V tem diplomskem delu bomo najprej teoretično obdelali področje tržnega komuniciranja, opisali instrumente tržnega komuniciranja ter se podrobneje osredotočili na pospeševanje prodaje, saj je osrednja tema naše raziskave sejem kot instrument pospeševanja prodaje, ki je kljub temu, da živimo v dobi interneta in se zdi, kot da se je velik del tržnega komuniciranja preselil tja, še vedno med bolj priljubljenimi oblikami pospeševanja prodaje, saj omogoča pristen, oseben ter direkten stik med prodajalcem in kupcem. Natančneje, zanimalo nas je zakulisje takšne velike prireditve, kot je mednarodni kmetijsko-živilski sejem AGRA v Gornji Radgoni. Zanimalo nas je, kateri so poglavitni razlogi za udejstvovanje podjetij na tem sejmu, kakšni so na eni strani vložki (trud, načrtovanje) in na drugi pričakovanja od nastopa na sejmu, kaj pripravijo za svoje obiskovalce oziroma potencialne porabnike, kakšne so njihove želje glede razstavnega prostora in kakšno realno stanje. Sestavili smo krajši anketni vprašalnik in z anketiranjem razstavljavcev na prireditvi Pomurskega sejma AGRA 2013 ter kasneje s spletno anketo (enake vsebine) pridobili podatke iz prve roke. At the beginning, we will explain the theory of marketing communications, describe the tools of marketing communications and specifically present the sales promotion, because the central theme of our research is Fair as an instrument of sales promotion. Despite the fact, that we live in the internet era and it seems that a big share of marketing communications is taking place in the internet nowadays, the fair remains one of the more popular forms of sales promotion, for it allows that genuine, personal and direct contact between the seller and the buyer. We were more specifically interested in the »behind the scene« of such a big event as an international agri-food fair in Gornja Radgona. We wanted to know, what are the main reasons for companies attending at this fair AGRA, what are their inputs (effort, planning) on one hand and their expectations on the other, what kind of promotional material they have prepared for visitors and potential customers, if their desires for their exhibition stand and the real situation are the same. We have compiled a short questionnaire and interviewed exhibitors at the AGRA fair 2013 and by online survey and got the informations we needed firsthand.