Este trabalho inicia-se em um breve relato sobre as mais diversas opinioes acerca das mudancas climaticas, enfocando os conceitos de diversos pesquisadores acerca da tematica, tao controversa nos meios cientificos quanto a nivel internacional. Varias opinioes divergem sobre o que realmente originam as mudancas climaticas, a primeira seria que as mudancas climaticas decorrem de acoes antropogenicas, provindos do uso de combustiveis fosseis e o crescimento da agricultura alterando na atmosfera um aumento de CO 2 , que consequentemente induziriam a elevacao da temperatura, ou seja, ao aquecimento global, entretanto, existem argumentos que se contrapoem ao aquecimento global de longo prazo e defendem um resfriamento global gradativo, baseando-se que o clima sofre influencia de forcas como o sol e os seus ciclos e os oceanos que cobrem 71% da superficie e que sao os grandes reservatorios de calor, e que as mudancas climaticas sao de ordem natural, pois a interferencia humana e insignificante e apenas traz mudancas a nivel local. Essas divergencias cientificas necessitam de comprovacoes, pois precisamos entender as consequencias reais desse processo. Se realmente estamos caminhando para um aquecimento ou resfriamento e se as mudancas climaticas sao de ordem natural ou antropogenicas. Palavras- chave: Mudancas climaticas, Aquecimento global, Resfriamento global, Divergencias cientificas. The paradox of Climate Change in Brazil: Heating or Cooling? ABSTRACT This work begins in a brief report on the diverse views on climate change, focusing on the concepts of various researchers on the theme, so controversial in scientific circles as internationally. Various opinions differ on what really causes climate change, the first climate change that would result from anthropogenic activities, stemming from the use of fossil fuels growth in agriculture and the changing atmosphere in a CO2 increase, which consequently leads to a rise in temperature, or global warming, however, there are arguments to oppose the long-term global warming and advocate a gradual global cooling, based on the climate is influenced by forces like the sun and its cycles and the oceans that cover 71 % of the surface and are the great reservoirs of heat, and that climate change is a natural one, because human interference is negligible and only brings changes at the local. These differences need scientific proof, because we need to understand the real consequences of this process. If we are really heading for a heating or cooling and climate change are of a natural or anthropogenic. Key words: Climate change, Global warming, Global cooling, Scientific differences.