1. Analysis of Uncertainty about Trade Partners in Bartering with Neighbors for Food Ingredients
- Subjects
食材 ,food ,reassurance ,barter exchange ,安心感 ,anxiety ,物々交換 ,不安感 - Abstract
我々は,食材の物々交換による近隣住民同士の関係形成を目指している.本研究では,食材の物々交換における他者の食材に対する不安の原因を「相手に関する不確実性」と「食材に関する不確実性」に分類した.我々は「交換相手に関する不確実性がなければ,食材に関する不確実性を考慮する必要がない」という仮説をおいた.近隣住民同士の食材の物々交換を支援する提案システムを利用し,実際に食材の物々交換を行った.その仮説を検証するため,交換相手の食材に対しての安心感・不安感を調査した.具体的には,「目的1:信頼が交換相手の食材に対する安心感に与える影響」と「目的2:提案手法が交換相手の食材に対する安心感に与える影響」を明らかにする実験を行った.目的1の結果は,信頼により相手の提供食材に対して安心を感じていることが分かった.目的2は,「賞味期限が近い」という提供意図があるときは,安心を感じていることが分かった.一方,相手に対する信頼を維持したまま,食材の物々交換を継続していくためには,食材に関する不確実性も考慮する必要があることが分かった. : In this paper, we propose a supporting system for bartering with neighbors for food ingredients. We consider that it is important to alleviate anxiety about bartering with neighbors for food ingredients in order to promote the bartering. The system offers intent of bartering to trade partners using intent awareness. We classify some factors of the anxiety into two types of uncertainty. One is uncertainty about trade partners, and the other is one about food ingredients. We conducted a user test for bartering with neighbors for food ingredients using the system. We investigated the sense of reassurance and anxiety about the barter exchange. There are two items we investigate: Q1 "confidence have effect on reassurance about food ingredients of trade partners," and Q2 "our system have effect on reassurance about food ingredients." Concerning about Q1, we found that confidence trends to offer reassurance about food ingredients to trade partners. Concerning about Q2, we found that the doer's intent such as "approaching freshness date" offers reassurance to trade partners. Therefore, we found that the uncertainty about food ingredients does not have to be considered in the case that there is not uncertainty about trade partners. And we found that the uncertainty about food ingredients has to be considered in order to continue to barter for food ingredients while maintaining confidence in trade partners.
- Published
- 2014