1. A L??ngua Espanhola na fronteira Brasil-Peru: a????es pol??ticas no Ensino de L??nguas
- Author
Guerreiro, Solano da Silva, Teixeira, Wagner Barros, Souza, S??rgio Augusto Freire de, and Diez, Xo??n Carlos Lagares
- Subjects
Pol??ticas Lingu??sticas ,LETRAS [LINGU??STICA, LETRAS E ARTES] ,Fronteira Brasil-Peru ,Spanish Teaching ,Ensino de Espanhol ,Glotopol??tica ,Benjamin Constant - AM ,Linguistic Politics - Abstract
Submitted by Divis??o de Documenta????o/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-05-22T15:27:59Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao - Solano - Final??ssima.pdf: 7198437 bytes, checksum: 52647af343a72e5f2a7c432bf070075e (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Divis??o de Documenta????o/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-05-22T15:28:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao - Solano - Final??ssima.pdf: 7198437 bytes, checksum: 52647af343a72e5f2a7c432bf070075e (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-22T15:28:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao - Solano - Final??ssima.pdf: 7198437 bytes, checksum: 52647af343a72e5f2a7c432bf070075e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-28 FAPEAM - Funda????o de Amparo ?? Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas This work aims to investigate how the Spanish language teaching was implemented in the public schools of the urban area of Benjamin Constant city, Brazil-Peru border, in the State of Amazonas, seeking to identify the main strategies adopted by public entities responsible for formal education in Elementary School and High School in the city for the implementation of Spanish-language teaching. Thus, we have outlined an evolutionary outlook in Spanish language offer in Benjamin Constant's public school system, from the beginning of its municipal and state public schools offers in the city until the year of 2016, in addition to point out the aspects that have made and make important, to the local educational context, the adoption of the Spanish Language by the municipal and state public schools and, how the political actions on language are embedded in this scenario. In the meantime, we used bibliographical research and documents, In the first part, we have made a survey of theoretical basis on linguistic policies and planning, as well as glotopolytic, on issues involving the teaching of languages in the national, regional and local context, evidencing the Spanish Language. In order to do so, we have collected documents which consists in the corpus of the investigation, along with the municipal and state educational institutions of the city and the Municipal Secretary of Education of Benjamin Constant. Besides, we investigated some data in the Institute of Nature and Culture about the teacher training in Language Spanish, through the Pedagogical Project of Course of Degree in Portuguese Language and Literature and Spanish Language and Literature. As a theoretical basis, we adopted postulates on the topic of linguistic and educational policies, on the glotopolytic, about power relations in politics and linguistic planning, on the Spanish language in Brazil, in Amazonas and in the city of Benjamin Constant. The analysis of the data presented in the documents showed that at first the Foreign Language prevailed in the public school system of Benjamin Constant was English, this occurred only in the teaching previously known as Secondary or Magisterium, nowadays known as High School. In Primary Education there was no offer of any foreign language, however, from the second half of the nineties of last century, the state and municipal public schools of Benjamin Constant began to offer Spanish Language teaching. By the municipality, the first school which offered Foreign Language was the Municipal School Professor Graziela Corr??a de Almeida in 1998, in three classes of the 5th grade of Elementary School, and by the state network of education, the first one which offered Spanish Language was The State School Imaculada Concei????o in 1997, in a single class of 1st grade in High School. Este trabalho objetiva investigar como o ensino da L??ngua Espanhola foi implementado nas escolas p??blicas da zona urbana do munic??pio de Benjamin Constant, fronteira Brasil-Peru, no Estado do Amazonas, buscando identificar as principais estrat??gias adotadas pelas entidades p??blicas respons??veis pela educa????o formal de Ensino Fundamental (anos finais) e M??dio do mun??cipio para a implementa????o do ensino de L??ngua Espanhola. Assim, tra??amos um panorama evolutivo da oferta da L??ngua Espanhola na rede p??blica de ensino de Benjamin Constant, desde o in??cio de sua oferta pelas escolas p??blicas das redes municipal e estadual do munic??pio at?? o ano de 2016, al??m de evidenciar os aspectos que tornaram e tornam importantes, para o contexto educacional local, a ado????o da L??ngua Espanhola pelas redes p??blicas municipal e estadual de ensino, e como as a????es pol??ticas sobre a linguagem est??o imbricadas nesse cen??rio. Neste interim, usamos a pesquisa bibliogr??fica e documental, fazendo um apanhado de bases te??ricas acerca das pol??ticas e dos planejamentos lingu??sticos, bem como da glotopol??tica, das quest??es envolvendo o ensino de l??nguas nos contextos nacional, regional e local, evidenciando a L??ngua Espanhola. Para tanto, levantamos os documentos que constitu??ram o corpus da investiga????o, junto ??s institui????es municipais e estaduais de ensino do munic??pio e ?? Secretaria Municipal de Educa????o de Benjamin Constant e averiguamos alguns dados no Instituto de Natureza e Cultura acerca da forma????o docente em L??ngua Espanhola, por meio do Projeto Pedag??gico de Curso da Licenciatura em Letras: L??ngua e Literatura Portuguesa e L??ngua e Literatura Espanhola. Como base te??rica adotamos postulados sobre a tem??tica de pol??ticas lingu??sticas e educacionais, sobre a glotopol??tica, sobre as rela????es de poder na pol??tica e no planejamento lingu??stico, sobre a L??ngua Espanhola no Brasil, no Amazonas e no munic??pio de Benjamin Constant. A an??lise dos dados presentes nos documentos levantados evidencia que, a princ??pio, a L??ngua Estrangeira que prevalecia na rede p??blica de ensino de Benjamin Constant era o Ingl??s. Isso, ocorria somente no ensino anteriormente conhecido como Secund??rio ou Magist??rio, hoje conhecido como Ensino M??dio. No Ensino Fundamental n??o havia a oferta de nenhuma l??ngua estrangeira; no entanto, a partir da segunda metade da d??cada de noventa do s??culo passado as escolas das redes p??blicas estadual e municipal de ensino de Benjamin Constant passaram a oferta a L??ngua Espanhola. Pelo munic??pio, a primeira escola a ofertar a L??ngua Estrangeira foi a Escola Municipal Professora Graziela Corr??a de Almeida, no ano de 1998, em tr??s turmas da 5?? s??rie dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e pela rede estadual de ensino a primeira a ofertar a L??ngua Espanhola foi a Escola Estadual Imaculada Concei????o, no ano de 1997, em uma ??nica turma do 1?? ano do 2?? grau.
- Published
- 2017