
Showing total 81 results
81 results

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1. Research which investigated Financial Education in the latest editions of ENEM, CIBEM and SIPEM (2021/2022)

2. Reflections of future Mathematics teachers on Financial Education: perspectives for Basic Education

3. Privilege, power and performativity: the ethics of mathematics in society and education

4. Learning difficulties in Mathematics: some reflections

5. An approach to the design of mathematical task sequences: Conceptual learning as abstraction

6. Caracterización del significado de múltiplo por maestros en formación

7. Las Prácticas de Justificación en el Aula de Matemáticas (Justification Practices in the Mathematics Classroom)

8. Neoliberal Mathematics Education Research in the Service of Big Capital

9. Neoliberal Mathematics Education Research in the Service of Big Capital

10. Reflections by Elementary School teachers on a formative process in Statistics

11. The production of texts in Mathematical Modeling speeches: possibilities and implications for pedagogical practices and teacher training

12. Proximities and convergences between Mathematical Modeling and STEAM

13. Exploring Statistical concepts in Elementary Education through fishing: a proposal for Countryside Education

14. A study on the professional identity of future Mathematics teachers in Supervised Curricular Internship

15. What is the maximum area of a house? A problem from the perspective of technology-oriented problem solving

16. Mathematical Modeling in the sociocritical perspective: environment for dialogical communication

17. Mathematical Modeling in Mathematics Educationand Continuing Teacher Education: paths to professional development

18. Grammar of Mathematics and its uses

19. Mathematics teacher's specialised knowledge of prospective primary teachers: An explorative study

20. Problem based learning for the teaching of probability in high school and categorization of errors presented by students

21. Difficulties in the teaching and learning process of Differential and Integral Calculus

22. Contributions from Theory of Semiotics Representation Registers to the function chapter analysis of a textbook

23. Mathematics teaching for deaf: mapping research on problem solving

24. Using an interdisciplinary approach to the teaching of solid geometry in a professional development course for preschool and primary school teachers

25. Complex Argumentation in Elementary School

26. Discursive networks: animals, countryside, scholar Mathematics and methodological contributions to network analysis

27. A study on the changes on teachers’ knowledge and beliefs after a workshop based on mathematics education software, by relying on fuzzy method

28. Figure and its influence on problem solving strategies for a flat Geometry problem

29. Numerical thinking: evolution of the cardinal number in Early Childhood Education

30. Multimodality and the Semiotic Bundle Lens: A Constructive Resonance with the Theory of Objectification

31. Mathematical objectivity and relativism in Mathematics Education

32. The evasion in Engineering courses and their relationship with Mathematics: an analysis from COBENGE

33. Teacher education for the inclusion of students with visual impairments in Mathematics classes: analysis of an extension course

34. Analysis of the underlying cognitive activity in the resolution of a task on derivability of the the absolute-value function: two theoretical perspectives

35. Um Passeio pelo Labirinto da Lógica Matemática em companhia de Malba Tahan




39. Different possibilities to learn from the same task (Diferentes posibilidades para aprender con una misma tarea)

40. Using crises, feedback, and fading for online task design (Uso de crisis, realimentación y desvanecimiento para el diseño de tareas en línea)

41. Conocimiento del profesor en la interpretación de errores de los alumnos en álgebra (Teacher’s knowledge in the interpretation of student’s errors on algebra)

42. Hybrid tasks: Promoting statistical thinking and critical thinking through the same mathematical activities (Tareas híbridas: promover el pensamiento estadístico y el pensamiento crítico por medio de las mismas actividades matemáticas)

43. Exploring young students creativity: The effect of model eliciting activities (Exploración de la creatividad de jóvenes estudiantes: el efecto de actividades que suscitan modelos)

44. Deficiencias en el trazado de gráficas de funciones en estudiantes de bachillerato (Deficiencies of high school students in plotting graphs of functions)

45. Actitudes de estudiantes de ingeniería de nuevo ingreso hacia el uso de la tecnología en matemáticas (Undergraduate engineering students’ attitudes towards using technology)

46. The Experience of Security in Mathematics (La experiencia de la seguridad en matemáticas)

47. Designing Professional Learning Tasks for Mathematics Learning Trajectories (Diseño de tareas de aprendizaje profesional para trayectorias de aprendizaje de matemáticas)

48. Reasoning by Contradiction in Dynamic Geometry (Razonamiento por contradicción en geometría dinámica)

49. Exploring Young Students' Functional Thinking (Exploración del pensamiento funcional de estudiantes jóvenes)

50. Teacher Knowledge and Classroom Practice: Examining the Connection (Conocimiento del profesor y práctica en el aula: estudio de su conexión)