Ghoroghi, Ahmad, Motalebi, Abbas Ali, Sharif Rohani, Mostafa, Abdi, Kazem, Sadrian, Mansur, Sheikh, Ghafur, Mehrabi, Mohammad Reza, Moradi, Y., and Vahabnezhad, Arezoo
The Regulatory Roadmap for Health and safety of fishery products is a strategy to produce a sustainable regulatory future that meets the objectives of protecting the Iranian public from the sale and advertising of unsafe fisheries health products, and supporting the safest consumption of fish and use of health fishery products. fishery The Roadmap provides the vision to transform nearly a dozen current frameworks for fish and health that are of various ages and regulatory approaches into an efficient, transparent, and aligned regulatory products health fisheriessystem that contributes directly to the safety of I ranian’s and the benefits they gain from fish and ll also be cognizant of the previous work accomplished by the Department, which As a strategy, it wi products. -health product or fish over its full life fisheriesrecognized that there is a progression in the knowl edge about a sociated with the benefits and harms of a product cycle. This increase in knowledge reduces the uncer tainty as As a consequence, it is logical to regulate in a and can lead to improved health outcomes for Irania n’s people. cycle.-manner that reflects the full life meaningful - re than ever, want transparency The Roadmap also acknowledges that Iranians, now mo Key to promoting meaningful transparency (beyond just access to information online) is taking transparency. providing leadership, being honest, taking action to engage s takeholders and the public, showcasing sources, and The ability of the regulator to gain and disseminate packaged) information.-good (not only new or pre information will be complemented by the obligations placed on regulated parties. With this vision and guiding principles, the National roadmap for health and safety of fishery products lays out the way to move from the old frameworks to the new regulatory system. This will require the sequencing of a number of amending initiatives, some staged in the near future and others implemented in the longer term. While aiming for the eventual comprehensive amendment of all regulatory frameworks for food and health products under the Food and Drugs Act, early emphasis will be placed upon amendments that will deliver: • The clearest value to Iranian’s and the health care and food safety systems. • The greatest efficiency by cutting through unsustainable administrative requirements or approaches and replacing them with ones drawing upon international partnering, best practices and new technological advantages to contribute directly to the safety of food and health products. Building upon these early initiatives, the resetting of the frameworks will be accomplished through a series of more comprehensive amendments over the next years. The benefit to those in the National roadmap for health and safety of fishery products is to have: • operational sustainability; • international alignment; and • the enabling of innovation and excellence in science to improve health outcomes. The National roadmap for health and safety of fishery products is structured into three parts: Where we are: provides an understanding of the existing regulatory frameworks (for fish and fisheries health products, including pharmaceuticals, natural fish health products, biologics, veterinary drugs, industrial devices) that are to be transformed. Where we are going: provides the objectives and an outline of the new regulatory system for implementation. How we will get there: guides discussion on the planning and sequencing of amendments over the next years, both short and long term, to best achieve modernization for the National roadmap for health and safety of fishery products. Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute Published