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51 results

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1. Regularization of linear machine learning problems

2. Stable matchings, choice functions, and linear orders

3. Lorentzian anti-de Sitter plane

4. Analysis of Differences between ICME catalogues and Construction of a Unified Catalogue

5. On identities in connected topological groups

6. Hereditary undecidability of fragments of some elementary theories

7. Homogeneous CR-manifold in $\mathbb{C}^4$

8. Three-loop renormalization of the quantum action for a five-dimensional scalar cubic model with the usage of the background field method and a cutoff regularization

9. Emission atomic spectra. Individualized computer simulations of laboratory work

10. On a criterion for a cutoff regularization in the coordinate representation

11. Modifications of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm in the problem of finding an equilibrium distribution of traffic flows

12. A Continuous-Time Stochastic Model of the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level and Consistency of Its Critique

13. Three-loop renormalization of the quantum action for a four-dimensional scalar model with quartic interaction with the usage of the background field method and a cutoff regularization

14. Formation of Thin GaAs Buffer Layers on Silicon for Light-Emitting Devices

15. Grothendieck's theorem on the precompactness of subsets functional spaces over pseudocompact spaces

16. Powerful flares and magneto-elastic oscillations of magnetars

17. Generalization of Gershgorin's theorem. Analysis and design of control laws

18. Color transparency in hard $pd$ collisions

19. AI-Based IVR

20. The unusual events in X-ray emulsion chamber experiments

21. Panel Data Unit Root testing: Overview

22. Development of Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Systems for Corporate Management

23. Non-commuting transformations with non-converging 2-fold ergodic averages

24. Derived Categories of Grassmannians: a Survey

25. Lorentzian problems on the Heisenberg group

26. Algorithmic methods of finite discrete structures. Automorphism of Nonseparable Graphs

28. On Dobrushin's central limit theorem for non-homogeneous Markov chain array scheme

29. A flexible polyhedron without self-intersections in Euclidean 3-space, all of whose dihedral angles change during a flex

30. Methods of Nonconvex Optimization

31. Non-nucleon metastable excitations in nuclear matter and $e^{-}$ catalysis as a quark-cumulative mechanism for initiating low-energy nuclear chemical processes: phenomenology

33. On the Law of Large Numbers for non-equally distributed weakly dependent random variables

34. Interplay between hyperfine and anisotropic exchange interactions in exciton luminescence of quantum dots

35. Irregularity in spectrum of the primary cosmic rays mass composition at an energy of ~ 10 PeV

36. Formation of superconducting pair correlations in spherical even-even nuclei

37. Unsolved problems on joinings, multiple mixing, spectrum, and rank

38. On the kinetics of homogeneous nucleation of incoherent precipitates in solid solutions

39. Multiple mixing in ergodic theory

40. Weakly closed semigroups generated by operator-valued functions

41. Unification in subsystem J$_2$ of provability logic GLB

42. Motivated exposition of combinatorial Nullstellensatz

43. Slow decay of correlations for generic mixing automorphisms

44. Criterion of Internal Stability of Linear Formations

45. Rigid Poisson suspensions without roots

46. Chebyshev polynomials, their remarkable properties and connection with Catalan numbers

47. On Molchanov's criterion for compactness of the resolvent for a non self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville operator

48. The wave function of a photoelectron near the center of a quantum vortex

49. Application of Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Systems for Continuous Automatic Monitoring of Dust Concentration and Deposits in Mine Atmosphere

50. Roots of polynomials and tangents of circles