The article discusses the issues of formation of new management approaches in the corporate policy of universities, development of organizational culture that nurtures innovative activities which in turn should be based on the working knowledge of values and motivations of people with entrepreneurial talents. It has been determined that the activity of innovative universities allows for adoption both on federal and regional levels of measures for creation of conditions for development of sectors of economy, education and social sphere with consideration of competitive advantages of each region. As an example of formation and development of a new model of innovative interaction between government, economy, education and business we described the mechanisms of creation of regional research and innovation clusters. The article also reviews the place, role and functions of cluster components: regional government, universities, enterprises, business-structures, etc. There is also a study of organizational culture of Russian universities provided. The aim of our research is the analysis of Russian and international studies of this topic (particularly, the ones that touch upon the issue of organizational cultures of universities) and, with that in mind, determination of mechanisms of university staff motivation (primarily, teaching staff) for innovative research and administrative work, and determination of a possible system of effective interaction between regional government and universities, enterprises and businesses, and key areas of this interaction in the development of innovative economic activities in the region. Methodology of work involves the statement and solution of key tasks for the achievement of the goals set: 1. It is necessary to analyze a number of research publications and studies on this issue; 2. to determine similarities and differences in the studies made by different authors on the abovementioned issue; 3. to theorize the general principles of development of organizational culture of universities within the framework of innovative approach; 4. to define basic principles, goals and tasks of creation of regional innovation research cluster, its influence on the development of organizational culture of a university; 5. to formulate and propose new mechanisms of motivation for innovative, research, teaching and administrative work of university staff. The result of the study will be the development and implementation into the university managerial policy of new principles of labor management, staff motivation mechanisms, measures and suggestions for enhancement of research and administrative activities in the universities within the framework of their integration into regional innovation research clusters. The field of application of the results: Strategy of Development of Nizhni Novgorod City and Region, Strategy of Development of N.I.Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - National Research University until 2020, local statutory acts in the field of labor relations, work of university units and services, small innovative companies and business-incubators within the university structure.