
Showing total 272 results
272 results

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1. Regularization of linear machine learning problems

2. Stable matchings, choice functions, and linear orders

3. Lorentzian anti-de Sitter plane

4. On accelerated coordinate descent methods for searching equilibria in two-stage transportation equilibrium traffic flow distribution model

5. Lyapunov function search method for analysis of nonlinear systems stability using genetic algorithm

6. Analysis of Differences between ICME catalogues and Construction of a Unified Catalogue

7. On identities in connected topological groups

8. Hereditary undecidability of fragments of some elementary theories

9. Homogeneous CR-manifold in $\mathbb{C}^4$

10. Three-loop renormalization of the quantum action for a five-dimensional scalar cubic model with the usage of the background field method and a cutoff regularization

11. On the classification of nonlinear integrable three-dimensional chains by means of characteristic Lie algebras

12. Synthesis of an adaptive observer of state variables for a linear stationary object in the presence of measurement noise

13. On the determinicity of paths on substitution complexes

14. Construction of solutions of analogs of the Schrodinger time equations corresponding to the Hamiltonian system $H^{2+2+1}$

15. Emission atomic spectra. Individualized computer simulations of laboratory work

16. On a criterion for a cutoff regularization in the coordinate representation

17. Modifications of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm in the problem of finding an equilibrium distribution of traffic flows

18. A Continuous-Time Stochastic Model of the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level and Consistency of Its Critique

19. Three-loop renormalization of the quantum action for a four-dimensional scalar model with quartic interaction with the usage of the background field method and a cutoff regularization

20. Formation of Thin GaAs Buffer Layers on Silicon for Light-Emitting Devices

21. Grothendieck's theorem on the precompactness of subsets functional spaces over pseudocompact spaces

22. Subgradient methods for non-smooth optimization problems with some relaxation of sharp minimum

23. Boundary stability in the Fermat--Steiner problem in hyperspaces over finite-dimensional normed spaces

24. Increasing the sensitivity of the Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope by using external strings of optical modules

25. Gradient-Free Federated Learning Methods with $l_1$ and $l_2$-Randomization for Non-Smooth Convex Stochastic Optimization Problems

26. Central measures of the jump graph for Young--Fibonacci graph

27. Subgradient methods with variants of Polyak step-size for quasi-convex optimization with inequality constraints for analogues of sharp minima

28. On Some Extensions of $\pi$-Regular Rings

29. About some works of Boris Polyak on convergence of gradient methods and their development

30. Mathematical modeling of mechanical behavior of three-layer plates with tetrachiral honeycomb core

31. On stability of weighted spanning tree degree enumerators

32. The influence of the magnetic field on the nucleation and properties of 0-degree domain boundaries in uniaxial films with inhomogeneous magnetoelectric interaction

33. On stable flows and preflows

34. On adjacency operators of locally finite graphs

35. Semigroup of paths on a family of complexes with uniform ellipticity

36. Optimization of Decision Tree Evaluation Using SIMD Instructions

37. Formalization of the principles of brain Programming (Brain Principles Programming)

38. The Malliavin-Rubel theorem on small entire functions of exponential type with given zeros: 60 years later

39. On pro-${\it p}$-groups with a single defining relator

40. Decentralized conditional gradient method over time-varying graphs

41. Stopping Rules for Gradient Method for Saddle Point Problems with Twoside Polyak-Lojasievich Condition

42. On structural parameter estimation of the Markov Q-process

43. The cost of symmetry in connected graphs

44. Vaidya's method for convex stochastic optimization in small dimension

45. Powerful flares and magneto-elastic oscillations of magnetars

46. Generalization of Gershgorin's theorem. Analysis and design of control laws

47. Color transparency in hard $pd$ collisions

48. AI-Based IVR

49. The unusual events in X-ray emulsion chamber experiments

50. Panel Data Unit Root testing: Overview