38 results on '"Fonseca, Nuno"'
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2. A cidade nas práticas artísticas
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno, Brito, Humberto, Duarte, João Oliveira, Ventura, Susana, Viegas, Susana, Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA), Departamento de Estudos Portugueses (DEP), and Instituto de História da Arte (IHA)
- Subjects
Urban aesthetics ,Literature ,Architecture ,Photography ,Philosophy of art ,Sound art ,Cinema - Abstract
UIDB/00183/2020 UIDP/00183/2020 PTDC/FER-FIL/32042/2017 A cidade nas práticas artísticas [The city in artistic practices] is the result of the work developed, of the presentations and the debates held within the cycle of seminars “The experience of the city between art and philosophy”, held between 3 March 2020 and 16 June 2021 (calendar dramatically compromised by the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic), one of the main activities of the OBRA project — Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: experiencing the city between art and philosophy, based at IFILNOVA — Philosophy Institute of NOVA, in Lisbon. The book is divided into five parts, relating to each of the artistic disciplines to which the seminars were dedicated – cinema, photography, sound arts, literature and architecture —, which are edited by the organizers responsible for each of them — respectively, Susana Viegas, Humberto Brito, Nuno Fonseca João Oliveira Duarte and Susana Ventura — and composed of the respective narrated accounts of each seminar and of short essays, some merely textual, others graphical or even photographic, which are either in-depth versions of the reflections and positions that were presented and debated by the participants and guests, or works that motivated and inspired the work of the seminars. The seminar cycle and the book now presented here intend to reflect on the role of artistic practices in the representation and reconfiguration of urban experience, trying to understand their different attempts to apprehend and express the fragmentation of aesthetic experience in modern and contemporary cities, as well as to evaluate their contribution to an eventual symbolic and imaginative reconfiguration of that experience. Each section tries, in its own way, to answer questions such as: How do these arts think and reinvent the city? What do they make us feel? And what is their social and political role? For reasons that are easy to understand, Lisbon was the starting point, but other cities were also part of the journey. publishersversion published
- Published
- 2023
3. leituras críticas sobre a experiência da cidade
- Author
Conceição, Nélio, Fonseca, Nuno, and Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA)
- Subjects
Flâneur ,Urban aesthetics ,City ,Philosophy of art ,Aesthetic experience ,Dérive ,Art ,SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities - Abstract
UIDB/00183/2020 UIDP/00183/2020 PTDC/FER-FIL/32042/2017 The book Planos de pormenor: leituras críticas sobre a experiência da cidade, whose title plays with the semantics of a fundamental mechanism of planning and normative design of the territory, aims to bring into the reflection on cities the critical perspective, equally rigorous and indispensable, of a plan of intersection between philosophical concepts and the arts. In this sense, it is a «guide» that aims to unsettle the urban steps that seem too secure. Its three parts – reread and start again, walk and transgress, experiment and imagine – bring together different, though complementary, attitudes or possible operations before a theoretical object that challenges, from the outset, its status as object. In fact, the city is not an object that can be observed from above, in a distanced way; it is rather a complex milieu, an environment full of elements and mutual relations, which requires not only a careful and detailed observation, but also to be experienced and traversed. publishersversion published
- Published
- 2023
4. panorâmicas sobre a experiência estética da cidade
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno and Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA)
- Abstract
UIDB/00183/2020 UIDP/00183/2020 PTDC/FER-FIL/32042/2017 Em todas as civilizações urbanas houve certamente indivíduos que se entretiveram a passear e a observar a cidade, caminhando. Mas o tipo do flâneur só apareceu na literatura no momento em que os fenómenos da industrialização, do êxodo rural e da rápida urbanização fizeram surgir as grandes cidades (as metrópoles) modernas. Foi na primeira metade do século XIX que surgiram pequenos fascículos em formato de bolso que se ocuparam da descrição dos diferentes tipos urbanos que povoavam a metrópole francesa, desde o vendedor ambulante que se encontrava nos boulevards aos tipos mais elegantes que podiam ser vistos no foyer da Ópera de Paris. A «literatura panorâmica» produzida pelas «fisiologias», numa época em que a cidade se transformava em paisagem (saneada e reorganizada) para contemplar e gozar, revelou então esse «botânico do asfalto» ou «pintor da vida moderna» - o flâneur - que ora se perdia no meio das multidões sem com elas se misturar ora se sentia no boulevard como num salão ao ar livre e se demorava ociosamente nas passagens parisienses e nos grands magasins para resistir à mecanização e massificação da produção industrial, ao mesmo tempo que sucumbia ao desejo estéril e fetichista do capitalismo mercantil. Partindo de textos e fragmentos escritos por Walter Benjamin, nomeadamente, o capítulo dedicado ao Flâneur em «Charles Baudelaire - Um Poeta na Época do Capitalismo Avançado» e as anotações do Livro das Passagens também a ele dedicadas, e seguindo os ecos e reverberações de e noutros textos anteriores (Poe, Baudelaire, Huart, Fournel), procurarei esboçar alguns traços sinópticos desse personagem paradigmático da experiência estética da cidade (e da vida moderna): o flâneur. publishersversion published
- Published
- 2023
5. Sound arts and the experience of the city
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno and Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA)
- Abstract
UIDB/00183/2020 UIDP/00183/2020 DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0098 publishersversion published
- Published
- 2023
6. Vivências da pessoa com lesão medular de longa duração
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno Fernando da Cruz Pires and Martins, Maria Manuela
- Subjects
Lesão medular ,Atividades de vida ,Envelhecimento ,Ciências Médicas::Ciências da Saúde [Domínio/Área Científica] ,Enfermagem ,Enfermagem de reabilitação - Abstract
Pessoas com lesão medular de longa duração, além dos desafios dessa condição neurológica que traz inúmeras mudanças na vida, adquiriram uma condição de deficiência que as torna mais suscetíveis a alguns problemas relacionados com o envelhecimento. Este estudo é baseado no modelo de enfermagem de Roper, Logan e Tierney fundamentado em 12 atividades de vida influenciadas por fatores biológicos, psicológicos, socioculturais, ambientais e político-económicos. Objetivos: Compreender as vivências da pessoa com lesão medular de longa duração e analisar os acontecimentos destas pessoas enquadrados no âmbito da intervenção de enfermagem de reabilitação. Métodos: Estudo exploratório e descritivo de natureza qualitativa; como instrumento de recolha de dados a usamos entrevista semiestruturada a 15 participantes, critério de inclusão: pessoas com lesão medular de longa duração (mais de 10 anos). A análise de conteúdo das entrevistas seguiu os princípios de Bardin com recurso ao programa informático ATLAS.ti22. Resultados: O estudo demonstrou as preocupações dos participantes com 11 atividades de vida onde se evidenciou a manutenção de um ambiente seguro com a promoção da acessibilidade relacionada com os produtos de apoio e a tecnologia. Reconheceram-se as vantagens dos posicionamentos, especialmente em decúbito ventral e ortostatismo. A área da eliminação é uma área já trabalhada, mas sempre merecedora de cuidados especializados de enfermagem. O convívio entre pares é importante para a o bem-estar e aprendizagens. A dor músculo-esquelética do ombro é referida pelos que fazem transferências para o interior de veículos como uma preocupação com repercussões presentes e futuras. A condução é facilitadora da integração, melhoria de oportunidades de emprego e recreacionais como o desporto adaptado. Discussão: Destacaram-se cinco atividades de vida: manter um ambiente seguro, comunicar, eliminar, mobilizar-se e trabalhar e distrair-se reconhecendo-se um ambiente acessível como fundamental para a vida (Roper, Logan & Tierney, 2001). Nem todos os participantes tinham a mesma necessidade de produtos de apoio tecnologicamente mais evoluídos. Conclusão: As áreas de intervenção do enfermeiro de reabilitação e suas competências fazem com que este se torne um dos profissionais capazes de responder às necessidades expressas pelas pessoas com lesão medular mesmo depois de muito tempo desta ter acontecido. Contudo, emerge dos discursos uma grande força de vontade para prosseguir com o bem viver. Verificamos que necessitam permanentemente de alguma assistência de saúde até porque o seu processo de envelhecimento tem consequências na sua dependência, por outro lado, as acessibilidades podem contribuir para se tornarem mais autónomos. People with long-term spinal cord injury, in addition to the challenges of this neurological condition that brings several changes in life, have acquired a disability condition that makes them more susceptible to some problems related to aging. This study is based on the Roper, Logan and Tierney nursing model based on 12 life activities influenced by biological, psychological, sociocultural, environmental, and political-economic factors. Objective: To understand the experiences of the person with long-term spinal cord injury and to analyze the events of these people within the scope of the rehabilitation nursing intervention. Methods: Exploratory and descriptive study of a qualitative nature; as a data collection instrument we used a semi-structured interview with 15 participants, inclusion criterion: people with long-term spinal cord injury (more than 10 years). The content analysis of the interviews followed Bardin's principles using the ATLAS.ti22 computer program. Results: The study demonstrated the concerns of the participants with 11 life activities where the maintenance of a safe environment with the promotion of accessibility related to support products and technology became evident. The advantages of the prone position and orthostatism were recognized. The area of elimination is an area that has already been worked on, but always deserving of specialized nursing care. The interaction between peers is important for well-being and learning. Shoulder musculoskeletal pain is reported by those who transfer to the interior of vehicles as a concern with present and future repercussions. Driving facilitates community integration, improves employment and recreational opportunities such as adapted sport. Discussion: Five life activities stood out: Maintaining a safe environment, Communication, Elimination, Mobilization and Working and playing recognizing an accessible environment as fundamental for life (Roper, Logan & Tierney, 2001). Not all participants had the same need for more technologically advanced support products. Conclusion: The areas of intervention of rehabilitation nurses and their skills make them one of the professionals capable of responding to the needs expressed by people with spinal cord injury even after a long time. However, a strong willpower emerges from the speeches to continue with the good life. We found that they permanently need some health care, even because their aging process has consequences on their dependence, on the other hand, accessibility can contribute to becoming more autonomous.
- Published
- 2022
7. Contributos para a monitorização do desempenho de estudantes de programação
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno Miguel Gil, Mendes, António José, and Macedo, Luís Miguel Machado Lopes
- Subjects
ensino diferenciado ,ensino de programação ,monitorização do desempenho dos estudantes ,differentiated instruction ,Engenharia e Tecnologia::Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática [Domínio/Área Científica] ,student performance monitoring ,teaching programming - Abstract
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação apresentada ao Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. Diariamente, muitos estudantes são confrontados com as dificuldades inerentes ao processo de aprendizagem de programação de aplicações informáticas. Estudos demonstram que um acompanhamento permanente do progresso dos estudantes por parte dos professores é determinante para o seu sucesso. Assim, com esta investigação pretendemos contribuir para melhorar as condições de aprendizagem inicial da programação através da conceção, implementação e avaliação de uma aplicação informática (CodeInsights), que recolhe snapshots do código desenvolvido pelos estudantes aquando da resolução de exercícios propostos pelos professores e, após o seu processamento, disponibiliza aos professores diversas informações relativas ao desempenho e progresso dos estudantes, de modo a facilitar a identificação, em tempo útil, dos pontos-chave a serem alvo de intervenção por parte dos professores. O trabalho foi desenvolvido utilizando a metodologia Design Based Research (DBR), o que em termos gerais significa que o sistema CodeInsights foi desenvolvido de forma iterativa ao longo de dez ciclos, tendo sido testado em contexto real em dezoito experiências, nas quais estiveram envolvidos catorze professores e aproximadamente quinhentos estudantes. O feedback de professores e estudantes recolhidos em cada experiência foi utilizado para guiar o rumo a adotar no ciclo seguinte. As experiências realizadas indicam que se conseguiu um importante contributo para melhorar o processo de ensino/aprendizagem de programação, quer do ponto de vista dos professores, quer do ponto de vista dos estudantes. Por um lado, a disponibilização do próprio sistema desenvolvido permite que diversos professores e estudantes possam usufruir dos seus benefícios para a melhoria do nível ensino/aprendizagem de programação. Por outro lado, a própria forma como o sistema foi desenvolvido e as questões que foram sendo levantadas (e respondidas) ao longo do processo constituem também um importante contributo para esta área de investigação. Every day, several thousands of students are confronted with the difficulties inherent in the process of learning to program software applications. Studies show that a permanent monitoring of students' progress by teachers is crucial to their success. Thus, with this research we intend to contribute to improve the conditions of initial programming learning through the design, implementation and evaluation of a software application (CodeInsights), which collects snapshots of the code developed by students when solving exercises proposed by teachers and, after processing them, provides teachers with several information regarding the performance and progress of students in order to facilitate the timely identification of key points to be targeted for intervention by teachers. The work was developed using the Design Based Research (DBR) methodology, which in general terms means that the CodeInsights system was developed iteratively over ten cycles, and tested in real classroom contexts in eighteen experiments, in which fourteen teachers and approximately five hundred students were involved. The feedback from teachers and students collected in each experiment was used to guide the course of action for the next cycle. We believe we have managed to make an important contribution to improving the teaching/learning process of programming, both from the teachers' and students' point of view. On one hand, the availability of the developed system itself allows several teachers and students to enjoy its benefits for the improvement of the teaching/learning level of programming. On the other hand, it is our understanding that the very way the system was developed and the questions that were raised (and answered) along the process are also an important contribution to this research area.
- Published
- 2022
8. As Centrais Municipais de Operações de Socorro em Portugal Estudo de Caso de Azambuja
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno
- Subjects
Centrais Municipais de Operações de Socorro, Proteção Civil Municipal, Gestão de Emergência, Eficiência, Controlo e Comunicações de Emergência - Abstract
Podemos considerar o tema abordado nesta dissertação, como um modelo disponível para implementar, mas que precisa de ser elencado e estudado como forma de divulgação de algo que pode contribuir para a eficácia e eficiência na gestão de meios e recursos. As Centrais Municipais de Operações de Socorro, são tema central na dissertação, com uma descrição do estado da arte existente, focando dois projetos que estão já sedimentados e um estudo de caso de um projeto (CMOS Azambuja), descrevendo o processo da ideia à operacionalização, com toda a conceção, o projeto, a fase do concurso público, o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo adptado às necessidadees do município, a conjugação de dois programas informáticos que apoiam a gestão de meios e recursos interentidades. Considerou-se o estudo de caso e análise de casos reais, comparando os dados disponíveis, referentes à gestão de toda a operação, numa perspetiva, do antes e do após implementação da Central Municipal de Operações de Socorro de Azambuja, nomeadamente no acionamento de meios para as ocorrências com potencial de maior complexidade. Esta dissertação, dá enfase ao processo de implementação e funcionamento, podendo o mesmo ser tido em consideração para apoio na formalização de um novo projeto, existindo sempre variáveis diferentes, mas que o princípio da eficiência e eficácia estão sempre subjacentes. info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
- Published
- 2022
9. A força e a agilidade em jovens basquetebolistas: comparação entre jogadores e jogadoras de diferentes escalões
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno Miguel Pintassilgo da Silva and Neiva, Henrique Pereira
- Subjects
Line Agility Drill ,Jovens ,Bola Medicinal ,Salto Vertical ,Ciências Sociais::Ciências do Desporto [Domínio/Área Científica] ,Basquetebol - Abstract
Made available in DSpace on 2021-12-23T14:14:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 8300_17891.pdf: 629702 bytes, checksum: b1938169e0a0e3c8c2cd3d574128cee2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2021-07-15
- Published
- 2021
10. O peso da doença arterial coronariana no transplante de pâncreas-rim simultâneo: angiografia coronária como método diagnóstico para todos? - um estudo retrospectivo.
- Author
Marques, Joana, Pereira, Luísa, Messias, Ana, Fonseca, Nuno, Cotovio, Patrícia, Ferreira, Aníbal, and Nolasco, Fernando
- Published
- 2022
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11. MONTALTO, Filipe – Arquipatologia (tratados I-IX). Revisão científica Adelino Cardoso; José Morgado Pereira; Manuel Silvério Marques; trad. de Domingos Lucas Dias; Inês de Ornellas e Castro; Joana Mestre Costa. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 2017
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno
- Abstract
Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, N.º 11 (2019): O Hospital Real de Todos-os-santos: a saúde e a cidade na Época Moderna
- Published
- 2019
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12. Deliverable 4.3 (D4.3): Protocol for field collection and preservation of eDNA samples, EnvMetaGen project (Grant Agreement No 668981)
- Author
Egeter, Bastian, Fonseca, Nuno A, Paupério, Joana, Galhardo, Mafalda, Ferreira, Sónia, Oxelfelt, Fredrik, Aresta, Sandra, Martins, Filipa MS, Mata, Vanessa, da Silva, Luis P, Peixoto, Sara, Garcia-Raventós, Aina, Vasconcelos, Sasha, Gil, Patrícia, Khalatbari, Leili, Filipe, Ana F, Jarman, Simon, Beja, Pedro, and Faculdade de Ciências
- Subjects
metabarcoding ,water ,field sampling ,dna ,freshwater ,diet - Abstract
The overall goal of ERA Chair/EnvMetaGen project No 668981 is to expand the research and innovation potential of InBIO – Research network in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, through the creation of an ERA Chair in Environmental Metagenomics. This field was selected as the focus of the ERA Chair, because Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is increasingly being used for biodiversity assessment, diet analysis, detection of rare or invasive species, population genetics and ecosystem functional analysis. In this context, the work plan of EnvMetaGen includes one work package dedicated to the Deployment of an eDNA Lab (WP4), which involves the training of InBIO researchers and technicians for implementing best practice protocols for the analysis of eDNA (Task 4.2). These protocols are essential for key application areas and to the development of research projects in association with business partners and other stakeholders, and thus to the strengthening of InBIO triple-helix initiatives (InBIO-Industry-Government; WP5). This report provides an overview of the current state of the art for collecting and preserving eDNA samples, with particular focus on vertebrate faecal samples, water samples and bulk invertebrate samples, which have been selected as key targets for the development of triple helix strategic initiatives (Task 5.3). The protocols already optimized and currently under development for the collection and preservation of eDNA samples are reported herein. Moreover, the future directions of sample collection and preservation at InBIO are discussed. This development was made possible through the recruitment of the ERA Chair team (WP2), secondments and Junior Researcher exchanges through the collaboration with international networks (WP3), an enhancement of computational infrastructure at InBIO (WP4) and participation of team members in workshops and conferences (WP6). Together, Deliverables D4.2-D4.5 (this document; Ferreira et al. 2018; Galhardo et al. 2018; Paupério et al. 2018) form a detailed account of the successful deployment of a fully functional eDNA lab under the EnvMetaGen project, and provide a valuable resource for eDNA practitioners in all spheres of the triple-helix model.  
- Published
- 2018
13. Escutar a cidade, no cinema, na era do Dolby Atmos
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno, Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA), and Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM - NOVA FCSH)
- Subjects
Salas de Cinema ,Dolby Atmo ,Cinema “sonoro” ,Experiência sonora ,Sistemas de reprodução de som - Abstract
UID/EAT/00693/2013 UID/FIL/00183/2013 Mesmo antes da passagem ao “sonoro”, a ida ao animatógrafo era já uma experiência rica em sons e, tal como a invenção do cinematógrafo mudou a nossa percepção visual do mundo, também a nossa percepção auditiva moderna foi transformada pela experiência urbana do cinema. A íntima relação que sempre teve com a vida e o ritmo da cidade, revelou dela aspectos inauditos e fez surgir novos modos de escuta da sua paisagem. A história recente das cidades e as galopantes transformações tecnológicas dos meios audiovisuais mudaram, porém, a experiência da ida ao cinema, estilhaçando os seus laços com a vida urbana local, ao mesmo tempo que se tentou intensificar a sensorialidade da experiência nas salas de cinema, para a distinguir de meios alternativos e proteiformes de experimentar cinema, num contexto geral de redução do limiar da atenção e de ubiquidade da escuta. É uma reflexão sobre as relações problemáticas entre a experiência do cinema, em particular no seu aspecto auditivo, e a experiência contemporânea da cidade que esta comunicação se propõe fazer. publishersversion published
- Published
- 2017
14. Padrão de Brugada em doente medicada com lamotrigina
- Author
Rodrigues, Rita, Amador, Pedro, Rassi, Leandro, Seixo, Filipe, Parreira, Leonor, Fonseca, Nuno, and Soares, Luís
- Published
- 2013
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15. Desenvolvimento de abordagens de espectroscopia de fibra ótica para a análise em alto débito de estirpes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno Ramos da, Schuller, Dorit Elisabeth, Vicente, A. A., and Universidade do Minho
- Subjects
577.2 ,582.282.23 ,543.42 - Abstract
Dissertação de mestrado em Genética Molecular, O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na implementação de um teste espectrométrico miniaturizado e de alto rendimento para a análise de estirpes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae da coleção do Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental da Universidade do Minho. Para atingir esse objetivo foi necessário desenvolver um suporte para microplacas de 96 poços onde se realizaram as medições, no sentido de encontrar as melhores condições de crescimento para as estirpes e a posterior aquisição dos espectros. Os espectros foram adquiridos na zona da luz ultravioletavisível- infravermelha próximo de ondas curtas (200 – 1100 nm). As estirpes utilizadas foram inoculadas em meio YPD agarizado numa microplaca de 96 poços. Os espectros obtidos foram submetidos a pré-tratamentos e posteriormente a análise de componentes principais relevantes e a análise discriminante por mínimos quadrados parciais, quando indicado. Ensaios preliminares de otimização sugeriram a necessidade de ter em atenção determinados cuidados para minimizar os erros provenientes do material utilizado e que podiam interferir com a análise espectral das estirpes. Foi demonstrada a possibilidade de distinguir 11 estirpes da levedura S. cerevisiae, provenientes de diferentes localizações geográficas e origens de isolamento, bem como de 9 isolados isogénicos da estirpe comercial de vinificação Zymaflore VL1 (Lallemand), desde que se consideram condições experimentais muito padronizados como, por exemplo, a obtenção de espectros que foram obtidos na mesma microplaca. Com esta abordagem foi alcançada uma boa reprodutibilidade de réplicas de crescimentos e medições espectrométricas. No entanto, não foi obtida uma boa reprodutibilidade entre microplacas contendo as mesmas estirpes. Verificou-se também que a semelhança espectral não está relacionada com a localização geográfica e/ou a origem do isolamento das estirpes. As modificações espectrais foram também registadas durante o crescimento das estirpes nos poços das microplacas. As análises posteriores distinguiram as diferentes fases de crescimento, mas para o tempo de incubação entre 42 h e 76 h não se verificaram diferenças espectrais significativas. Em todas as experiências anteriores, a identidade de cada estirpe analisada era conhecida. Para validar este método espectroscópico foi necessário verificar a possibilidade de se conseguir distinguir isolados da estirpe S. cerevisiae sem conhecimento prévio da sua identidade. Os resultados das análises espectrais obtidos foram comparados com os de perfis moleculares (análise interdelta) destes isolados e não se observou uma correspondência entre o número de estirpes identificado por cada um dos métodos. Por este motivo, trata-se de uma técnica que não poderá ser utilizada para distinguir estirpes cuja identidade seja desconhecida. Sendo uma técnica no início do seu desenvolvimento, verificou-se a ocorrência de vários problemas sistemáticos nas experiências realizadas, inerentes ao material utilizado e devido à variação na composição das microplacas e do meio de cultura. Contudo, foram apresentadas soluções para a obtenção de resultados mais fiáveis e reprodutíveis no futuro., The aim of this work was to develop a high-throughput spectrometric assay for the analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains from the collection of the Centre for Molecular Biology and Environment, University of Minho. To achieve this goal it was necessary to develop a support for 96-well microplates for small-scale spectra acquisition and for the development of the best growth conditions. The spectra were acquired in the region of ultraviolet-visible-near infrared short wave light (200 - 1100 nm). The strains used were inoculated in wells of a 96-well microplate containing YPD agar. The spectra obtained were subjected to pre-treatments and subsequently to relevant principal components analysis and the discriminant analysis by partial least squares, whenever indicated. Preliminary optimization tests suggested the need to consider several aspects (such as the material used), that could interfere with the spectral analysis of the S. cerevisiae strains. It was possible to distinguish between 11 S. cerevisiae strains from different geographical locations and sources of isolation and 9 isogenic isolates of the commercial winemaking strain Zymaflore VL1 (Lallemand), that were re-isolated from vineyards when the obtained spectra derived from a single microplate. The distinction of strains occurred with a good reproducibility of the four replicates included in each microplate. However, a lack of reproducibility occurred between spectra obtained from different microplates that contained the same strains. It was also found that the spectral similarity of strains did not correlate with the geographic localisation and the source of isolation. Spectral analyses distinguished different stages of exponential cellular growth, whereas no significant spectral differences were recorded between 42 h and 76 h of growth. In all previous experiments, the identity of each strain analysed was known. For further validation of this spectroscopic method, we evaluated the ability to distinguish among several S. cerevisiae isolates that were previously characterized by interdelta analysis. The comparison of results from spectral analysis with interdelta profiles revealed the number of strains identified by each method was different. We herein developed a first exploratory approach for the high throughput analysis of S. cerevisiae strains by fiber optics spectroscopy. Several systemic problems, inherent to the materials used, such as variation in the composition of the microplate and the culture medium still need to be solved and we present solutions for the achievement of more reliable and reproducible results in the future.
- Published
- 2013
16. Os Espelhos da Vanitas: a dinâmica reflexiva e a crítica da representação na filosofia e na pintura do século XVII
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno Sérgio Machado da
- Subjects
Reflexividade ,Vanitas ,Percepção ,Auto-Representação ,Representação ,Ideia ,Representação pictórica ,Cepticismo - Abstract
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Filosofia, especialidade de Filosofia do conhecimento e Epistemologia Esta tese ocupa-se da noção de representação, no âmbito do pensamento do século XVII. Partiu de duas hipóteses cruzadas: 1) que a noção de representação tem uma dinâmica reflexiva que é imanente ao acto de representar, a qual implica, por isso, uma representação desse acto, ou seja, uma auto-representação; 2) que é possível estabelecer uma analogia profícua entre a representação mental e a representação pictórica, como elas foram entendidas no discurso filosófico e na prática pictórica do século XVII, e que essa analogia ilumina a natureza e as propriedades da noção de representação. Numa primeira parte, a tese procura caracterizar os elementos principais daquilo a que pode chamar-se de paradigma representativo na filosofia e na pintura do século XVII. Essa caracterização faz-se a partir da «Lógica» de Port-Royal, cuja primeira parte se identifica com uma lógica ou, em rigor, com uma epistemologia da ideia, noção ambígua mas que é a sede conceptual de uma teoria do conhecimento representacionista. Os traços do sistema clássico da representação revelados por uma “teoria do signo representativo”, na «Lógica», podem ser complementados pela interpretação arnaldiana de uma teoria da percepção, explicitada na polémica das ideias entre Arnauld e Malebranche, que confirma, ao mesmo tempo, o sentido e o alcance da representatividade do pensamento na epistemologia cartesiana. Por outro lado, a troca epistolar entre Arnauld e Leibniz sobre a noção de “expressão” permite uma interpretação alternativa dessa representatividade do pensamento, reiterando, no entanto, a dinâmica reflexiva do acto de representar, que é próprio da natureza da substância individual. Num segundo momento dessa caracterização, é possível fazer uma aproximação entre o discurso filosófico e a prática artística no que respeita às suas teorias da percepção – a teoria da visão de Kepler, a Dióptrica de Descartes e as catóptricas de Mersenne e Nicéron – e às práticas da representação – a representação em perspectiva linear frontal e anamorfótica.
- Published
- 2012
17. Análise da performance financeira por segmentos para a nova era da indústria de televisão
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno Miguel Machado da and Simões, Ana Maria
- Subjects
Televisão ,Segmentos ,Segments ,Performance ,Television ,Management control ,Evaluation ,Controlo de gestão ,Avaliação - Abstract
JEL Classification System: L82 - Industry Studies: Services: Entertainment; Media. M10 - Business Administration: General. Numa fase de profunda mudança no sector de televisão, este trabalho pretende apresentar um modelo de avaliação da performance económico-financeira por segmentos, considerando os novos desafios do sector. Num contexto de mudança é fundamental assegurar à gestão a informação necessária para suporte à decisão e um adequado painel de controlo do negócio. Este trabalho pretende apresentar as características próprias e específicas deste sector, introduzir uma visão futura do negócio de televisão, encontrar os seus eixos críticos, definir os segmentos relevantes para a criação de valor e encontrar os indicadores mais adequados à avaliação da performance por segmentos. O papel do controlo de gestão, a adequação da contabilidade de gestão e o tratamento de gastos e rendimentos associados a programas de televisão são também alvo de estudo. Para os temas referidos introduzem-se os principais conceitos teóricos concluindo-se com a apresentação de um modelo. A evolução tecnológica dos sistemas de informação permite cada vez mais e melhores instrumentos de informação para a gestão. No entanto, para cumprir de forma eficaz os seus objectivos, estes sistemas têm de estar alinhados com a estratégia da empresa e com os segmentos relevantes para a criação de valor. O modelo de contabilidade de gestão tem igualmente que ser preparado para fornecer as variáveis necessárias. Este trabalho pode assim constituir um exemplo de estudo prévio à implementação de um sistema de business intelligence (BI) para o sector de televisão. In a period of profound changes in the broadcasting sector, this paper intends to present a model for assessing economic and financial segmented performance, taking into consideration the new challenges in the business. In a permanently changing environment, it is essential to provide the management with the necessary information to support decisions, and a suitable business control panel. This paper proposes to analyze the specific characteristics of this sector and to introduce a vision for the future of the television business, to find its critical axes, to define the relevant segments for the value creation, and to find the most suitable indicators to evaluate the segmented performance. The role of management control, the adequacy of management accounting and processing of expenses and income related to television programs are also covered in the present study. The main theoretical concepts are explained for these subject matters, and the paper concludes with the presentation of a model. The technological evolution of information systems enables even more and better information tools for the management. However, to effectively meet their objectives, these systems must be in accordance with company’s strategy and the relevant segments for the value creation. The model of management accounting also needs to be prepared in order to provide the necessary variables. This paper may well serve as a preliminary study to implement a business intelligence system (BI) for the television sector.
- Published
- 2010
18. Programa de optimização da procura horária em diagramas de patamares
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno Miguel Soares da, Saraiva, João Paulo Tomé, and Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia
- Subjects
Meta-heurística ,Eficiência energética ,Energia eléctrica - Abstract
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2009
- Published
- 2009
19. Melhoria do planeamento e programação da produção da empresa AGM
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno, Ávila, Paulo, Bastos, João, and Tavares, Manuel
- Subjects
Controlo da produção ,Modelo de Aceitação/Rejeição de Encomendas ,Planeamento da produção ,Programação da produção ,MRP ,Dimensionamento de lotes de produção - Abstract
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores Submitted by Ana Rebelo (amsr@isep.ipp.pt) on 2013-10-04T14:30:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DM_Nuno Fonseca_2009_MEEC.pdf: 2646676 bytes, checksum: aa2b65f2fa263d4c573e3754ad0e71a4 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-04T14:30:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DM_Nuno Fonseca_2009_MEEC.pdf: 2646676 bytes, checksum: aa2b65f2fa263d4c573e3754ad0e71a4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009
- Published
- 2009
20. Optimização das comunicações entre aplicações e bases de dados
- Author
Fonseca, Nuno Alberto Paulino da
- Subjects
Sistemas de informação ,Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto ,Base de dados ,Sistemas de comunicação - Abstract
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Inteligência Artificial e Computação, na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, sob a orientação do Professor Doutor José Paulo Leal
- Published
- 2000
21. Território híbrido multinível: vitalidade emaranhada
- Author
Oliveira, Adriana Monzillo de, Villac, Maria Isabel, Zein, Ruth Verde, Fehr, Lucas, Andrade, Nelson, and Fonseca, Nuno de Azevedo
- Subjects
adensamento urbano ,espaço de uso coletivo ,CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO::TECNOLOGIA DE ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO [CNPQ] ,desenho urbano - Abstract
This thesis investigates an alternative for the development and qualification of the urban territory densification process, in which the increasing verticalization of the volume is accompanied by an increase in the volume’s mass on the city floor, now divided into street level, underground and/or upper floor, as an approach to ensure an amount of activities, circulations and free areas for the development of social practices compatible with the implemented densification volume. It’s the presentation of a new concept called MHT - Multilevel Hybrid Territory, and the main hypothesis is that by incorporating it, into the city’s urban design, it’s possible to significantly increase the volume of collective use spaces, for the development of social practices that ensures the urban vitality and assures the fulfillment of the social function of the urban land. The work is divided into two research aspects: theory and practice. In the theoretical part the main concepts that underlay the work are presented. In the practice part, the occurrences related to the imminence of concept formulation are investigated, and a projetual test is developed as an instrument for materialization and questioning for the proposed scenario. The concept for MHT - Multilevel Hybrid Territory is generated with the interchange of conceptual theory and a set of practical studies as a questioning method Esta tese investiga uma alternativa de fomento e qualificação do processo de adensamento do território urbano, onde o aumento da verticalização aparece acompanhado pela delaminação do chão da cidade, agora subdividido em térreo, subterrâneo e/ou aéreo, como forma de garantir uma quantidade de atividades, circulações e áreas livres para o desenvolvimento das práticas sociais compatíveis com o volume do adensamento praticado. Trata-se da apresentação de um novo conceito denominado THM – Território Híbrido Multinível. A hipótese principal é a de que ao incorporá-lo ao desenho urbano da cidade, se torna possível aumentar significativamente o volume de espaços de uso coletivo para o desenvolvimento das práticas sociais que asseguram a vitalidade urbana e garantem com que a terra urbana cumpra sua função social. O trabalho se divide em duas frentes de investigação: uma teórica e outra prática. Na parte teórica são resenhados os principais conceitos que fundamentam o trabalho. Na parte prática são investigadas ocorrências que apontam para a iminência da formulação do conceito, assim como o desenvolvimento de um ensaio projetual como instrumento de materialização e indagação do cenário preconizado. Ao interpolar a base conceitual com o conjunto de estudos indagatórios, se desenvolve então o conceito de THM – Território Híbrido Multinível
- Published
- 2016
22. Instalações Técnicas e Gestão da Manutenção da Unidade Hospitalar Nossa Senhora da Graça
- Author
Garcia, João Tiago Lopes, Vieira, Ana C V, and Fonseca, Nuno
- Subjects
Engenharia e Tecnologia [Domínio/Área Científica] - Abstract
Cd danificado - Não abrem os ficheiros Submitted by Claudia Graça (claudiasusana@ipt.pt) on 2019-05-31T11:38:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 O cd referente a esta tese encontra.pdf: 84841 bytes, checksum: 2b004df556e57a59a6e1bc19a1473e2c (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2019-05-31T11:38:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 O cd referente a esta tese encontra.pdf: 84841 bytes, checksum: 2b004df556e57a59a6e1bc19a1473e2c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12
- Published
- 2014
23. Camera reading for blind people
- Author
Neto, Roberto Ferreira and Fonseca, Nuno Miguel da Costa Santos
- Subjects
OCR ,iOS ,Blind people ,Camera reading ,Engenharia e Tecnologia::Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática [Domínio/Área Científica] ,TTS - Abstract
A ausência de visão torna a vida de um invisual bastante difícil. No entanto, a utilização da tecnologia pode melhorar ligeiramente pequenos aspectos do dia-a-dia. Nesse contexto, o trabalho que se apresenta tem como objetivo a descrição do processo de desenvolvimento de uma aplicação para cegos. O projeto chama-se Camera Blind For Blind People, e tem como propósito final o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação que permita a um utilizador cego utilizar um dispositivo móvel para obter a leitura de um texto que esteja escrito numa folha de papel, num sinal, numa parede ou noutro suporte. Pretende-se com este projeto conceber o protótipo de uma aplicação para iOS, construída a partir da utilização conjunta e integrada de frameworks de reconhecimento óptico de caracteres (OCR) e de frameworks de sintetização de voz (TTS), que possibilite ao utilizador, recorrendo à câmara de um dispositivo móvel, captar uma imagem e obter a leitura do texto que exista nessa mesma imagem. O processo de reconhecimento do texto através do OCR será optimizado através da aplicação de filtros nas imagens captadas, realizando desta forma um pré-processamento que permita obter melhorias nos resultados do OCR, para que o texto reconhecido se aproxime, o mais possível, do texto original existente no suporte fotografado. Os filtros utilizados são os disponibilizados pelo sistema operativo iOS, através da sua framework de manipulação de imagem, Core Image. A aplicação será afinada e optimizada de forma a oferecer uma melhor usabilidade aos seus utilizadores, nomeadamente nas situações em que a leitura OCR apresente resultados insatisfatórios que tornem imperceptíveis a leitura dos textos reconhecidos.
- Published
- 2014
24. Graph mining para concepção racional de novos fármacos
- Author
Seabra, Paulo Tiago Ferreira, Silva, Rui Carlos Camacho de Sousa Ferreira da, Fonseca, Nuno, and Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia
- Abstract
Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia.. 2011
- Published
- 2011
25. Sulfadiazine-induced crystalluria and non-oliguric renal failure in HIV-1 inaugural infection with presumed cerebral toxoplasmosis.
- Author
Gaspar V, Fonseca NM, and Lino S
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, HIV Infections complications, HIV Infections drug therapy, HIV-1, Crystallization, Renal Insufficiency chemically induced, Adult, Crystalluria, Sulfadiazine adverse effects, Sulfadiazine therapeutic use, Toxoplasmosis, Cerebral complications
- Published
- 2024
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26. The burden of coronary heart disease in simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation: coronary angiography as a diagnostic method for all? - a retrospective study.
- Author
Marques J, Pereira L, Messias A, Fonseca N, Cotovio P, Ferreira A, and Nolasco F
- Subjects
- Humans, Coronary Angiography, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Pancreas, Coronary Artery Disease diagnostic imaging, Coronary Artery Disease surgery, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 complications, Kidney Transplantation
- Abstract
Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease, which is frequently asymptomatic. This risk increases significantly in those with nephropathy. In selected patients, simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation is the renal and pancreatic replacement therapy of choice, as it increases longevity and stabilizes diabetic complications. Despite essential, universal screening protocols are still controversial for coronary artery disease in this population., Methods: We retrospectively analysed 99 simultaneous pancreas-kidney recipients from our centre from 2011 to 2018 and selected 77 patients who underwent coronary angiography during the pre-transplant evaluation. Our aim was to identify potential risk factors associated with significant lesions on coronary angiography., Results: Almost half of our cohort of 77 candidates submitted to coronary angiography had coronary artery disease. Of these, nearly 30% underwent revascularization, although only one of them reported symptoms of myocardial ischemia. In a univariate analysis, the presence of smoking habits was the only risk factor for coronary artery disease. We also found that 20 or more years of type 1 diabetes mellitus was significantly associated with the presence of coronaropathy., Discussion: Selection of diabetic candidates with acceptable cardiac risk before simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation is imperative. Given the impact of a correct diagnosis and a low procedural risk, we defend the routine use of coronary angiography as the initial screening method for coronary artery disease in this population. Particularly care must be taken in evaluating asymptomatic patients with long-term type 1 diabetes mellitus and smokers.
- Published
- 2022
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27. Brugada pattern in a patient medicated with lamotrigine.
- Author
Rodrigues R, Amador P, Rassi L, Seixo F, Parreira L, Fonseca N, and Soares L
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Lamotrigine, Middle Aged, Antidepressive Agents adverse effects, Brugada Syndrome chemically induced, Triazines adverse effects
- Abstract
The authors report the case of a 52-year-old woman with depressive syndrome, treated with lamotrigine for about five months, who went to the emergency department for atypical precordial pain. The electrocardiogram (ECG) revealed a 2-mm downsloping ST-segment elevation and negative T waves in V1 and V2. Due to suspicion of ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome, cardiac catheterization was performed, which revealed normal coronary arteries. The initial ECG was suggestive of type 1 Brugada pattern, but subsequent serial ECGs were less typical. A flecainide test showed the same pattern. After discontinuation of lamotrigine reversal of the typical Brugada ECG pattern was observed. Although not currently contraindicated in Brugada syndrome, the antidepressant lamotrigine blocks sodium channels, which are usually inactivated in heart cell membranes in Brugada syndrome, and may be responsible for the expression of type 1 Brugada pattern., (Copyright © 2012 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2013
- Full Text
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28. Acute myocardial infarction in patients aged under 45 years.
- Author
Fonseca N, Bernardino L, Silvestre I, Santos J, Seixo F, Mendes L, and Inês L
- Subjects
- Adult, Age Factors, Aged, Female, Humans, Male, Myocardial Infarction diagnosis, Retrospective Studies, Myocardial Infarction epidemiology
- Abstract
Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) becomes an important cause of morbidity and mortality after the age of 45 years., Objective: To evaluate the epidemiology and clinical features of all patients under 45 years old admitted with myocardial infarction., Methods: We studied 595 patients admitted with myocardial infarction between January 2000 and December 2002. We analyzed risk factors for CAD, clinical profile, therapeutics and complications (arrhythmic, mechanical and ischemic). The patients were divided into two groups: A--under 45 years old and B-- aged 45 or over., Results: Group A--56 patients (9.4%); group B--539 patients (90.6 %). There was a higher prevalence of smoking in group A (57% vs. 23.6%; p < 0.01). Hypertension, diabetes and history of CAD were significantly more common in group B. There were no differences in hyperlipidemia (group A: 43% vs. group B: 43.5%). Fibrinolysis was performed in 28 patients (70%) from group A compared to 40 patients (45.9%; p < 0.01) from group B. Use of digitalis and inotropic agents was greater in group B. No differences were found in other pharmacological therapeutics. We found more complications in group B (24% vs. 11%)., Conclusions: There was a higher prevalence of smoking in patients under 45 years old and of hypertension, diabetes and CAD in patients aged over 45. The high rate of hyperlipidemia in both groups highlights the importance of primary prevention. Fibrinolysis was performed more frequently in younger patients. There were more complications in older patients.
- Published
- 2004
29. Predictors of failure in direct stenting in the real world.
- Author
Fonseca N, Moreno R, Pérez M, Alfonso F, Hernández R, Escaned J, Sabaté M, Bañuellos C, Azcona L, and Macaya C
- Subjects
- Equipment Failure, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Prognosis, Prosthesis Implantation methods, Stents
- Abstract
Introduction: Stent implantation without predilation simplifies a large proportion of coronary intervention procedures, with a significant reduction in costs and procedure time., Objectives: To determine the variables associated with a higher probability of failure in direct stent implantation in daily practice in a wide range of clinical contexts and types of lesions., Population and Methods: Over a period of 28 months, direct implantation of 931 stents was attempted in our Center (811 patients, 83% male, mean age 62 +/- 12 years; 1.1 stent per patient). In 59 patients (7.3%), balloon predilation was necessary, and the factors associated with direct implant failure were determined., Results: The vessels treated were: anterior descending (373 lesions: 40.1%), right coronary artery (306 lesions: 32.9%, circumflex (210 lesions: 22.6%), saphenous vein (35 lesions: 3.8%), left main (5 lesions: 0.4%) and internal mammary artery (2 lesions: 0.2%). 54% of the lesions were of type B2/C (ACC/AHA classification). The characteristics significantly associated with, or with statistical tendency towards, a lower success rate in direct stent implantation were: Lesion in the circumflex (11% vs. 5.5%, p = 0.012); reference vessel diameter less than 3.0 mm (9.8% vs. 6.2%, p = 0.097); age over 65 years (8.5% vs. 4.5%, p = 0.017); left main disease, irrespective of the vessel treated (23.5%% vs. 6.5%, p = 0.023); B2/C lesion (7.8%, vs. 4.8%, p = 0.086); calcification (9.9% vs. 4.9%, p = 0.012); vessel angulation greater than 45 degrees (9.9% vs. 4.9%, p = 0.009); and Express stent implant (19.6% vs. 6.0%, p < 0.001). On multivariate analysis, independent predictors of failure in direct stent implantation were: left main lesion (RR 6.6; 95% CI 1.73-24.93; p = 0.013), presence of calcium (RR 1.9; 95% CI 1.02-3.37; p = 0.049), vessel curvature (RR 2.0; 95% CI 1.13-3.64; p = 0.018), reference vessel diameter less than 3 mm (RR 2.2; 95% CI 1.15-4.32; p = 0.023), lesion type B2/C (RR 1.9; 95% CI 1.0-3.52; p = 0.044) and Express stent (RR 2.7; 95% CI 1.07-6.79; p = 0.05)., Conclusion: In a large and heterogeneous series of patients, direct stenting was not possible in 7.3% of cases, which required balloon predilation. Certain clinical and angiographic features can predict when this is more like to occur.
- Published
- 2004
30. Transesophageal echocardiography-guided cardioversion of atrial fibrillation. Selection of a low-risk group for immediate cardioversion.
- Author
Fonseca N, Caetano F, Santos J, Seixo F, Bernardino L, Silvestre I, Cardoso P, Segurado F, and Inês L
- Subjects
- Aged, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Atrial Fibrillation diagnostic imaging, Atrial Fibrillation therapy, Echocardiography, Transesophageal, Electric Countershock methods
- Abstract
Introduction: In patients (pts) with atrial fibrillation (AF) of more than 48 hours' duration, electrical cardioversion (ECV) should only be performed after 3 weeks of effective anticoagulation. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) allows earlier ECV; however, despite exclusion of thrombi in the atrium and left atrial appendage (LAA), cases of thromboembolism related to ECV have been documented in AF. To define a low-risk group for cardioversion without previous anticoagulation, pts were selected for immediate ECV if no thrombi or dynamic spontaneous echo contrast (auto-contrast) were found after TEE and if LAA velocity was more than 0.25 m/sec., Methods and Results: We performed TEE in 31 consecutive pts referred for ECV for AF of more than 48 hours' duration and without previous anticoagulation. After TEE the pts eligible for immediate ECV began anticoagulation with low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin), subcutaneously in therapeutic doses, together with warfarin immediately before cardioversion. Enoxaparin was continued until an INR of over 2 was reached. Based on the TEE findings, the pts were divided in 2 groups: immediate ECV, group A, 20 pts with a mean age of 62 +/- 13 years, 6 female; and conventional therapy with warfarin before ECV, group B, 11 pts, mean age of 67 +/- 10 years (p < 0.05), 2 female. None of the pts in either group had mitral stenosis or previous episodes of thromboembolism. The mean transverse diameter of the left atrium in the 31 pts was 47 +/- 4.5 mm, without statistically significant differences between the 2 groups. Of the 11 pts in group B, 3 had a thrombus in the LAA, 6 dynamic spontaneous echo contrast and the remainder LAA velocities of less than 0.25 m/sec. ECV was achieved in all the pts, with no complications. Oral anticoagulation was maintained for at least a month. At one month, sinus rhythm was maintained in 75% of group A and 45% of group B (p < 0.01)., Conclusion: In pts with AF of more than 48 hours' duration and no previous history of thromboembolism, the use of our exclusion criteria during TEE enabled stratification of a low-risk population for immediate ECV, which was accomplished effectively and safely in 2/3 of the pts. This strategy is associated with early symptomatic improvement, and may contribute to maintenance of sinus rhythm after one month, which was significantly better than in the pts who had prolonged therapy with warfarin before ECV, despite the differences found in age and left ventricular function.
- Published
- 2004
31. Effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy on right ventricular function--evaluation with tissue Doppler echocardiography.
- Author
Santos JF, Caetano F, Parreira L, Madeira J, Cardoso P, Fonseca N, Segurado F, Soares LN, and Inês L
- Subjects
- Aged, Female, Humans, Male, Arrhythmias, Cardiac diagnostic imaging, Arrhythmias, Cardiac therapy, Cardiac Pacing, Artificial, Cardiomyopathy, Dilated diagnostic imaging, Cardiomyopathy, Dilated therapy, Defibrillators, Implantable, Echocardiography, Doppler, Ventricular Function, Right
- Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Ventricular resynchronization therapy improves cardiac function in patients (pts) with dilated cardiomyopathy and intraventricular conduction disturbances. The effects of ventricular resynchronization on right ventricular function have been poorly studied. Tricuspid annular motion can be studied with tissue Doppler echocardiography, which enables quantitative assessment of right ventricular function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of ventricular resynchronization on right ventricular function with pulsed tissue Doppler., Patients: We studied ten pts, eight male, mean age 65 +/- 10 years, with dilated cardiomyopathy, intraventricular conduction disturbances and heart failure, New York Heart Association functional class III or IV. Five pts had coronary artery disease and the others idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. All pts had an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator with ventricular resynchronization., Methods: Before and one month after device implantation right ventricular function was evaluated with pulsed wave tissue Doppler study of tricuspid annular motion. The maximum velocity of the S wave (MV-S), E wave (MV-E), and A wave (MV-A), E/A ratio, isovolumetric contraction time (IVCT) and ejection time (ET) were determined. Right ventricular size and left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) were measured. Functional class before and after implantation was assessed., Results: MV-S, MV-E and MV-A did not change significantly. The E/A ratio decreased significantly (p = 0.017). There were no differences in IVCT and ET, nor in right ventricular size before and after resynchronization. EF improved in all but one patient (p = 0.003). All pts had an improvement in functional class, except the one without increased EF., Conclusions: Ventricular resynchronization therapy does not appear to have a deleterious effect on right ventricular function in pts with dilated cardiomyopathy and intraventricular conduction disturbances. The main beneficial effect of this type of therapy appears to be improvement in left ventricular function.
- Published
- 2003
32. Tissue Doppler echocardiography for evaluation of patients with ventricular resynchronization therapy.
- Author
Santos JF, Caetano F, Parreira L, Madeira J, Cardoso P, Fonseca N, Segurado F, Soares LN, and Inês L
- Subjects
- Aged, Female, Humans, Male, Arrhythmias, Cardiac diagnostic imaging, Arrhythmias, Cardiac therapy, Cardiac Pacing, Artificial, Cardiomyopathy, Dilated diagnostic imaging, Cardiomyopathy, Dilated therapy, Defibrillators, Implantable, Echocardiography, Doppler, Ventricular Function, Left, Ventricular Remodeling
- Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Ventricular resynchronization therapy optimizes cardiac function and induces reverse remodeling of the left ventricle (LV) in patients (pts) with dilated cardiomyopathy and intraventricular conduction disturbances. Improvement of LV mechanical synchrony seems to be the predominant mechanism. There is a growing interest in objective quantification of desynchronization. This study aims to evaluate the effect of ventricular resynchronization therapy on LV remodeling and on LV desynchronization, assessed by tissue Doppler echocardiography., Patients: We studied ten pts, eight male, mean age 65 +/- 10 years, with dilated cardiomyopathy, intraventricular conduction disturbances and heart failure, New York Heart Association functional class III or IV. Five pts had coronary artery disease and the others idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. All pts had an implanted cardioverter, defibrillator with cardiac resynchronization therapy. The LV pacing electrode was placed in the lateral or posterolateral vein., Methods: Before and one month after resynchronization therapy the following parameters were measured with conventional Doppler echocardiography: LV end-diastolic (LVd) and end-systolic (LVs) size, ejection fraction (EF) and mitral regurgitation (MR) area. For diastolic function the maximum velocity of the E wave (MV-E) and A wave (MV-A), E/A ratio, LV filling time (LV-FT) and isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRT) were meadured. Mitral longitudinal motion was studied with pulsed tissue Doppler. Maximum velocity of the systolic S wave (MV-S) and isovolumetric contraction time (IVCT) were measured in the tissue Doppler curve of the septum and lateral, inferior and anterior walls. To evaluate the degree of desynchronization the RV index was calculated for each patient, based on the difference between the maximum and minimum IVCT, normalized for the maximum IVCT., Results: There was a significant reduction in LVd and MR. EF increased significantly (p = 0.003). There were no differences in diastolic function parameters. MV-S did not increase significantly. IVCT increased significantly at the lateral wall (p = 0.037). The RV index demonstrated a significant reduction in ventricular desynchronization (p = 0.001)., Conclusions: Ventricular resynchronization therapy induces reverse remodeling and improves LV function in selected pts. Improvement of mechanical LV synchrony seems to be the predominant mechanism. Ventricular desynchronization can be measured by tissue Doppler echocardiography.
- Published
- 2003
33. Non invasive hemodynamic monitorization for AV interval optimization in patients with ventricular resynchronization therapy.
- Author
Santos JF, Parreira L, Madeira J, Fonseca N, Soares LN, and Inês L
- Subjects
- Aged, Arrhythmias, Cardiac complications, Cardiography, Impedance, Cardiomyopathy, Dilated complications, Cardiomyopathy, Dilated diagnostic imaging, Echocardiography, Doppler, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Monitoring, Physiologic, Ventricular Dysfunction complications, Cardiomyopathy, Dilated physiopathology
- Abstract
Introduction and Objective: In patients (pts) with dilated cardiomyopathy and intraventricular conduction disturbances, resynchronization therapy improves cardiac function and functional capacity. Determination of the optimal AV interval is essential to optimize the therapy results and various methods have been used in daily practice to obtain such an interval. The aim of this work is to assess optimal AV determined by impedance cardiography and compare it to the interval previously obtained by transmitral flow Doppler echocardiography., Patients: Seven pts were evaluated, five men, mean age of 61 +/- 10 years, with dilated cardiomyopathy, intra-ventricular conduction disturbances and heart failure, New York Heart Association functional class III or IV. Four pts had ischemic cardiomyopathy and three idiopathic. All pts had an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator with cardiac resynchronization., Methods: The optimal AV delay was estimated by transmitral flow pulsed Doppler using the method previously described by Ritter. Subsequently, cardiac output (CO) was determined by impedance cardiography. CO was estimated for different AV delays, beginning with 80 ms until occurrence of fusion QRS. The optimal AV delay was defined as the value corresponding to the highest measured CO. The ideal AV interval was compared between the two methods used., Results: The AV delay determined by echocardiography varied between 120 and 170 ms (134 +/- 17 ms). The optimum AV delay based on CO estimation varied between 110 and 190 ms (137 +/- 26 ms). There was a correlation between the delays determined by the two methods (r = 0.844; p = 0.017)., Conclusions: In pts undergoing ventricular resynchronization therapy, AV delay optimization based on CO determined by impedance cardiography is comparable to that measured by transmitral flow pulsed Doppler. However, impedance cardiography seems a more objective and simpler technique.
- Published
- 2003
34. Aortic valve endocarditis after bacterial pneumonia.
- Author
Fonseca N, Santos J, Rodrigues S, Caetano F, Cardoso P, Segurado F, Bernardino L, Silvestre I, Fera M, Calquinha J, Martins AP, and Inês L
- Subjects
- Aged, Heart Valve Diseases etiology, Humans, Male, Pneumonia, Bacterial complications, Aortic Valve, Endocarditis, Bacterial diagnosis, Heart Valve Diseases diagnosis
- Published
- 2003
35. Cardiac papillary fibroelastoma of the mitral valve--case report.
- Author
Fonseca N, Santos J, Caetano F, Cardoso P, Segurado F, Bernardino L, Silvestre I, Rato Q, and Inês L
- Subjects
- Aged, Humans, Male, Mitral Valve, Ultrasonography, Heart Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Papilloma diagnostic imaging
- Published
- 2003
36. Hyperhomocysteinemia--case report.
- Author
Fonseca N, Vidal N, Santos J, Brito AP, Bernardino L, Silvestre I, and Inês L
- Subjects
- Adult, Cerebrovascular Disorders diagnosis, Exophthalmos diagnosis, Female, Homocysteine metabolism, Homocystinuria diagnosis, Humans, Intellectual Disability diagnosis, Hyperhomocysteinemia diagnosis
- Abstract
The authors present the case of a 25-year-old female patient, white, with mental retardation and proptosis, and a history of repeated cerebrovascular events. During investigation elevated levels of homocysteinemia and homocystinuria were demonstrated. The authors present a review of related literature.
- Published
- 2003
37. Combined percutaneous treatment for pulmonary valve stenosis and atrial septal defect in an adult patient.
- Author
Fonseca N, Anjos R, Teixeira A, Rossi R, Menezes I, Ferreira R, and Martins M
- Subjects
- Atherectomy methods, Catheterization methods, Female, Heart Septal Defects, Atrial diagnosis, Heart Septal Defects, Atrial physiopathology, Hemodynamics, Humans, Middle Aged, Pulmonary Valve Stenosis diagnosis, Pulmonary Valve Stenosis physiopathology, Heart Septal Defects, Atrial therapy, Pulmonary Valve Stenosis therapy
- Abstract
Pulmonary valve stenosis and atrial septal defect are common forms of congenital heart disease; however, their association is relatively rare. When the two conditions are present simultaneously, significant left-to-right shunt is often prevented by the outflow obstruction, which protects the pulmonary bed until adulthood. This work describes a case of simultaneous percutaneous treatment of both congenital malformations. Although these procedures have been applied in isolation as methods of treatment, this case demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of a combined percutaneous treatment.
- Published
- 2003
38. Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava--a very rare case report.
- Author
Fonseca N, Silvestre I, Bernardino L, Augusto F, Ferreira M, Nogueira A, Canada A, Ramos S, Martins AP, and Inês L
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Heart Neoplasms diagnosis, Leiomyosarcoma diagnosis, Neoplasms, Multiple Primary diagnosis, Vascular Neoplasms diagnosis, Vena Cava, Inferior
- Abstract
The authors present a case report of a patient with abdominal pain that began 6 months before hospital admission. Ambulatory abdominal echography and computed tomography (CT) revealed partial thrombosis of the inferior vena cava (IVC) with right atrial extension. During hospitalization, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed aspects suggesting a tumoral lesion of the right atrium, rather than a thrombus, with tumoral extension to the IVC. The echocardiogram showed images suggesting a right atrial tumor. Transesophageal echocardiography confirmed the diagnosis. During surgery, an IVC tumor was found invading the right atrium, which histopathology confirmed as a leiomyosarcoma. The authors present this case because this type of tumor is rare (21 cases worldwide at this anatomic site), it is difficult to diagnose, and its management has not been adequately described. The authors review the literature relevant to this case.
- Published
- 2002
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