Savić, Milena D., Nikšić, Miomir, Vrvić, Miroslav, Jovanović, Ljubinko, Klaus, Anita, and Kozarski, Maja
Peĉurke su bogat izvor gotovo svih esencijalnih aminokiselina i vitamina, mineralnih materija, ugljenih hidrata, proteina; imaju nizak sadrņaj masti, ali vrlo visok udeo nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Gljive roda Pleurotus, imaju vrlo visoku nutritivnu vrednost, a spadaju u grupu industrijskih gljiva, lako se gaje te se na njima uspeńno moņe pratiti mogućnost akumulacije i transformacije selena. Gljive imaјu razliĉit kapacitet usvaјanja selena, ńto zavisi od vrste gljive, hranljive podloge na koјoj јe gljiva odgaјana, kao i od oblika i koncentraciјe u kom јe selen dodat u podlogu. Oĉekuje se da će gljiva usvojiti uspeńno selen iz supstrata u vidu organskih i neorganskih jedinjenja u koncentraciji koja moņe da zadovolji dnevne potrebe ĉoveka. Kako gljive sadrņe bioaktivne komponente, dodatno selenom obogaćene peĉurke moguće јe koristiti u sveņem i suńenom stanju ili kao potencijalni dijetetski suplement. Praćen je rast micelijuma razliĉitih industrijskih gljiva na sladnom agaru sa selenom dodatim u obliku neorganskih i organskih jedinjenja. Selenski kvasac i kompleks cink (selenosemikarbazon) su stimulisali rast micelije gljive bukovaĉe, dok je natrijum selenit delovao inhibitorno. Rast micelijuma gljive Ganoderma lucidum stimulisan je selenskim kvascem. Kada je u pitanju gljiva Lentinus edodes, najbolji izvor selena bio je natrijum selenit, a organska jedinjenja selena su delovala inhibitorno. Ispitivana je mogućnost akumulacije i transformacije selena iz selenita (100 mg Se/kg supstrata), selenskog kvasca (100 mg Se/kg supstrata) i kompleksnog jedninjenja (50 mg Se/kg supstrata) u plodonosno telo model gljive Pleurotus ostreatus P70. Kod ostalih ispitivanih sojeva (Pleurotus ostreatus P80, Pleurotus salmoneostramineus i Pleurotus cornucopiae), praćena je mogućnost usvajanja selena samo iz selenskog kvasca kao najpogodnijeg izvora selena. Selen iz selenita efektno je akumuliran u plodonosno telo soja P. ostreatus P70, kao i selen iz organskog kompleksnog jedinjenja... Mushrooms contain almost all essential amino acids and vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, they have low content of fats, but they are very rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Fungi of the genus Pleurotus, have high nutritional value, they are member of industrial fungi, easy to grow and the possibility of accumulation and transformation of selenium in fruit body is easy to be monitored. Mushrooms have a different absorption capacity of selenium, which is dependent on the type of substrate for mushroom growing, on the strain of fungi as well as the form and concentration of the selenium which is added to the substrate. It is expected that selenium is going to be accumulated by fungi easy from the substrate in the form of organic or inorganic compounds in a concentration that can satisfy the daily needs of the man. As enriched fungi contain bioactive compounds with selenium, they can be used as a potential pharmaceutical supplement or as fresh or dry fruit body. Mycelium growth of various industrial fungi on malt agar with selenium in the form of inorganic and organic compounds was monitored. Selenium yeast and complex zinc (selenosemicarbazone) stimulated the growth of Oyster mushroom mycelium, and sodium selenite seemed to be toxic. Mycelium growth of the fungus G. lucidum was stimulated by selenized yeast. When it comes to mushroom L. edodes, the best source of selenium was sodium selenite, and organic selenium compounds had inhibitory action. The possibility of transformation and accumulation of selenium from sodium selenite (Se 100 mg/kg of substrate), selenium yeast (100 mg Se/kg of substrate) and complex selenosemicarbazone (50 mg Se / kg substrate) in fruit body of model mushroom P. ostreatus P70 was examined. For other tested strains (P. ostreatus P80, P. salmoneostramineus and P. cornucopiae), only the possibility of accumulation of selenium from selenized yeast as the most appropriate source of selenium was examined. Selenium in the form of sodium selenite and organic complex compound is effectively accumulated in the P. ostreatus P70 fruit body...