Ivanović, Jelena S., Baltić, Milan Ž., Teodorović, Vlado, Krnjaić, Dejan, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, and Đorđević, Vesna
Prema podacima Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO), bolesti prenosive hranom predstavljaju narastajuši problem javnog zdravlja u zemljama u razvoju, zemljama u tranziciji, ali i u razvijenim zemljama. Najţešši izazivaţi alimentarnih infekcija poreklom iz mesa su: Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Yersinia enterocolitica, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Shigella. Jersinioza ljudi je oboljenje koje se dovodi u vezu sa svinjskim mesom i proizvodima od svinjskog mesa. U svetu je zabeleţen porast sluţajeva ovog oboljenja. Posle salmoneloze i kampilobakterioze uzroţnik jersinioze sa svrstava na treše mesto po uţestalosti infekcije. Zbog toga prema preporukama Evropske agencije za bezbednost hrane (EFSA) utvrŤivanje prisustva Yersinia enterocolitica bi trebalo da bude jedna od ţetiri biološke opasnosti, pored Salmonella spp., Toxoplasma spp. i Trichinella spp. koja še biti obavezan deo inspekcijskog pregleda trupova svinja. Zbog poboljšanja kvaliteta i duţe odrţivosti sirovog mesa vešina proizvoŤaţa koristi razliţita pakovanja. Vakuum pakovanja i pakovanja sa modifikovanom atmosferom (gde je odnos gasova taţno definisan) mogu uticati na kvalitet i bezbednost sirovog mesa. Cilj istraţivanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bio je utvrŤivanje uticaja razliţitih naţina pakovanja (vakuum i razliţite modifikovane atmosfere) sirovog svinjskog mesa na rast Yersinia enterocolitica i mikrobiološki status (ukupan broj bakterija, broj bakterija mleţne kiseline i broj bakterija iz familije Enterobacteriaceae), promena pH vrednosti, sadrţaja ukupnog isparljivog azota i promena senzornih osobina. Mleveno meso svinja je kontaminirano referentnim sojem Yersinia enterocolitica (ATCC 9610), zatim pakovano u vakuum i dve razliţite modifikovane atmosfere (20%O2, 50%CO2 i 30%N2-MAP 1 i 20%O2, 30%CO2 i 50%N2- MAP 2). Kao kontrola sluţilo je nekontaminirano mleveno meso svinja koje je pakovano na isti naţin kao i kontaminirano... According to the World Health Organization (WHO), foodborne diseases represent a growing public health problem in developing countries, countries in transition, but also in developed countries. The most frequent causes of foodborne infections originating from the meat: Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Yersinia enterocolitica, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Shigella. Yersinia of people is a disease that is associated with pork and pork products. The world saw a rise in cases of the disease. After salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis causes yersiniosis with ranks in third place in the incidence of infection. Therefore, as recommended by the European Food Safety Agency ( EFSA ) to establish the presence of Yersinia enterocolitica should be one of the four biological hazards, in addition to Salmonella spp., Toxoplasma spp. and Trichinella spp. which will be a compulsory part of the inspection of carcasses of pigs. To improve the quality and more sustainable raw meat most manufacturers use different packages. Vacuum packaging and packaging with modified atmosphere (where the ratio of gases accurately defined ) may affect the quality and safety of raw meat. The aim of the research within this dissertation was to determine the effect of different ways of packaging (vacuum and different modified atmospheres) raw pork on the growth of Yersinia enterocolitica and microbiological status (total number of bacteria, the number of lactic acid bacteria and the number of bacteria in the family Enterobacteriaceae), pH changes values of total volatile nitrogen and changes in sensory properties. Minced meat that is contaminated with reference strain of Yersinia enterocolitica (ATCC 9610), and then packed in two different vacuum and modified atmosphere ( 20%O2 , 50%CO2, 30 %N2- MAP 1 and 20%O2 , 30%CO2, 50%N2 - MAP 2 ). The control group was uncontaminated minced meat that is packaged in the same manner as the contaminated. Samples were stored at 4 °C, and successively tested (testing the number of Yersinia enterocolitica, the total number of bacteria, the total number of bacteria in the family Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria determination, and measuring the pH value, the content of total volatile nitrogen and sensory analysis)...