Z vidika ekonomskih vprašanj gospodarske rasti in ravnanj gospodarskih subjektov diplomsko delo prikaže, da ekonomska stroka in gospodarska dogajanja v mednarodnem prostoru niso usklajena s fizičnimi omejitvami okolja, četudi številni mednarodni in regionalni pravni dokumenti poudarjajo enakovrednost ciljev gospodarskega, družbenega in trajnostnega razvoja. Ravnanja, ki jih snovalci nacionalnih in mednarodnih ekonomskih politik utemeljujejo s ciljem družbe blaginje, vodijo v neustrezno rabo naravnih dobrin in prekomerno degradacijo okolja, in to kljub zavezam mednarodne skupnosti k uresničevanju trajnostnega načela. Razhajanje med dejanskim in deklariranim ohranjanjem narave diplomsko delo ugotavlja z analizo ravni predpisanega in uresničenega varstva naravnih dobrin, ki izhaja iz mednarodnih okoljskih pravil in pravil Evropske unije. Te standarde sooča z ureditvijo rabe naravnih dobrin kot suverene pravice držav. Toda v procesu ohranjanja narave imajo pomembno vlogo tudi prizadevanja in dejavnosti institucij civilne družbe. Pri tem so ključnega pomena upravičenja, ki jih nacionalni pravni redi zagotavljajo posameznikom in nevladnim organizacijam. V diplomskem delu so zato preverjene pravne možnosti njihovega sodelovanja z oblastnimi organi in nosilci javnih pooblastil ter možnosti in omejitve civilne družbe, da nadzira njihova ravnanja. Obravnavana je odgovornost za okolje, ki zavezuje države in gospodarske subjekte, in ugotovljen pomen, ki ga ima v procesu ohranjanja narave davčna pravičnost. From the perspective of economic growth and practice of economic legal entities, the thesis argues that the economic science and actions in international trade are not coordinated with physical limitations of environment, although the number of international and regional legal documents emphasize the equivalence of both imperative goals - a goal of economic and social development and a goal "to defend and improve the human environment". The national and international economic policymakers reason their actions on the basis of welfare society objectives, but in fact this leads toward the inappropriate use of natural assets and excessive degradation of environment. This type of practice is conducted despite the provisions of international, regional and national law that oblige the policymakers to exercise the principle of sustainable development. Therefore the thesis analyses the level of protection of natural resources imposed by international law as well as European Union law and highlights the existing gap between actual and declared conservation of natural resources. Furthermore, the required standards are faced with the sovereign right of states to regulate the use of natural resources on their territory. However, in the process of conservation of nature the role of civil society institutions is equally important. The efforts and actions they provide are of great relevance and the entitlements ensured to natural persons and non-government organizations by the national law are also crucial. Accordingly, the thesis verifies the legal opportunities for the civil society to cooperate with the authorities and a public body entrusted and examines possibilities to supervise their actions as well as limitations of these possibilities. The state liability for preventing and eliminating the damage caused to environment and the liability of economic legal entities is considered and the significance of tax justice in the process of consrervation of nature is determined.