigated the importance of graphic design in packaging and, with the help of examples, examined how colour, shape, typography, photos and illustrations impact the message of the packaging and, consequently, the consumer and sales. We paid particular attention to the specifics of packaging design for children. In the experimental section, we analysed the selected packaging for transformation. We studied the material, shape, graphic image, and user experience when opening the packaging and the perception of it. Then, we presented the materials and work methods for packaging transformation. We described the production process in detail, from sketches and the production of coats to the selection of elements of the graphic image and the use of software and hardware. The result of the thesis is a redesigned packaging for a children’s makeup set as an alternative solution. The new design is more environmentally friendly and simultaneously positively affects the consumer’s experience.
- Published
- 2023