1. Development of a highly precise test facility for measuring thermal stabilities of satellite structures
- Author
Kamiya, Tomohiro and Shimizu, Ryuzo
- Subjects
fixture base ,environmental room ,displacement measuring system ,test facility ,satellite structures ,thermal stability - Abstract
将来の人工衛星に求められる高度な観測性能を実現するためには、熱的な寸法安定性に優れた構造体が必要不可欠である。その構造体は予測される軌道上での熱環境の変動に対して高い安定性を有するように設計されており、その安定性は打ち上げ前の地上試験において徹底的に検証される必要がある。そのため、初期の設計解析段階における材料物性の正確性の向上に加えてシステムレベルの実構造体の安定性を検証する技術の向上が必要である。実構造体を用いてシステムレベルでの熱構造特性の実測による正確な評価を実施するために、JAXAでは試験検証技術の開発を進めておりその最初の段階として中型規模の評価設備を試験的に構築した。本稿では、その設備の重要な要素である恒温恒湿・防音防振クリーンルームとゼロ膨張セラミックスを用いた低熱膨張除振台とレーザ干渉変位計による高精度変位測定系の開発について記載する。性能確認試験の結果、試験室内の温湿度の安定度が0.14 度C、1.0 %RH以下、低熱膨張定盤の熱膨張係数が0 ± 0.02 ppm/K、測定系の変位測定精度が0.04 μm以下であることを確認した。, Thermally stable structures are essential components to realize advanced quality of observation for future satellite missions. Their structures should be designed to be stable against the predicted thermal disturbances on orbit and their stabilities should be verified completely through ground tests before launch. Previous research and development activities have highlighted the importance of system level verification technologies in addition to accurate evaluation of material properties used as the design parameters. The development of a test facility is currently in progress at JAXA with the aim of verification of the mechanical design accuracy by measuring actual amount of thermal deformation of satellite structures precisely under highly stable environments. A middle-sized test facility has been developed as a first step to overcoming a range of technical challenges. This report summarizes the development of the key equipment for the test facility, i.e. a highly stable temperature and humidity controlled environmental room, a low thermal expansion optical breadboard with pneumatic isolators and a highly precise displacement measuring system using the next generation laser interferometers. As a result, we obtained core testing technologies such as the stable measurement environment (fluctuation less than 0.14 C and 1.0 %RH in air condition), the thermally stable fixture base with vibration isolation mechanisms (CTE = 0 +/- 0.02 ppm/K at room temperature) and the precise displacement measurement system (accuracy less than 0.04 μm)., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1630040000, レポート番号: JAXA-RM-16-004
- Published
- 2017