Duty of modern, democratic country is taking care of every human being and of community. The basic unit of community is marriage between man and woman based on love and understanding. This ingredients are very important for proper develop of a child. Family in present times is under the infl uence of huge political, social and cultural changes. Consequences of this changes can be positive or negative. From one side, people have more personal freedom and more opportunities to develop higher quality of their marriage. People pay more attention to dignity of a women and responsibility of parenthood. From the other hand there is a factor of demotion of some basic values of family. In some cases a social permission to deviant relationships, abortion and rights to deprive child from their parents exists. Lots of politics, wanting to solve family problems, try to focus on wisdom of Catholic Church. This is a reason for a closer look on a family and its rights in a light of doctrine of Catholicism. All of the analysis contained in this article concern two fi elds: fi rst includes the notion of "doctrine", second includes analysis of documents, witch says about family rights to bringing up: Leon XIII’s encyclicals Arcanum divinae sapientiae from 1880 AD, Nobilissima Gallorum Gens from 1884 AD, Officio Sanctissimo from 1887 AD, Militantis Ecclesiae from 1897 AD, Pius XI’s encyclicals Divini illius Magistri from 1929 AD, The Second Vatican Council, Vatican II, Familiaris Consortio from 1981 AD, The family’s rights charter, Letters to families.