7 results on '"PELLEGRINI, DEBORA"'
Search Results
2. Qualitative microbiological risk assessment of animal meal (FOA) applied to the risk assessment of flour from pig mortality
- Author
Celis, Eliana Leonor Hurtado and Pellegrini, Debora da Cruz Payão
- Subjects
Recontamination ,Swine ,CIENCIAS AGRARIAS [CNPQ] ,Suinocultura ,Ciência Animal ,Industrialization ,Mortality - Abstract
A cadeia de produção de suínos ainda apresenta algumas lacunas, principalmente quanto aos destinos de animais mortos nas granjas. Dentre os destinos, a industrialização de farinha de origem animal (FOA) apresenta-se como alternativa de reciclagem dos resíduos biológicos, onde o produto resultante do processo poderia ser utilizado na indústria agropecuária. A falta de estudos na área e as restrições do uso da mortalidade para qualquer finalidade distinta à decomposição controlada limita as informações sobre os riscos que estas atividades poderiam gerar na saúde animal e humana, além do equilíbrio ambiental. Desse modo, este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação de risco microbiológica qualitativa da farinha de origem animal (FOA) visando fornecer subsídios para indicar os possíveis perigos e riscos associados à utilização da farinha produzida a partir dos suínos mortos nas granjas. Os resultados avaliados a partir de FOA sugerem que se as condições de industrialização fossem realizadas de forma adequada, considerando tempo/temperatura após o abate, o risco pode ser insignificante; porém existe a possibilidade de recontaminação após o resfriamento, sendo a Salmonella o perigo mais relatado nos estudos científicos, apresentando níveis de risco desde baixo até muito alto. Além do perigo microbiológico, perigos químicos como as aminas biogênicas geradas no processo de decomposição, também podem estar presentes na FOA, o que potencialmente poderá comprometer não somente a saúde animal como também os consumidores de produtos de origem animal. Entretanto, as condições de viabilização do processo de retirada e acondicionamento dos animais mortos não podem ser desconsideradas para obter uma estimativa com menor grau de incerteza. A partir das informações elencadas e dos cenários considerados, não foi possível indicar a produção de farinhas como um provável destino para os animais mortos nas granjas de suínos. The swine production chain still has some gaps, especially as the dead animals on farms destinations. Among the destinations, the industrialization of flour of animal origin (FAO) can be an alternative of recycling biological waste, where the product resulting from the process could be used in the agricultural industry. The lack of studies in the area and restrictions on the use of mortality for any purpose other than controlled decomposition limit information on the risks that this activity could generate in animal and human health and environmental balance. Thus, the objective of this study was to achieve a qualitative microbiological risk assessment of flour of animal origin (FAO) aiming to provide subsidies to indicate the possible hazards and risks associated with the use of flour produced from pigs dead on farms. The results evaluated from FAO suggest that if the conditions of industrialization were carried out adequately, considering time/temperature after slaughter, the risk may be insignificant; but there is a possibility of recontamination after cooling, with Salmonella being the most reported hazard in scientific studies, presenting low to very high risk levels. In addition to the microbiological hazard, chemical hazards such as the biogenic amines generated in the decomposition process may also be present in the FAO, which potentially could compromise not only animal health but also consumers of animal products. However, the conditions of viability of the process of removal and packing of the dead animals cannot be disregarded to obtain an estimate with a lower degree of uncertainty. From the information provided and the scenarios considered, it was not possible to indicate the flour production of animal origin as a probable destination for animals dead on swine farms.
- Published
- 2017
3. Risk perception of the different actors involved in the control of foot-and-mouth disease in the western border of Rio Grande do Sul
- Author
Gavião, Alessandra Aranda and Pellegrini, Debora da Cruz Payão
- Subjects
Epidemiology ,CIENCIAS AGRARIAS [CNPQ] ,Ciência Animal ,Epidemiologia ,Foot-and-mouth disease ,Febre aftosa - Abstract
A febre aftosa (FMD) é economicamente a doença mais importante de biungulados e a ocorrência de um surto produz repercussões nacionais e internacionais. O vírus da febre aftosa (FMDV), agente causal, é extremamente infeccioso e contagioso. A infecção afeta principalmente bovinos, bubalinos, suínos, ovinos, caprinos entre outras espécies domésticas e silvestres. O controle da enfermidade é realizado pelo rápido diagnóstico, vacinação preventiva e restrição da movimentação de animal. Assim sendo, as medidas de controle são direcionadas em medidas de prevenção, que incluem vigilância ativa e passiva. O último surto de FMDV no Rio Grande do Sul ocorreu em 2001 e atualmente o estado é reconhecido como zona livre com vacinação. Para que o Estado mantenha este status, faz-se necessário um sistema de vigilância eficaz capaz de integrar o Serviço Veterinário Oficial (SVO) e a cadeia produtiva (diferentes agentes envolvidos). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a percepção de risco dos produtores, médicos veterinários e transportadores de bovinos da cadeia produtiva na Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Todos os atores entrevistados reconhecem a importância da febre aftosa. No entanto, uma parcela dos produtores (15%), transportadores (17%) e veterinários (17%) acredita que a doença ocorra no Estado. Também uma quantia considerável de produtores e transportadores acredita que o risco de o vírus ser introduzido na região seja baixo, desprezível e alguns ainda não souberam responder. Observou-se que os entrevistados reconhecem os principais sinais clínicos, porém possuem pouco conhecimento quanto a ovinos, suínos, cervos e porcos selvagens serem suscetíveis a febre aftosa. Grande parte dos entrevistados acredita ser importante comunicar um caso suspeito, porém uma parcela tentaria resolver de outra maneira, caso suspeitasse da doença. Quase a totalidade dos produtores afirmou vacinar seus rebanhos, no entanto alguns possuem conhecimento de produtores que não realizam a vacinação. Além disso, alguns entrevistados não sabem a idade inicial para realizar a vacinação. Dessa forma, é de extrema importância o Serviço Veterinário Oficial atuar com mais intensidade em atividades de educação sanitária, no que diz respeito a idade correta para vacinação, as espécies afetadas e a notificação, tornando os atores mais sensíveis a qualquer suspeita da doença. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is the most important animal disease and the occurrence of an outbreak has national and international repercussions. Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), the causative agent, is extremely infectious and contagious. The infection mainly affects cattle, buffaloes, swine, sheep, goats among other domestic and wild species. Disease control is performed by a fast diagnosis, preventive vaccination and restriction of animal movement. Therefore, control measures are directed at prevention measures, which include active and passive surveillance. The last FMDV outbreak in Rio Grande do Sul occurred in 2001 and the State is recognized as a free zone with vaccination. In order for the State to maintain this status, an effective surveillance system capable of integrating the Official Veterinary Service and the production chain (producers and handlers) is necessary. The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk perception of producers, veterinarians and cattle transporters in the production chain in the West Frontier of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. All interviewed actors recognize the importance of foot-and-mouth disease. However, a proportion of the producers (15%), transporters (17%) and veterinarians (17%) believe that the disease occurs in the State. Also, a considerable number of producers and transporters believe that the risk of the virus being introduced in the region is low, negligible and some have not yet been able to respond. It was observed that the interviewees recognize the main clinical signs, but they have little knowledge about sheep, pigs, deer and wild pigs being susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease. Most interviewees believe it is important to report a suspected case, but a portion would try to solve it differently if they suspected the disease. Almost all producers claimed to vaccinate their herds, however some are aware of producers who do not carry out the vaccination. In addition, some interviewees do not know the starting age to carry out the vaccination. Therefore, it is extremely important for the Official Veterinary Service to work with more intensity in health education activities, regarding the correct age for vaccination, affected species and notification, making the actors more sensitive to any suspicion of the disease.
- Published
- 2017
4. Spatial analysis of cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the municipality of Itaqui (2009-2016)
- Author
Marques, Gisele Dias and Pellegrini, Debora da Cruz Payão
- Subjects
Análise espacial ,Epidemiology ,CIENCIAS AGRARIAS [CNPQ] ,Spatial analysis ,Leishmaniose ,Epidemiologia ,SIG ,GIS ,Leishmaniasis - Abstract
A Leishmaniose é uma doença emergente em países em desenvolvimento. Com características de zoonose rural, tem sido descrita com frequência em centros urbanos e acomete cães e humanos. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar fichas de Protocolo de Campo Veterinário utilizado pela Vigilância Sanitária no município de Itaqui, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 2009 e 2016. Foram analisadas 1.392 fichas, onde constatou-se com essas avaliações 54,74% de cães negativos para LVC e 44,54% dos cães pesquisados positivos para LVC. Os bairros de maior incidência foram: Centro (209), Chácara (56), Cidade Alta (50), Capelinha (40) e Ponte Seca (39). Com o uso de ferramentas de Sistema de Informações Geográfica (SIG) foi possível detectar zonas com maior ocorrência de casos. Nos bairros Centro e Ponte Seca, foi identificado como o primeiro local de infecção em cães, relacionando a esses casos as zonas ribeirinhas e os adensamentos de vegetação, fatores de risco para proliferação de vetores. Estudos na área da epidemiologia ilustram a prevalência da doença em grupos populacionais comparando ou diferenciando em áreas de risco definidas. Leishmaniasis is an emerging disease in developing countries. With characteristics of rural zoonosis, it has been frequently described in urban centers and affects dogs and humans. The objective of this study was to analyze records of the Veterinary Field Protocol used by Sanitary Surveillance in the municipality of Itaqui, state of Rio Grande do Sul, between 2009 and 2016. A total of 1.392 records were analyzed, 54,74% of dogs negative for LVC and 44,54% of dogs tested positive for LVC. The most important neighborhoods were: Centro (209), Chácara (56), Cidade Alta (50), Capelinha (40) and Ponte Seca (39). With the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, it was possible to detect areas with higher occurrence of cases. In the Centro and Ponte Seca districts, it was identified as the first infection site in dogs, relating to these cases riverine zones and vegetation densities, risk factors for vector proliferation. Studies in the area of epidemiology illustrate the prevalence of the disease in population groups comparing or differentiating in defined risk areas.
- Published
- 2017
5. Visceral leishmaniasis: knowledge assessment of public health agents in Uruguaiana (RS)
- Author
Massia, Laura Ilarraz and Pellegrini, Debora da Cruz Payão
- Subjects
Vigilância ambiental em saúde ,Environmental health surveillance ,CIENCIAS AGRARIAS [CNPQ] ,Leishmaniose ,Saúde Única ,One Health ,Leishmaniasis - Abstract
A leishmaniose é uma das doenças mais negligenciadas no mundo e ocorre, principalmente, nos países em desenvolvimento. O Brasil concentra 96% dos casos de leishmaniose visceral (LV) das Américas, com uma incidência de 4,35 casos por 100.000 habitantes. Os métodos usuais de controle dessa enfermidade falharam na prevenção de novas epidemias. A LV deve ser compreendida sob a abordagem Saúde Única, que prevê a unificação das ciências médica e veterinária através da colaboração mútua para o controle de enfermidades entre espécies. O objetivo desse projeto foi avaliar a percepção dos profissionais de saúde quanto à ocorrência da LV, em Uruguaiana (RS). Um estudo observacional transversal foi realizado através de um questionário autoaplicado em dezembro de 2016 e janeiro de 2017. Participaram 187 profissionais de saúde, sendo 138 integrantes da Estratégia da Saúde da Família, 22 agentes de endemias e 27 veterinários. Identificaram-se deficiências de conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde a respeito da epidemiologia e da sintomatologia da doença. É necessário investir em estratégias de capacitação sobre a leishmaniose visceral, visando corrigir deficiências de conhecimento e implementar a discussão sobre o tema. Leishmaniasis is one of the most neglected diseases in the world and occurs mainly in developing countries. Brazil concentrates 96% of the cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the Americas, with an incidence of 4.35 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The usual methods of controlling this disease have failed to prevent new epidemics. LV should be handled with the One Health approach, which provides the unification of the medical and veterinary sciences through mutual collaboration for the control of diseases among species. The objective of this project was to evaluate the perception of health professionals regarding the occurrence of VL in Uruguaiana (RS). A cross-sectional observational study was carried out through a self-administered questionnaire, in December 2016 and January 2017. 187 health professionals participated, of which 138 were members of the Family Health Strategy, 22 agents of endemics and 27 veterinarians. Health professionals' knowledge deficiencies regarding the epidemiology and symptomatology of the disease were identified. It is necessary to invest in training strategies on visceral leishmaniasis, in order to correct deficiencies of knowledge and to implement the discussion on the subject.
- Published
- 2017
6. Infection and the use of personal protective equipment among Primary Health Care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Author
Ziani JDS, Härter J, Zuge BL, Pellegrini DDCP, Busanello J, and Herrera KHDS
- Subjects
- Humans, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Male, Adult, Middle Aged, Brazil epidemiology, Risk Factors, Pandemics, Young Adult, Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional prevention & control, Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional statistics & numerical data, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 prevention & control, COVID-19 epidemiology, Personal Protective Equipment statistics & numerical data, Personal Protective Equipment supply & distribution, Health Personnel statistics & numerical data, Primary Health Care statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Objective: to analyze the frequency and associated risk factors for COVID-19 infection and the availability of Personal Protective Equipment used by primary healthcare workers., Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted over six months in Rio Grande do Sul. Descriptive analysis was performed, with the comparison of independent samples using Pearson's Chi-square test and Fisher's Exact test (p<.05)., Results: the study included 206 (27%) healthcare workers who presented COVID-19 symptoms. There was a statistical association for the following variables: availability of surgical masks (p=.003), seeking information on the correct use of personal protective equipment (p=.045), having attended people with flu-like syndrome (p=.024), and believing that the highest risk of contamination is when attending a patient positive for coronavirus disease (p=.001)., Conclusion: the availability of personal protective equipment is indispensable for COVID-19 prevention, with special emphasis on the use of surgical masks. Furthermore, the study highlighted the importance of providing Personal Protective Equipment in conjunction with guidance on its use., Highlights: (1) Highlighted impacts on the distribution of PPE necessary for worker safety.(2) Emphasized the need for training and education regarding the use of PPE.(3) Found significance regarding the availability of surgical masks.(4) Identified the need for further research on health safety topics.(5) Revealed a high incidence of symptomatic workers and positive cases of COVID-19.
- Published
- 2024
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7. [Trends and inequalities in food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of four serial epidemiological surveys].
- Author
Santos LPD, Schäfer AA, Meller FO, Harter J, Nunes BP, Silva ICMD, and Pellegrini DDCP
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Brazil epidemiology, Cities, Cross-Sectional Studies, Food Insecurity, Food Supply, Humans, SARS-CoV-2, Socioeconomic Factors, Surveys and Questionnaires, COVID-19, Pandemics
- Abstract
The objective was to analyze trends and inequalities in the prevalence of food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic according to sociodemographic factors and social distancing measures. We analyzed data from four serial epidemiological surveys on COVID-19 in May and June 2020, with adults and elderly living in Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Food insecurity was assessed with the short version of the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA), with the recall period adapted to the beginning of the social distancing period in the city. Sociodemographic characteristics and the adoption of social distancing measures were analyzed, and their associations with food insecurity were assessed with chi-square test. The temporal trend in food insecurity according to these characteristics was assessed via linear regression. Inequalities in food insecurity were assessed with the angular inequality index and concentration index. Of the 1,550 individuals studied, 29.4% (95%CI: 25.0; 34.4) presented food insecurity. Analysis of inequality showed higher concentration of food insecurity among the younger and less educated and those living with five or more residents in the same household. Over the course of the four surveys, prevalence of food insecurity decreased most sharply among the younger, those living in households with up to two residents, and those with two or more workers. There was a strong association between food insecurity and sociodemographic factors, which may indicate the pandemic´s potential economic impact on households' food situation.
- Published
- 2021
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