1. Renovation of warehousing and purchasing operations in a manufacture company of gaming instruments
- Author
Počkar, Marko and Bohanec, Marko
- Subjects
specification list ,tehnološki zapisnik ,bill of materials ,work order ,information system ,Nabavno-skladiščno poslovanje ,Warehousing and purchasing operations ,informacijski sistem ,gaming instruments ,črtna koda ,bar code ,igralni aparati ,delovni nalog ,kosovnica - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo predstavili nekatere rešitve, ki smo jih vpeljali v proces skladiščno-nabavnega poslovanja v podjetju Počkaj d.o.o., ki trži svoje produkte, kot so elektronska ruleta, Black Jack in Poker v različnih različicah, pod blagovno znamko Alfastreet. V prvem delu smo predstavili zgodovino podjetja, poslovne enote, organizacijsko strukturo ter oddelke, ki podjetje sestavljajo. Sledi predstavitev informacijskega sistema GoSoft 2000. Ta je namenjen podpori pri operacijah, ki jih opravljajo posamezni oddelki na nivoju celotnega podjetja ter kooperantov. Opisali smo njegove module ter uporabnost na vseh nivojih poslovanja podjetja. V drugem delu diplomskega dela smo razvili rešitve in jih uvedli pri prenovi nabavnega, logističnega in skladiščnega poslovanja podjetja. Opisana je uvedba tehnološkega zapisnika, ki je poenostavila postopek naročila izdelka in olajšala komunikacijo med prodajnim in nabavnim oddelkom. Druga izboljšava je uvedba kreiranja delovnih nalogov s pomočjo kosovnic, torej izdelava določenih sklopov artiklov, ki se pri večini izdelkov enakega tipa ponavljajo izboljšava omogoča nabavni službi hitro planiranje potreb proizvodnje za doseganje realizacije. Kot zadnjo smo predstavili uvedbo črtne kode in mikrolokacij materiala, ki se skladišči na regalih v skladišču podjetja. Ta uvedena novost je na nivoju skladiščnega poslovanja občutno pripomogla k poenostavitvi skladiščenja materiala in polizdelkov ter skrajšala pot in čas, ki so ga potrebovali skladiščniki za pripravo materiala za proizvodni proces. In this thesis we presented some solutions that we introduced into the process of warehousing and purchasing operation in the Počkaj d. o. o. company, which produces electronic roulette machines, Black Jack and Poker in various versions under the trademark Alfastreet. In the first part we presented the company history, its business units, organizational structure and the company departments. This is followed by the presentation of the information system GoSoft 2000. It is intended for the support at operations that single departments perform on the level of the entire company and cooperators. We described GoSoft 2000 modules and their usefulness at all the levels of the company operation. In the second part of the thesis we developed solutions and implemented them in the renovation of the purchasing, logistic and warehousing operations of the company. We described the implementation of specification list, which simplified the product order process and eased the communication between sales and purchasing departments. The second improvement is the formation of work orders with bills of materials, i.e., the production of certain article complexes that keep recurring throughout most products of the same type the improvement allows the purchasing department a quick production requirements planning for realization achievement. At last we introduced the bar code and material microlocations, stored on the racks of the company’s warehouse. At the level of warehouse operation, this innovation has substantially simplified the storage of material and intermediate products and it also shortened the travelled distance and time required by warehouse employees for the material preparation used in the production process.
- Published
- 2015