In a world of relentless change in which Information and Communication Technologies has a leading role in the life of every person and in all their daily activities, society must be prepared to act accordingly and in line with reality. Thus, it is urgent that the educational system in Portugal includes ICT in the daily life of the educational community, creating a 21st century school, capable of arousing students' interest in studying, in a digital educational context, developing useful digital skills and competences for today's society. Due to its importance and potential, we decided to include ICT, more specifically the DER «Cloud of Words», in the educational context in the Supervised Teaching Practice in Primary Education in a class of 2nd year of schooling. The qualitative research aimed to investigate how a Digital Educational Resource (DER), in particular the «Word Cloud», can become a didactic strategy and a tool to acquire new learnings, according to the following objectives: include digital technologies like «Word Cloud» in the educational context; promote the use of «Word Cloud» as a pedagogical strategy based on the use of digital resources and evaluate its potential; and finally to investigate the impacts of using the «Word Cloud» on the students' learning. Thanks to this investigation, within the scope of a research-action, we can conclude that the use of the DER in study, when linked to the promoted objectives and learnings, enables, encourages and creates more stimulating, interactive, motivating and innovative study environments, conducive to new learning. It has also proven to be an asset, promoting greater and better levels of motivation, favouring the teaching and learning process in the curricular areas like Portuguese, Mathematics and Social Studies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]