1. Проучване на жизнения цикъл на южната зелена миризливка (Nezara viridula L.) при полски условия.
- Author
Христозова, Мария and Харизанова, Аделина
- Abstract
The Southern Green Stink Bug (Nezara viridula L.) is a serious pest on tomatoes and other vegetable crops in Bulgaria. The lifecycle parameters of the insect were studied in 2020 at field conditions. The results showed that the embryonic development was completed in 7.57±2.17 days; the 1st nymphal instar – in 4.17±1.47; the 2nd – in 6.66±3.42; the 3rd – in 5.94±2.37; the 4th – 6.99±5.20, and the 5th – 12.38±3.77 days. Under field conditions in isolators, the lifespan of first- generation adults of the southern green stink bug in both sexes varies widely, with a maximum of 149 days for females and 151 days for males. The average lifespan for females is 93.74 days and for males 89.51 days. The preoviposition period of the southern green stink bug lasts an average of 25±1.41 days. Under the climatic conditions in the region of the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, N. viridula develops 2 generations per year. The duration of the lifecycle was 45.69 days for the first generation and 35.43 days for the second generation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024