
Showing total 95 results
95 results

Search Results

2. [Alexander Grigoryevich Lyutkevich - a prominent figure in Russian ophthalmology and public health. (On the 155th anniversary of his birth)].

3. [Characterization of genetic polymorphisms associated with neurophysiological processes and analysis of their allele frequency distribution in the Russian population].

4. [New treatment options for piriformis syndrome].

5. [Professor A.A. Vasiliev, Principal Pathologist of the Red Army (on the occasion of 120th birth anniversary)].

6. [Poorly cohesive gastric carcinoma. Validity of using the term; translation variants].

7. [Metacognition as a pathway to the study and treatment of fragmentation in schizophrenia].

8. [Epidemiological analysis of violent death and cases of not established death cases in Russian Federation (2009-2018)].

9. [Experience in designing an electronic multiple sclerosis registry].

10. [Fatal dengue fever].