Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da identifikuje najznačajnije komponente kvaliteta koji su pokretači satisfakcije korisnika hotelijerskih usluga. Na osnovu opsežnog istraživanja domaće i strane literature, opisani su najznačajniji modeli za merenje kvaliteta usluga i satisfakcije u uslužnim delatnostima, sa posebnim naglaskom na hotelsku industriju. Na osnovu ovih modela koncipiran je novi istraživački model, koji je testiran u praksi. Centralno mesto u modelu zauzima satisfakcija korisnika hotelijerskih usluga, koja je uslovljena kvalitetom usluga i imidžom hotela. Kao posledica satisfakcije gostiju javlja se njihova lojalnost. Definisane varijable opisane su pomoću određenih konstatacija, koje su ispitanici ocenjivali na sedmostepenoj Likertovoj skali. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u sedam hotela u Srbiji. Za prikupljanje primarnih podataka korišćen je anketni metod. Ispitivanje zadovoljstva hotelskih gostiju sprovedeno je putem e-mail ankete, koju su hoteli poslali na elektronske adrese svojih gostiju koje imaju u bazi podataka. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom oktobra i novembra 2015. godine. Od ukupnog broja poslatih upitnika pristigla je 241 potpuno popunjena anketa. Rezultati istraživanja dobijeni primenom statističkog paketa za društvene nauke (Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 21), pokazali su: da kvalitet usluga i imidž hotela signifikantno utiču na satisfakciju korisnika hotelijerskih usluga. Takođe, zadovoljstvo gostiju boravkom u hotelu utiče na njihovu lojalnost. S druge strane, podelom ispitanika u grupe po osnovu demografskih obeležja kao što su pol, starost, nivo obrazovanja i motiv boravka, dobijeni su rezultati koji ukazuju da postoje određene razlike u oceni definisanih varijabli u modelu. Tako, razlike u oceni kvaliteta hotelskih usluga javljaju se u zavisnosti od pola, nivoa obrazovanja i motiva boravka gostiju. Razlike u oceni imidža hotela javljaju se kod ispitanika različitog pola i po osnovu motiva boravka. Razlike u oceni ukupne satisfakcije boravkom u hotelu uslovljene su polom ispitanika, dok lojalnost ispitanika ne zavisi od podele ispitanika u različite grupe u zavisnosti od demografskih obeležja i motiva boravka. Istraživanje ima nekoliko ograničenja koja treba uzeti u obzir prilikom generalizacije rezultata, a to su: veličina uzorka, geografsko područje, vreme sprovedenog istraživanja, sezonalnost hotelskog poslovanja, ograničen broj varijabli u modelu. Sprovedeno istraživanje pruža značajne teorijske i empirijske implikacije. Testirani model obezbeđuje pouzdanu osnovu za buduća istraživanja kvaliteta i satisfakcije korisnika hotelijerskih usluga kako na nivou pojedinačnih hotela, tako i na nivou celokupne hotelske industrije. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to identify the most important components of quality which are the drivers of customer satisfaction of the hotel services users. Based on extensive research of domestic and foreign literature, described the most important models for measuring service quality and customer satisfaction in service industries, with a special focus on the hotel industry. On the basis of these models, a new research model is introduced and tested in practice. The central place in the model takes the satisfaction of the customer, which is conditioned by the service quality and the hotel image. As a result of the satisfaction, there is customers loyalty. The defined variables are described using specific ascertainments, which respondents rated on a seven-point scale. The survey was conducted in seven hotels in Serbia. For primary data collection was used questionnaire method. Testing customers satisfaction was conducted via e-mail questionnaire, that was sent to e-mail addresses of guests available in the hotel database. The survey was conducted in October and November 2015. Of the total number of sent questionnaires 241 were received completely filled. The research results obtained by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 21, showed: the service quality and the hotel image significantly influence the satisfaction of the hotel services users. Also, the satisfaction of the guests staying in hotel affect their loyalty. On the other hand, dividing subjects into groups based on demographic characteristics such as gender, age, education and the motives to stay, the obtained results indicate that there are certain differences in the evaluation of the defined variables in the model. Thus, differences in the assessment of the quality of hotel services occur depending on gender, education and guests motifs stay. Differences in the evaluation of the hotel image occur in respondents of different sexes and motives to stay. Overall satisfaction with the hotel stay is influenced by the gender of respondents, while the loyalty of guests does not depend on the dividing respondents into different groups based on demographic characteristics and motives to stay. The study has several limitations that should be taken into account in the generalization of results, such as: sample size, geographic area, the time of the research, the seasonality of hotel business, a limited number of variables in the model. The research provides important theoretical and empirical implications. The tested model provides a reliable basis for future research quality and customer satisfaction of the hotel services users at the level of single hotels, as well as the level of the entire hotel industry.