20 results on '"Young generation"'
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2. Globalne i lokalne scenariusze dla edukacji ze zmianą społeczną w tle
- Author
Anna Pogorzelska
- Subjects
social change ,school ,young generation ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
The changes that affect almost all areas of modern man's life mean that he is faced with challenges that no one has experienced before. Hence, great hopes are placed on education and its institutions, where young generations will be prepared for changes in the future. Unfortunately, as stated by a large group of educational experts, the Polish school remains in the old pattern of functioning and does not meet the needs of young generations. Therefore, the necessary and urgent task of Polish education is to search for new educational models in which the student will not only be able to use their creative potential and their strengths, but also overcome their own limitations and weaknesses. The educational scenarios presented in the text were inspired by the following reports: OECD Schooling Scenarios in Brief 2007; Poland 2030, 2009; Education of the Future, 2020, et al.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Konkel, Wanesa
- Abstract
Copyright of Zeszyty Studenckie Wydzialu Ekonomicznego Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego "Nasze Studia" is the property of Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
4. Status and Role of the Young Generation in the Social and Political Space of Georgia
- Author
Katarzyna Skiert-Andrzejuk
- Subjects
status ,role ,young georgians ,young generation ,georgia ,democracy ,democratization ,georgian society ,Political science (General) ,JA1-92 - Abstract
The aim of the paper is to examine the status and role of the young generation in the social and political space of Georgia. The paper states that the young generation of Georgians does not enjoy high social status, even though the young can and probably will constitute the future elite of Georgian society. To analyze this research problem, I have used a number of research methods based partly on secondary sources. Three main research methods have been used in the study-desk research method, comparison, and the statistical method based on secondary data that have been extracted from the Caucasus Research Resource Center (CRRC) database. The paper is a snapshot of studies on the theory of notions of “status” and “role”, and it presents the work of Polish scholars. Moreover, the paper opens the door to further research on the young and democracy in Georgia. The studied issue is essential for analyzing the perception of democracy and democratization among the generations in Georgia. The paper is part of a series of articles on the opinion of the young generation of Georgians about democracy and democratization.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Szafraniec, Krystyna and Grygieńć, Janusz
- Abstract
Copyright of Studia Socjologiczne is the property of Studia Socjologiczne and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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Copyright of Annals of Theology / Roczniki Teologiczne is the property of Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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7. Wiedza o zachowaniach młodego pokolenia jako podstawa działań w zakresie kształtowania marki osobistej.
- Author
Grzesiak, Mateusz
- Abstract
Copyright of Handel Wewnêtrzny is the property of Institute for Market, Consumption & Business Cycles Research and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
8. The opinion of mortgage loans denominated in a foreign currency by the young generation in Poland
- Author
Bartosz Buta and Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Finansów
- Subjects
mortgagors ,waluty obce ,students ,kredyt hipoteczny ,mortgages ,young generation ,opinion ,kredytobiorcy ,kredyt ,studenci ,opinia ,point of view ,loans - Abstract
The purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to show a point of view of young potential mortgagors on the topic of mortgage loans denominated in a foreign currency.Methodology: Analysis of data gathered by questionnaire entitled “The opinion of mortgage loans denominated in a foreign currency by the young generation in Poland” containing both closed-ended and open-ended questions. The research was conducted using CAWI method on 327 respondents. The selection of the sample was random.Results of the research: The analysis of data provided by questionnaire revealed that young generation fears loans inter alia those denominated in foreign currency. Fear of the loans is caused by bad experiences their relatives and lack of knowledge respondents themselves, who more than once showed poor familiarity in terms of loans and repayment terms. Although they would not like to take any loan, they are still aware of its benefits and do not deny possible necessity of taking mortgage loan. Preventive measures are rather ineffective with no sight of improving. It is necessary to mend a level of awareness especially concerning credit risk and interest rate risk which was revealed based on experience related to the KNF and UOKiK campaigns. Cel artykułu: Celem artykułu jest ocena opinii młodego pokolenia na temat kredytów hipotecznych wyrażonych w walucie obcej.Metodyka: Analiza przeprowadzona została na podstawie danych zebranych za pomocą badania naukowego w formie ankiety o tytule „Postrzeganie kredytów hipotecznych wyrażonych w walucie obcej przez młode pokolenie w Polsce” zawierającej pytania zamknięte i otwarte. Badanie przeprowadzono na losowej próbie 327 obiektów za pomocą metody CAWI.Wyniki/Rezultaty badania: Analiza wyników badania wykazała, że młode osoby charakteryzują się awersją do kredytów wszelkiego typu, między innymi kredytów wyrażonych w walucie obcej. Strach przed tymi produktami w dużej mierze bierze się ze złych doświadczeń osób bliskich oraz niewiedzy samych ankietowanych, którzy niejednokrotnie wykazywali się słabą znajomością kredytów oraz warunków spłacania tego zobowiązania. Pomimo złego nastawiania bardzo wiele osób nadal planuje i zamierza zaciągnąć kredyt oraz dostrzega ich zalety. Brak wiedzy na temat kredytów oraz nieefektywne sposoby uzupełnienia jej mogą skutkować niespłacaniem zobowiązania. Konieczna jest poprawa efektywności programów informacyjnych instytucji publicznych związanych z ryzykiem umów kredytowych dla klienta, co wykazano na bazie doświadczeń związanych z kampanią KNF i UOKiK dotyczącą ryzyka stopy procentowej.
- Published
- 2022
9. Postrzeganie zjawiska wykluczenia finansowego przez młode pokolenie Polaków
- Author
Mirosław Sołtysiak
- Subjects
financial exclusion ,perception ,young generation ,Marketing. Distribution of products ,HF5410-5417.5 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
The issue of financial exclusion has been the topic of scientific research for decades now. Each and every individual may become excluded with respect to an array of criteria, such as for instance educational background, income level, financial status, nationality or even a way of living. This means they are not allowed to perform certain social activities, even though they are both able and willing to undertake them. This unfavourable condition is usually caused by other people's reluctance. The article addresses the issues of the perception of financial exclusion among young Poles by providing a survey 's outcome. Firstly, the awareness of financial exclusion problem among young people is presented. Secondly, the causes of the phenomenon are elaborated on, as well as types of individuals potentially endangered of such exclusion. Finally, the outcome of research is provided in terms of the evaluation of the phenomenon's range and identification of people in charge of counteracting it.
- Published
- 2017
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10. Social development of social country area versus economic education of young generation
- Author
Grażyna Krzyminiewska
- Subjects
social development ,rural areas ,young generation ,education of economic ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Agricultural industries ,HD9000-9495 - Abstract
The article addresses the connection between social development of rural areas and investment in human capital of the young generation. An important role is attributed to economic education, which would allow for more efficient movement of not only individuals but also communities in the modern world. The theses the article points out that despite the steady increase of human capital in rural areas, it still differs significantly from the one that characterises the inhabitants of large cities in particular. Despite the passing years disparities endure, even among the younger generation, which may adversely affect the further possibilities of social development in rural areas. Therefore, greater importance should be assigned to economic education in the process of formal, as well as informal training.
- Published
- 2012
11. On legal education of the young generation in the context of the philosophy of law of Leon Petrażycki
- Author
Łopatkiewicz, Agata
- Subjects
edukacja prawna ,pedagogika prawa ,young generation ,legal education ,młode pokolenie ,philosophy of law ,pedagogy of law ,filozofia prawa ,Leon Petrażycki - Published
- 2022
- Author
Sołdra‑gwiżdż, Teresa
- Subjects
FLASHBACKS (Memory) - Abstract
The article contains considerations over the formation of family‑based remembrance of the past (post‑memory) among the young generation of Kresowiacy (Poles displaced from the Former Eastern Lands belonging to Poland before WW2) living now in Opole in Silesia - a unique region of Poland. Results of empirical research indicate that the family‑related post‑memory (inherited memory), in the young generation of the displaced is not a linear string, whose endpoint is the presence. It is random and fragmentary, with different time contexts, in which there has followed a clear mix‑up of orders covering different dimensions of historical and family events. It is rather that personalistic and historical events most frequently occur as the background of the narration. Young people are most often occasional listeners rather than active researchers of the family past, in particular those traumas that until today have raised anxiety, liberated strong emotions and reminded of the “lost Arcadia”. The everyday life does not favour this type of reflection, and experienced social situations enforce participation in the Silesian regional culture. Such a shape of post‑memory is a result of a series of social processes connected with assimilative and adaptive activities aimed at forming a group of the so‑called “new autochthons”, which were undertaken by the socialist authorities. One can perceive also a hidden and unintended function of these returns to the past, which manifests itself as a wish to maintain group identity in the future through recreating and evoking traumas of the past, that is constructing the “expelled memory”. Nevertheless, the young generation of the displaced in Opole region only to a little extent are becoming its participants and receivers. The heritage of the Former Eastern Lands of Poland, remembrance of the traumas of the past make rather partially forgotten or being forgotten group luggage of the past than an element of group pride. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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13. Posługa Kościoła wobec młodzieży na przykładzie diecezji opolskiej
- Subjects
Diocese of Opole ,World Youth Day ,young generation ,priest ,Youth ministry ,Światowe Dni Młodzieży ,Duszpasterstwo młodzieży ,młode pokolenie ,animator ,duszpasterz ,diecezja opolska - Abstract
Synod Biskupów dotyczący duszpasterstwa młodzieży, który odbył się w 2018 roku, zauważa, iż posługa pastoralna prowadzona wśród ludzi młodych powinna odbywać się przede wszystkim na poziomie parafii w ramach duszpasterstwa zwyczajnego. Jednak działalność zbawcza Kościoła wśród młodzieży wymaga także obecności elementów duszpasterstwa nadzwyczajnego, co ma dokonywać się poprzez odpowiednie przygotowanie samego duszpasterza i pomagających mu animatorów. Takie działanie może przyczynić się do efektywności prowadzonych działań pastoralnych. Niewątpliwie konieczne wydają się również: wizja, strategia prowadzenia duszpasterstwa na szczeblu diecezji, dekanatu i parafii, a także znajomość kondycji duchowej młodego człowieka, jego trudności oraz środowiska życia. Duszpasterstwo młodzieży diecezji opolskiej stara się na te wyzwania odpowiedzieć i poprzez różnego rodzaju inicjatywy oraz chrześcijańską formację stałą pomaga młodym i towarzyszy im w spotkaniu z osobą Jezusa Chrystusa., The Synod of the Bishops concerning youth ministry, which took place in 2018, points out that pastoral ministry conducted among young people should take place primarily on the parish level as part of the ordinary ministry. However, salutary activity of the Church among youth requires also the presence of extraordinary, categorical ministry elements, which should happen through proper preparation of the priest himself and the animators that are helping him. Such activity can contribute to effectiveness of conducted pastoral actions. Without doubts it seems that the vision and strategy of ministry conducting on the level of diocese, deanery and parish, as well as the knowledge of spiritual condition of young people, their difficulties and living environment are necessary. The youth ministry in the Diocese of Opole is trying to answer to this challenges and through various types of initiatives and Christian constant formation desires to help the young people and accompany them to the meeting with the person of Jesus Christ.
- Published
- 2019
14. Polish of young intelligentsia on the example of popular science texts
- Author
Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa
- Subjects
komunikowanie naukowe ,Language change ,young generation ,zmiany językowe ,language change ,Sociology ,norma językowa ,młode pokolenie ,Linguistic prescription ,science communication ,linguistic prescription ,Linguistics - Abstract
The article refers to the concept of intelligentsia as a social group which exerts significant influence on Polish standard patterns. Although the term intelligentsia is vague and questionable, it is well-established term in Polish linguistics, especially in sociolinguistics. Author argues that science communicators (young professional researchers, science journalists, PhD students) represent the young intelligentsia, because these well-educated people pursue their intellectual development and they have sense of public duty. The article examines standard of popular science texts in Internet, new tendencies in written Polish and attitude of young intelligentsia toward traditional linguistic norm. The errors (esp. punctuation and syntax) exemplify impact of technological changes and phenomenon of secondary orality. It would be useful for science communicators to edit carefully their texts. Both researchers and journalists need to improve their writing skills permanently. Nevertheless it must be emphasized that school education and competent teachers seem to have important influence on the linguistic patterns.
- Published
- 2019
15. Emerging adulthood and prosocial behavior (social action) – theoretical and empirical determinants of life attitudes of the young generation
- Author
Wysocka, Ewa
- Subjects
youth ,young generation ,młodość ,wschodząca dorosłość ,emerging adulthood ,osobowość ponowoczesna ,postmodern personality ,attitudes of life ,postawy życiowe ,młode pokolenie ,attachment styles ,style przywiązania - Abstract
This paper aims to analyze the phenomena determining the way a young generation functions in the contemporary world. The present author focuses predominantly on the environment shaped by transformational cultural changes and global crisis phenomena (which is determined by characteristic features of the post-modernity phenomenon). The author makes an attempt at presenting the contemporary world in which a young generation lives, the worldviewed as the trigger for changes in the functioning of young people. From this perspective the basic factors determining the developmental problems and threats to the social functioning of young generation have been presented. The characteristics of the young generation focused on to two basic assumptions regarding: (1) forming/ development of postmodern personality and a new phase of development which is emerging adulthood and (2) failure of pro-social attitudes in human relations. The problems that young people face are analyzed in developmental and social contexts (a doubly inhospitable world). The analysis of the research results confirmed the connection between postmodern personality traits (emerging adulthood in terms of J.J. Arnett) and attitudes of life – attachment styles among young people (in terms of E. Berne, K. Bartholomew and L. M. Horowitz). W artykule dokonano próby analizy zjawisk determinujących sposób funkcjonowania młodego pokolenia we współczesnym świecie. W charakterystyce uwzględniono głównie warunki wyznaczone przez transformację kulturową i stanowiące wynik zjawisk kryzysowych o globalnym zasięgu (co wyznaczane jest cechami charakterystycznymi dla fenomenu ponowoczesności). Autorka dokonuje zatem próby pokazania współczesnego świata młodego pokolenia jako „generatora” zmian w funkcjonowaniu młodzieży. W tej perspektywie przedstawione zostały podstawowe czynniki determinujące problemy rozwojowe i zagrożenia dla społecznego funkcjonowania młodego pokolenia. Charakterystyka młodego pokolenia dokonana została z uwzględnieniem dwóch podstawowych założeń, dotyczących: (1) kształtowania się osobowości ponowoczesnej oraz nowej fazy rozwojowej jaką jest wschodząca dorosłość oraz (2) zaniku nastawień prospołecznych w relacjach międzyludzkich. Problemy życiowe doświadczane przez młodzież analizowane są w dwóch kontekstach: rozwojowym i społecznym (podwójna niegościnność świata). Analiza wyników badań wykazała związek między cechami osobowości ponowoczesnej (wschodzącej dorosłości w ujęciu J.J. Arnetta) a postawami życiowymi – stylami przywiązania (w ujęciu E. Berne, K. Bartholomew i L.M. Horowitza).
- Published
- 2018
16. Family in experience of young people in secondary school in the context of transformations of the contemporary family – theoretical reflection and empirical exemplifications
- Author
Ostafińska-Molik, Barbara and Wysocka, Ewa
- Subjects
family system ,family ,young generation ,dysfunkcjonalność rodziny ,types of a family ,młode pokolenie ,rodzina ,typy rodziny ,system rodzinny ,dysfunction of families - Abstract
The authors present the analysis of the structure of the family environment as the primary agent of socialization- education in theoretical and empirical terms. They describe its significance for the development of the younger generation, showing basic mechanisms (social, cultural and psychological) that determine its functions. The analysis of the family is carried out from the systemic perspective. The results of research conducted among secondary school youth on the perception of the family of origin are presented – features and behaviors of parents attributed to them by young people. The analysis showed the dominance of normal family structure and the family types indicating its dysfunctionality include: overprotective family, family of power, entangled and chaotic family. There was also a discrepancy between the different types of families: mothers significantly more frequently exhibit features characteristic for the proper and overprotective family; fathers – for a chaotic family. Autorki dokonują analizy struktury środowiska rodzinnego jako podstawowej agendy socjalizująco-wychowawczej, w ujęciu teoretycznym i empirycznym. Przedstawiają jej znaczenie dla rozwoju młodego pokolenia, wskazując na podstawowe mechanizmy (społeczno-kulturowe i psychologiczne) decydujące o jej funkcjach. Analiza rodziny dokonywana jest z perspektywy systemowej. Przedstawiają wyniki badań prowadzone wśród młodzieży gimnazjalnej, dotyczące percepcji rodziny pochodzenia – przypisywanych przez młodzież cechach i zachowaniach rodziców. Analiza wykazała dominację prawidłowej struktury rodzinnej, zaś dominujące typy rodziny wskazujące na jej dysfunkcjonalność to kolejno: rodzina nadopiekuńcza, władzy, uwikłana i chaotyczna. Stwierdzono także rozbieżność w zakresie poszczególnych typów rodzin: matki istotnie częściej przejawiają cechy właściwe dla rodziny prawidłowej i nadopiekuńczej; ojcowie – rodziny chaotycznej.
- Published
- 2016
17. Jakość życia młodego pokolenia w kulturze imagologicznej : refleksja pedagoga
- Author
Ewa Wysocka
- Subjects
youth ,social and ideological support ,postmodernity ,quality of life ,young generation ,abandoned generation ,new media - Abstract
The article conveys a theoretical reflection on the functioning of the young generation in the visual, imagological culture based on the media with a dominant visual code. The author presents issues pertaining to the specificity of the new media (using mainly iconic code), characterizes the image culture and introduces its new recipients. Then, she indicates the main sources and mechanisms of the image culture, and its consequences for the new generation’s development. The article closes with an attempt at describing a theoretical model of how to support the young generations’s development, which would be adequate for the qualities (features) of the image culture. It refers to Henry A. Giroux’s thesis about the abandoned geneartion, Kazimierz Obuchowski’s concept of the author’s personality, Józef Kozielecki’s idea of transgression and M.E.P. Seligman’s conception of positive psychology.
- Published
- 2015
18. Jakość życia jako kategoria pedagogiczna - doświadczanie życia przez młode pokolenie w perspektywie teoretycznej
- Author
Wysocka, Ewa
- Subjects
youth ,quality of life ,young generation ,theory of education ,experiencing life ,theoretical perspective - Abstract
This paper attempts to present a theoretical analysis of the quality of life of young people as viewed from psycho-pedagogical and social perspectives. The present author outlines the mainstream approaches to quality of life, which include subjective, objective, normative, axio-affective, as well as holistic perspectives; and recognizes a considerable need for an interdisciplinary investigation into the aforementioned concept in pedagogy. In the study, the author emphasizes the fact that quality of life should be examined in terms of its level, indicators as well as determinants. She also demonstrates that research regarding the concept of life quality plays a significant role in the field of pedagogy. The current author emphasizes significant developmental and educational functions of life quality, pointing to the fact that it has been identified as a major factor affecting an individual’s perception and vision of life, as well as a motivating force that encourages the person to accomplish his or her objectives. Furthermore, in her study, the author demonstrates a variety of approaches to life quality applied in different branches of pedagogy, and suggests that integrated research should be undertaken to investigate the aforementioned concept, which would facilitate the process of developing theories of young generation education.
- Published
- 2014
19. Jakość życia jako kategoria pedagogiczna, psychologiczna i socjologiczna - doświadczanie życia przez młode pokolenie w perspektywie empirycznej
- Author
Wysocka, Ewa
- Subjects
youth ,quality of life ,young generation ,emerging adulthood ,experiencing life ,empirical studies ,adolescence ,sociological perspective ,psychological perspective ,educational perspective - Abstract
This paper provides an overview of an empirical study aimed at examining the phenomenon of experiencing life by a young generation from the psychological, sociological and pedagogical perspectives. The main variables investigated in the study included the level of experienced quality of life, indicators and determinants of life quality. Moreover, the present author made an attempt at assessing life quality from a developmental perspective, and conducted a comparative analysis of the differences between post-primary school youth (adolescents) and tertiary level students (emerging adults) in terms of experiencing quality of life.
- Published
- 2014
20. Wschodząca dorosłość a tożsamość młodego pokolenia - współczesne zagrożenia dla kształtowania tożsamości : analiza teoretyczna i empiryczne egzemplifikacje
- Author
Wysocka, Ewa
- Subjects
young generation ,emerging adulthood ,post-modernism ,identity - Abstract
Emerging adulthood is a phenomenon constituting the correlate of post-modernity and changes on the labour market, which affect particularly a young generation. It is a new phase in life, including the age of 18 to 25-30, the essence of which is experimenting with roles in life – in regard of family, love, work and changeability of worldview. The article constitutes an exemplification of threats which are caused by emerging adulthood to the development of the identity of a young generation. In the theoretical part of it, the article includes the characteristics of the phenomenon, and an attempt to indicate the factors which determine them. In the empirical part, it refers to developmental disorders of the identity, which are very characteristic for this phase of human life.
- Published
- 2013
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