Visuomenėje plačiai paplitusias vertybes bei normas puikiai reprezentuoja aplinka, kurioje mes gyvename. Šiuolaikiniam jaunimui labai didelę įtaką daro spauda, televizija. Virtualiai aplinkai būdingas vienas iš pavojų – netinkamas, nesaugus jaunų žmonių bendravimas. Apskritai bendravimas yra neatsiejama lytiškumo dalis. Paauglių lytiškumui virtualioje aplinkoje ugdyti galima pasitelkti specialias priemones. Nors technologijos savaime lytiškumo neugdo, tačiau priemonės, kurios leidžia slėpti arba keisti netinkamus žodžius, gali būti pritaikomos įvairiuose kursuose ar tiesiog virtualiose mokymosi aplinkose. Darbe yra aprašytos lytiškumo ugdymo galimybės virtualiose mokymosi aplinkose, realizuojamose mokymosi valdymo sistema Moodle., Everyone of us differs one from another in one’s sexuality. However, the wrong perception of the sexuality often can be found as endangering. The studies of subject of the sexuality are quite seldom. Parents and teachers tend to undervalue the significance of the sexuality education and are negligent of it. It is very important to educate the sexuality, especially during the teen years. Therefore, this really dramatic period is analyzed in this work. Virtual environment is likely the main environment where young people communicate discussing the topic of sexuality. The teenagers’ inappropriate communication in that environment makes strong influence on the communication among them in the real life environment. Accordingly, teenagers’ communication in virtual environment is the subject of this work as well. The empirical research helped to reach a goal of this work. This research revealed how teenagers perceive the sexuality. It was found out that this perception is often influenced mostly by contemporaries, television and internet. Therefore, wise and mature sexuality education in the virtual environment is essential. There may be useful specific means to help educate the teenagers’ sexuality in the virtual environment. Although technologies do not educate the sexuality by themselves, however, the means hiding or changing inappropriate words may be applied in various courses or simply virtual learning environments. This work describes of the sexuality education opportunities in the virtual learning environments which are realized by a learning control system Moodle and by employing a specific means, i.e., word censor.