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1. Education's Role in Preparing Globally Competent Citizens. BCES Conference Books, Volume 12

2. [Population Dynamics of Cancer: a Model of Second Order Phase Transition].

3. [Biological experiments in flights of unmanned space craft Foton-M2 and Foton-M3].

4. [Compliance to treatment of arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease - key condition of lowering of cardiovascular mortality].

5. [Geoinformation technologies in phthisiology].

6. [An analysis of standards documents on the radiation safety problem in space flights and the proposals for their improvement].

7. [Russian and foreign legal-standards bases for guaranteeing the parasitic safety of raw produce and food products].

8. [Space biomedicine in the sciences system and in the life of human society].

9. [Evaluation of technogenic radiation exposures from ecological and physiological points of view].

10. [The Nation's health as a social mechanism of society's stable well-being].

11. [Implementation of international scientific and technological projects in the study of consequences of the Chernobyl AES accident].

12. [Virological and serological examination of wild birds during the spring migrations in the region of the Manych Reservoir, Rostov Province].